

Damon walked closer to the mirror, staring back at him like a scared kid, "Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm… Damon Wyne." The reflection replied very slowly, struggling to talk without stuttering.

"That's impossible." He replied, "I am Damon Wyne. What kind of prank are you lot playing? I won't be tricked."

"This is no trick… President Damon Watts." The reflection replied.

Damon froze, his eyes widened, staring at the reflection, looking threatened by it. "How do you know that name?" He asked.

"You know mine because you saw my memory, and I see yours too." The reflection said before disappearing from the mirror.

Watt's eyebrow raised before he walked towards the now empty mirror, with his reflection non-existent. He knocked on it and even looked at the back of it, but nothing; he couldn't find any trick behind what he had just witnessed.

'It must be my imagination…' Watt continued before he turned to his bed to continue packing his clothes, before he jumped back in fright, shocked at what he saw, "Impossible!" he exclaimed as he saw his reflection out of the mirror holding the bag which contained the clothes.

"Who are you?! What are you?!" Damon asked as he took a few steps back, trying to find anything that he could use to fend off his reflection.

"I told you… I… am Damon Wyne."

Watts shook his head, "If that is the case. Then why am I here, and why are you here?"

"The ring." The reflection said as he pointed at the ring on his hand. "I was told that in exchange for my life, anything that I wish for will come true." He continued while looking out of the balcony towards the sky, slowly getting darker.

Watts couldn't understand what his reflection was talking about, "What did you wish for?"

The reflection turned to Watts; his face was slightly red, tears flowing out of his eyes, "I wanted revenge, against my family, against my fiance, against… everyone who caused me to be the way I am. And I wanted to change people's perception of who I really am."

"If you wanted revenge… If that was truly your wish, then why am I here? Why not get magical abilities? Why not wish that you were stronger?" Watts asked.

"Because my wish can only be fulfilled when my life is taken away. You are my only solution. Please help me, avenge me." The reflection pleaded only for Watts to shake his head.

"Whatever happened between you and them is your problem; I have my own problem," Watts said as he shoved his reflection away and continued arranging his clothing.

"I know that you avenge yourself. I've seen your memories; I promise you, if you avenge me, you will be able to go back to your planet." The reflection pleaded again, seeing that Damon Watts was his only hope now.

Damon stopped raising his head, "How?"

"The family treasures, you might be able to find something that can help you get back to your planet. But it would be impossible if you don't take down the enemies within these walls."

Damon stared at his reflection before putting the shirts and bags down and nodded, "I guess I will have to place my hope on that then… Fine, you win. I'll do it." Watt replied, not knowing any other solution if he would want to get back to America. "But what do I do now?"

"You fight."


"What's happening?" One of the maids asked, wondering what the commotion in the kitchen was about.

"It's Shayla. She has been cooking and sending food to her master non-stop. Nearly all the meat that we had stored for Damon had run out. He has finished a week's amount of supply!" Another maid replied.

"It seems that he realizes he only has a week to live. Might as well eat till he dies, right?" Edmund said before handing to one of the maids gold bills, "Buy as much food as he wants." He continued before leaving.


Shayla dashed out of the kitchen with a tray of fatty meat and vegetable on her tray to Damon's room and entered it.

It hadn't even been an hour, but the fat and calories that he had consumed had already taken effect, bloating his stomach and slightly fattening him. "Young Master, here is your meal…." She said, somewhat worried about how much Damon had been eating.

In her mind, she was thinking the same way as everyone did, and that was the idea that Damon was eating himself to death to avoid a painful death.

But now that she was in front of him, he didn't look like it; matter of fact, he looked more alive than ever. And even though from the outside he looked like a desperate glutton, she could feel something more.

"Thank you. And one more thing, give me a jug of water and a jug of fatty oil that is made out of any animal's fat. Can you do that for me?" Damon asked as he wiped his mouth.

"Yes, of course." She said before walking out of the room, confused about his sudden change of actions and behaviour.

But she wasn't the only one.

"What are you doing?! Aren't you supposed to be training for the fight?" The reflection exclaimed. "Why are you eating… like a pig…"

Watts shook his head, "Well, I can't do magic, and neither can you. So I will have to use my physical strength, which I don't have."

"And? How is this supposed to improve your strength, really?" His reflection responded.

Damon sighed after hearing Wyne's complaint while putting down his fork. "Have you seen anyone who gets strong in a week's training?" He asked.

Wyne stopped and started thinking, "Well, there are some people who use secret training to do that…." He argued.

"And I don't remember having any secret training manuals here, bucko." Damon continued biting into his steak. "I am going to put on as much weight as I can, so when I get into the match, I will be like a literal boulder in human form."