
"I would appreciate it, if you could keep your lips shut!"

They drove and all cars came to a halt.

"Where are we?"she peeked out of the window pane, she can't help but feel greatly mortified.

were they going for hunting of some sort?

Ben snorts and walked past her.

Liam and the others came off and tagged along.

seeing Andrea's upset expression, as she seems to be boring a hole into Ben's large back, Liam chuckled.

"it would really help if you can at least give me some answers, am not a dummy"

She yelled trying to catch up with Ben's large strides.

"I would have appreciated it, if you really keep that lip of yours shut" His warning voice rang out suddenly.

Up until now, Andrea couldn't count how many times she's lost her temper.

Vida peeked at Noah's aloof deameanor and tugged at his shirt.

He warm fingers made contact with his cold skin, he stiffened because of the effect.

Still he didn't speak, he only ran his eyes at her with the look of ' what do you want?' look.

vida concealed her blush, she just acted on impulse.

"Is he some sort of boss or something?" she asked ignoring her Change of emotions.

"more than that" He didn't say more than necessary, much to her dismay he walked ahead of her.

She could get lost if she doesn't tag along, she grabbed his shirt suddenly and kept following him closely.

vida can't believe she is being so clingy with a guy she just met!

Noah released a sigh...

"why is this place so...." Andrea couldn't find a good word to describe this place..

" This is a dimension to kastreg, "

"Urggh this is more unreal than I thought" her fiesty eyes scanning the area

For an instant Andrea felt opressed because of his abominable aura he emit, goose bumps trained down her skin, causing her to shudder. But her Feisty nature will never reveal her expression, Never.

Afterer reassuring herself a hundred times that it will be alright, she meekly made her way towards Andrea grabbing her arms, she links it together, to ease her fear.

"What's up" she said to Katie who was holding Andrea's hands nervously.

Liam caught Katie's reaction and smiled broadly.

"Chilax it's okay, we own this territory, ask him"

he uses his chin to gesture towards Ben.

"Is that true" Andrea asked curiously.

They all looked at him waiting for his reply but got none, his dark gaze alone made vida back off, she looked at Noah instead.

Katie Held Andrea's hand more tightly in perspiration.

Except for one person who is intensely glaring back at him waiting for his reply.

"Hmm" he hummed casually like it's the most normal thing in the world.

For an instant Katie felt her heart beating again.

"This creep" Andrea murmured in irritation because she saw how scared Katie was.

"I can hear very clearly, control yourself, let's go" he advances towards them.

Katie released Andrea's arm and backed off a little.

'This man is too intimidating' Katie thought inwardly as a warm hand held hers, she looks up to see Liam's smiley face, and felt comfortably at ease.

'His hands are cold.' she noticed.

"I guess, if I want to survive this ordeal holding you is my best option" she murmured after glancing away from him to focus on the matter at hand.

Vida just followed behind Noah who seems to be brooding over something she doesn't know, but at least he is less intimidating.

Andrea just followed Ben and kept cussing him in her heart because of his few reply to her curious question.

"What's the name of this place?" Her curiosity has taken over again.

"Kastreg,, Astere and Tyre combined" he answered lazily as they kept walking.

"Why?" She turns her head to face him, her fiesty eyes turned into a curious one making him feel amused in a long time.

"It's the combination of three kingdoms."


she paused.

"When are we going to get there," vida was already tired of the silent treatment Noah was giving her and decided to tug on him sleeves once more to get his attention.

Her doe cute eyes made him halt a bit, after getting his mind back to order, he decided to answer her.

"In fifteen minutes" a crisp reply like though he isn't ready for another question, her cute face tugs at his heartstrings.

"Ok" she bows her head in sadness, because she has never felt dejected like this, she is liked by many boys back in country B, she never took second glances at them. This is the first time she is a bit attracted to a man and it seems like he's running away from her.

"Are you tired?" He asked after seeing how she bowed her head not looking at him.

She raised her eyes, which had a twinkle in it, like a bunny who finally got noticed by her master.

she can't wait to get to their destination.


"is it today?" He asked sipping his blood tea.

"Am not sure your highness, but news will get to her soon"the loyal servant replied with respect.

"That disobedient grandson of mine! not only has he got out of the border, staying with the humans for two hundred years, he came back with a woman!"

He took another sip and continued his ranting.

"he led his other brothers to the human lands."

"He was newly informed last year of his bethrothed bride." The servants spoke out.

"I thought rumors have it that she died three years after her birth?" He was a bit baffled at his Discovery.

That his tight lipped grandson would never tell him anything.

"Some one is playing mind games with us, time will tell" he was thinking hard.

"You may leave notify me once they reach the south door of the castle." He gestured his hands for the servants to leave.

"I will your highness"The servant bowed his head and left.

He wanted to see the little girl the moriah, the fate spinners bethrothed to his devilish grandson.

He was bored, really bored, perhaps at times living for a very long time is very tiring. He has been existing for over a millennia. "Tsk I hope this castle will get interesting."


A snap and the large tall Door of the mighty castle was opened.

Andrea was intrigued, not only was the kingdom bright, but this castle is one hell of a place.

Vida and Katie gasped at once they are wealthy but the kind of interior this castle has is very unique and very ravishingly expensive, the flower plants decorating the castle was made of stone like diamonds, up until now they won't be suprised if the castle is truly made with real diamonds.

"What is this place?, is it where all the beautiful things of the earth are stored?" Andrea asked baffled. His wealth is on a whole new level.

' how silly and cute.' They stepped inside the castle and the girls kept looking at every antique or beautiful sculpture they came across.

"Wow so large" Katie murmured, she pinched vida making the almost wince.

"Katie your nails are sharp, I wouldn't want my skin to disfigure, based on the amount of pressure. Do you know that?" Vida said in one breath. Her voice made everyone glance at her except Ben who was hastly walking forward.

"Shh, am sorry," Katie smiled shyly. Their stares was making her wish the ground should open up.

'Oh gosh you all stop staring am already, just ignore me!!" Katie muttered, almost freezing as she saw Liam's smirk.