
powers for sale

so its some kind of powers/quirks/devil fruits ideas of mine, it will be original some might already exist. also feel free to use them and change them to your liking, I would love to read stories that have them too so if you do tell me (:

Charreos · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs


now, this is an idea from the most beautiful moment in all anime, the scene, Gai's last attack vs Madara, gives me chills just thinking about it.

it also has some Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist elements.


the ability of flow gives the user two things.

first, the ability to make anything the user touches 'flow', flowing items/enemy will have less resistance to kinetic energy like air or punches (like something moves in the void it will not be stopped or deaccelerate until something stops it)

for example when punched while flowing the force of the punch will send the punched flying no matter how much connected to the ground/balanced and air friction the opponent.

second gives the user the ability to feel flow, this ability gives the user the ability to feel stuff moving through gases he is in contact to (if there is a closed room he will not feel moving things from there)

if there is smoke he will feel stuff moving in the smoke but not outside it in the air. (remember the flow works only when touching things.)


the user can make himself 'flow' and thus move unhindered by air friction giving him more speed.

the user can use flow on his fists and the more the fists move the stronger the kinetic force. (because of nothing slowing the arms down)

the user can use flow on the kinetic force thus creating long range punches that will no lose speed (albeit slowly by gravity)

when hit the user can flow the punch through his body and punching the opponent with about 50% of its power + the power of the users punch (still sustaining the not flowed 50%).

the weakness of this is that if the 50% is stronger then the users own punch the user will be unable to flow it back.

also if the unflowed 50% of the punch knocks the user back too much the user cant flow the other 50% back because of the distance.


tell me what you think, would love to hear your ideas and feedback, this power is basically the concept of flow and all its applications.

I would say this power is more related to devil fruits, because devil fruits are powers of words and their concept, so this power is like the flow-flow fruit.

C ya