
One Week

A stick holding the weight of a large boulder. This was what Damon was thinking at that time. It was impossible for a woman that slender to stop a punch that heavy. But if his memory served him right, that wasn't just any woman; that was his sister, Thalia Wyne; she was one of the candidates for inheriting the role of patriarch.

For all he knew, she might have been the strongest female that he had ever met.

Edmund quickly turned from a tiger to a gentle bulldog, immediately retrieving his punch and lowering his head.

He even hid his hand, which was shaking uncontrollably as if he had PTSD from a previous encounter he had with her.

"Thalia… How can I help you…" Phillip, who was acting like the biggest ass known to a man, suddenly turned into a choirboy in front of her while Edmund remained quiet in front, hiding behind his master with his head lowered.

Damon knew that she was powerful from the memories that he had of her lingering in his mind, but to be this feared by her own brother? What did she do to them?

"The family elders have given me a message to pass to the youngest." She said concisely. "You can continue your business after I am done with mine."

Phillip nodded before he and Edmund walked away without questioning a single word she said.

Thalia looked around and made sure that they were nowhere to be seen before turning to Damon, who was still sitting on the floor, struggling to get up from their broken bones of his.

"I do not have time time to explain to you this thoroughly, and I will only say this once, so you better put your ears to use. The elders have voted to kick you out of the family. And the only way you can retain your status as a family member of Wyneguard is by beating any capable fighter in this mansion by the end of this week." She said with her chin raised high, looking down on Damon.

"Ok," Damon said while massaging his body which had been badly hurt again.

Thalia tilted her head upon hearing Damon's calm reply. He was usually socially awkward, and even a word muttered would be like a colossal achievement for him, and even when he was talking, his stutter was overwhelming for anyone to hold a conversation with him.

'This might be good for me…' Damon thought. Having a way out of this graveyard sounds more like a blessing than a punishment, and if it meant leaving the people that might kill him, he would do it 10 times out of 10.

"If you fail… I will make sure to end you once you leave. You have shamed this family and its name far too many times, and getting rid of you would be a blessing. Not only I, but once you leave, everyone in the family will find you, and we will kill you." She said while walking away.

Damon could hear the seriousness in her tone and her stature; she wasn't kidding or trying to make him give his best shot; she was really after his head.

She then stopped before turning back, "And what is that ring of yours?" She asked, pointing at Damon's hand.

"What ring?" Damon raised his eyebrow before raising his hands, inspecting it, only to be surprised by the ring of his father and the ring that he saw in the void of darkness. "Oh, I just thought it looked cool." He explained.

Thalia rolled her eyes, and Damon's answer seemingly betrayed her expectation.

As she left, Shayla, Damon's personal maid, ran towards him, holding herbs and bandages; before he could even mutter a single word, his body was already wrapped in bandages and herbs.

And almost immediately, he could feel his body healing, with his cracked bones sticking together. "Amazing…" Damon whispered. He couldn't help but be impressed by it; the magical herbs were considered to be the very bottom of magic demonstration, but to Damon, who had come from a more technological-based world, this "Lower level magic" was still impressive.

"Young master… Let me help you up…" She said while lifting Damon up and putting his hand arm on her shoulders.

Damon looked at her, she seemed young, about 17 years of age, the exact same age as the body that he was in, and the more he looked at her, the memories of her started flooding his mind.

"Can you not do your job better?!"

"You're the reason why everyone hates me, you bitch!!"

These were a few of the many insults that the original Damon Wyne used on her, not to mention the slap that she got, Damon couldn't believe his memory. Could a sickly, young, thin boy do this?

But it made sense; if you received this much hate, it is only natural to spread it to those who are close.

As she brought him back to his room, she laid him on the bed before she walked slowly out of the door, "Shayla." Damon called.

Shayla stopped at the door, with her body slightly shaking, turning slowly. Normally if Damon called her, it would mean anything but good for her; it would also mean that she would probably be punished.

"Yes, young master?" She asked, looking at Damon's hand fearfully before walking towards him.

"Make me food, a lot of them, please." He said before resting in bed, his body still healing.

She quickly nodded before exiting the room and stopping, "Wait… did he just say please?" She wondered before brushing it off, she had to get her young master food, or else it would be another slap for her.

Meanwhile, Damon was in the room looking at the ring on his finger, it was clear that this ring was special, whatever it was, and whatever power it held. It was definitely the thing that saved him and brought him to this world.

And maybe the person who sold the ring to his father wasn't lying; maybe this ring had been used by every president to have ever existed.

Damon then got out of his bed before walking to the door, placing his ears on it, making sure that no one was there. "Good, this is a perfect time to get out…" He whispered, walking to the window.

"Wait!" A voice which was the same as his current one called out to him.

Damon quickly turned to look behind, only to see his reflection looking at him through the mirror, banging on it, "Holy shit… I am schizophrenic in this life???"