

They talked mostly about themselves, with Alice leading the conversation.

Alice said to Raizel, "So, Raizel, do you want to meet my family?"

"Well, why not? I don't have anyone to meet," he replied.

"Well, you know I have a single sister, and I can set you up with her," she said with a cheeky smile.

"Woah, are you setting up your sister without her knowledge?" he said to her, while thinking, *I know where this is going, did she have a vision of me?*

"Well, she's lonely and doesn't have a partner, so why not? And to tell you the truth, she's beautiful and hot, and you two will look good together," she said.

"Well, I will think about it. Will she like me, someone who doesn't even know about himself?" he said.

"Don't worry," she said, looking at him like an idiot, *she can't resist after looking at you,* she thought.

"Yeah," he said.

Some time later, Razel couldn't handle the teacher and decided to sleep, ignoring everyone.

While he was sleeping, everyone looked at him like hungry wolves and felt jealous of Alice, who was sitting beside him.

Even Bella looked at him and forgot about everything she was asking Edward.

Edward just sighed, as he knew he didn't have to give her an answer.

Alice typed to Rose, "Rose, your mate is sleeping like a baby, and he's so cute."

"But there's a problem," she typed.

Meanwhile, Rosalie was trying to control herself from leaving class to see him. But after reading the second message, she started getting worried.

"Is there something wrong? Is he hurt? Did someone do anything to him?" she typed, while getting ready to go to his class.

"No, no, there's no problem like that. I'll tell you when we meet in the canteen," she typed.

"Oh, by the way, I tried to set you up with him, but he said he'll see. Be prepared to control yourself," she typed.

After reading the message, Rosalie felt relieved, but there was still a small sense of worry. *Be okay, please,* she thought, but smiled while reading the second message Alice typed.

"I can't wait to see him," she said, smiling.

Meanwhile, in Razel's class, his teacher sighed and looked at the students who weren't paying attention. *Well, what can I do? He's so beautiful, even I, who is old enough to be his father, can't stop looking at him,* he thought.

Edward, on the other hand, was getting irritated reading their minds. *Well, I want to read Bella's mind, what she thinks about Rosalie's mate, but that's not possible,* he thought, while looking at Bella.

Razel, on the other hand, was sleeping without a care in the world, and the teacher didn't want to wake him up, captivated by his peaceful face. He even tried to wake him up, but the girls gave him death glares, sending a chill down his spine. Well, girls like cute things.

The boys in the class were fighting their imaginations in their minds, while Alice enjoyed the scene and imagined what would happen when they both met. *This is getting interesting,* she thought, laughing mischievously.

Edward was also looking forward to the show, reading Alice's mind.