
A real prince of hell, a good, an a expressionless ice prince

Every one around me turned stiff, their movement was restricted.

"What is going on?" I turned to my friends they were standing behind me, their reflexes was also paused. In the same position.

I looked ahead of me, someone was coming out from the mist, I can see the distinct large outline of the body that was surrounded by mist.

The more he draws nearer the more I find his face e familiar.

it feels like this is the real him, a real prince of hell. Fire surrounds him, I didn't know how he did it but people around him weren't burning.

He was so handsome that I didn't realize I was holding my breath. He has the but of an Alpha wolf based on the size alone, but his pale complexion made me think otherwise.

He was still standing when, something else descends with a flash from the sky.

Another one who looked like a god. He was surrounded by water.

My eyes couldn't fathom what I was seeing, Immediately he landed on the ground, vida regained herself.

"Holy shit," she muttered placing both hands on her mouth in shock.

Right in front of our eyes another one arrived, he came with speed, like though he ran a thousand marathon speed from an unknown place.

Katie also regained herself.

She threw away the water warmer flask she was holding earlier.

"Oh my God!!!" She gasped.

If I was amazed and vida in shock a good word for how Katie felt might be underestimated.

Right in front of our eyes, they moved out of the spot they have been standing.

Clothes materialized out of nowhere and the robe that clung to their body was dispatched replaced by a stunning new outfits.

Okay this is too much, what is going on?

is this some kind of movie or what?

The man in the middle has a slight resemblance to Ben though a more handsome version of him. This one right here is to die for, damn I can't believe am thinking like this at this kind of situation.

Three men slowly approached us, one of them who is a blond with golden locks has a grin on his face.

The one who had a semblance to Ben has a devil may care expression, a grim reaper in advance.

the other one in the left was too stiff , he bore a cold personality.

"Ok, Andrea can you tell us what is going on?" vida urged, finally snapping out of her gaze.

"Look, I think we are in trouble" Katie whispered.

"Hey, sister in-law, it's been a long time" The one with the blond locks said, I snapped my eyes at him.

"Who are you?" I asked to verify,

"Did you forget us that quick, I can't believe it!" The blonde joked again.

"You can shut up Liam" Ben had a hint of irritation in his deep black eyes.

"Am sure you are quite aware of who I amWhat did you do to them"

He just walked past me, without giving me a second glance.

I don't know how this man is able to tick me off each time we meet.

"When I make a grand entrance, no human is expected to witness it"

We all followed the brooding man in front of us, with a big question marks.

"My friends, what about them? " He looked at me as if I just disturbed his peace of mind.

"you ask too much questions" He grunted.

my jaw dropped.

"Excuse me?? don't give me that brooding face of yours, when I ask you a question I need an answer, stop wasting my time talking to you, if you know you won't give me an absolute reply"

His gaze fell on my face.

A sudden blush crept into my face by his intense glare.

He grabbed my neck suddenly, his movement were very swift " Little tigress, I call the shots here, do you understand?" His voice was very threatening.

I glare at him.

"Get your fucking hands off me!" I used my fingers to scratch his hands away from my neck.

my nails were sharp, I pinched his hands harder drawing little blood.

He suddenly chuckled letting go off me, while continuing in his strides.

"They are coming with us too, but in a different car, understand?" He said with an air of dominance.

"Suit yourself either way" He stopped abruptly in his steps and gave me a menacing glare.

I shrugged my shoulders, he huffed in annoyance and continued in his pace again.

we get to place where three cats was parked to the sides, Ben took the first one, without caring if I entered or not.

He isn't a gentle man at all.

I waited till I saw vida and Katie already seated in the car behind.

I sighed in satisfaction.

we drove away from there.

It was silent all through, with me sneaking a glance at his inhumanly handsome unrivaled face. I didn't know he was this handsome.


Vida's POV

"What is your name?" that was the first thing I thought of, I couldn't help but ask.

"Noah" he answered in short, without unnecessarily talking much.

"Noah" I said and smiled, he looked at me, I was lost in his gaze, I have never been so trapped, he looked beautiful in a manly way. I have no idea who they are but I got a good feeling about this.


Katie's POV

I felt a tingling sensation the moment we grazed hands while grabbing the seat belts. we. stared at each other for quite some time. I couldn't stop looking at him, but am a lady of virtue I have to stop myself.

I turned my face and brought out my phone to help distract me.

To be frank I have no idea where they were taking us to, I trust Andrea, she is a good in the leadership aspect, so I know she must be aware. I felt like something was forcing me to look up, but I can't give in to temptation, giving to how this blonde behind me is enchanting and gorgeous at the same time.

He smiled again, as I urge myself not to get distracted.



Am known for my lack of patience with humans but I don't why I tend to not get angry with her.

She is fiesty, always wanting to know everything, her curiosity irks me, it seems like she hates being dominated, she got the wrong person if she thinks she can always be in charge.

I can't help but want to be close to her, I knew she was sneaking glances at me but am enjoying her shyness, it makes her look very cute, she is very pretty, I don't know but her beauty reminds me of Phoenix goddess of love and Revenge. She has a striking characteristics to her.

Andrea here is a human not a goddess.

I smiled as I remember our last encounter in country B.

'Now I know how temperamental you are, I have to be very careful' I almost laughed at my own thoughts, am wary of a human, that too a woman.


Noah's POV

Her smile triggered something in me, the way she tucked her hair, intrigues me.

My name in her mouth sounds like a sweet wine to my starving soul.

I couldn't help but wonder, I know she is a human, why do I feel this way, only bethrothed souls have this sort of attraction.

I turned only to see her reflection on the other side of the car.

Her silence makes me feel at ease, she isn't a nagging type.


Liam's POV

I don't know why but her resistance to my spell isn't working.

I can't believe she is fighting it. No one was able to resist me. Am suprised she is one of a kind.

It made me smile. She couldn't resist my smile which made me happy, my smile has no enchantment. I think she is a vise versa kind of human.

Am but I haven't seen her type.

She is cute, and when our hands collides with each other I could feel that she was drawn, I felt strange too, this resistance of hers made me want to know her more.

I feel happy for no absolute reason.

Seeing her like this , she was on her phone, I can see she was forcing her mind to concentrate on it.

Am sure she is doing a good job at that.

Enchanting is one of my powerful skills. it intrigued me to see she is stronger emotionally to have disabled my enchantment.