
Powerful Luna Almathea

On a faithful day, the Moon Goddess, gazed down upon Thea with pity and grace. She, match Thea's heart with that of Feliz, the powerful Alpha of their pack. Could this be the chance she had been waiting for? The chance to find her true mate, , and her purpose? But fate, it seemed, had other plans. Feliz, the Alpha, rejected her, his words cutting deeper than any claw. "You are a weakling, an omega, and wolf less," he sneered. "You are not worthy to be my mate, nor to bear the title of Luna." Thea's hope was extinguished, like a candle snuffed out by the cruel hand of fate. But she refused to let the darkness consume her. She vowed to find her strength, to rise, and to prove to herself and the world that she was worthy of love, of power, and of the title Luna.

Blackgurl_Riri · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

The Rejection

Chapter 1: The Rejection

The sun had just set over the small town of Moonstone, casting a warm orange glow over the bustling streets. The air was filled with the sound of laughter and chatter as the townspeople prepared for the upcoming full moon celebration.

In a small clearing on the outskirts of town, the Moonstone pack had gathered for their monthly meeting. The pack's alpha, the powerful and intimidating Feliz, stood at the center, his piercing blue eyes scanning the crowd.

"Thea," he growled, his voice low and commanding. "Step forward."

Thea, a petite and timid omega, hesitated before making her way to the front. Her eyes were cast downward, her shoulders slumped in submission.

"Thea, you have been chosen as my potential mate," Feliz declared, his voice dripping with disdain. "But I must reject you."

The pack gasped in shock, their eyes fixed on Thea with a mixture of pity and scorn.

Thea's eyes dropped, her face burning with shame. She knew she was weak, that she didn't have a wolf like the others. She had always felt like an outcast, a burden to the pack. And now, Feliz was rejecting her, publicly humiliating her in front of everyone.

"Why?" Thea whispered, her voice barely audible.

"You're not worthy of being my mate," Feliz sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're nothing but a weak, wolfless omega. I need a mate who is strong, who can stand by my side and help me lead this pack. And that's not you, Thea."

Thea's eyes filled with tears as the pack began to murmur in agreement. She knew she was not strong enough, not worthy enough.

"I'll choose a new mate for the good of the pack," Feliz announced.

Thea felt a tear roll down her cheek, but she quickly brushed it away. She wouldn't let Feliz see her cry. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"I understand," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I'll leave the pack then. I won't bother you anymore."

Feliz snorted. "You're not going anywhere, Thea. You're still a member of this pack, and you'll do your duties like everyone else. But as my mate? Forget it. That's never going to happen."

Feliz's eyes locked onto Naomi, his girlfriend, as he declared, "She will be my new mate."

The pack murmured in surprise, their eyes fixed on Naomi, who smiled smugly. But one voice rose in opposition.

"I don't accept this," Aunt Terra, Feliz's aunt and a respected elder, spoke up. "Naomi is not suitable to be our pack's luna."

Feliz's eyes narrowed. "Your opinion is noted, Aunt Terra, but my decision is final."

Aunt Terra's eyes flashed with disapproval. "You're making a mistake, Feliz. Naomi is not loyal to our pack. She only cares about her own interests."

Naomi's smile faltered, but Feliz's expression remained resolute. "I know what's best for this pack, Aunt Terra. And Naomi is it."

The tension between Feliz and his aunt was palpable, leaving the pack on edge. Thea, still reeling from her rejection, watched with a mix of emotions. Naomi was perfect and beautiful; how could she think Feliz would leave Naomi for a girl like her? Maybe, just maybe, this drama would distract Feliz enough for her to slip away unnoticed... and she did.

Thea's eyes drooped as she trudged through the forest, her feet heavy with the weight of her loneliness. She had no family, no friends, and no pack to call her own. The orphaned omega had grown accustomed to the ache in her heart, but it still lingered, a constant reminder of her isolation.

Then, a glimmer of hope had appeared on the horizon. Thea had learned she had been chosen as a potential mate for Feliz, the powerful alpha of the Moonstone pack. Her heart had skipped a beat as she dared to dream of a life with a family, a home, and a sense of belonging.

But those hopes were brutally crushed when Feliz publicly rejected her, citing her weakness and lack of a wolf as reasons she was unworthy of being his mate. Thea's eyes stung as she slunk away, the pack's murmurs of agreement and Feliz's dismissal burning her ears.

Now, she wandered alone once more, the forest seeming darker and more menacing than before. Thea's thoughts swirled with despair and self-doubt, her mind echoing with the cruel words of rejection. She felt like a burden, a nobody, a mere omega without value or purpose.

As night began to fall, Thea curled up beneath a bush, her eyes welling up with tears. She wept for the life she longed for, the love and acceptance she craved, and the dreams that seemed forever out of reach. In that moment, she felt like she was nothing more than a lost, forgotten soul, drifting through the world without a place to call her own.


Aunt Terra and Feliz argued as they approached the family house, their voices growing louder and more heated.

"You agreed to be with Naomi until you found a new mate, Feliz," Aunt Terra reminded him. "Not to marry her!"

"I don't care about the agreement," Feliz shot back. "I want to be with Naomi, and I will marry her."

"But what about Thea?" Aunt Terra asked, her eyes flashing with anger. "You can't just reject her as your mate and not make her your Luna. That's not fair to her. She has all the rights."

"I don't care about Thea," Feliz sneered. "She's weak and useless. I can keep her as my mate, but she'll never be my Luna."

Just then, Feliz's sick father, Alpha Greg, who had been quietly observing the argument from his wheelchair, spoke up.

"Enough, Feliz," he said, his voice weak but firm. "You will marry Thea, and you will make her your Luna. Whether you like it or not. The mating ceremony will take place first thing tomorrow morning. Be prepared."

Feliz's eyes widened in shock, and he opened his mouth to protest, but Alpha Greg's stern gaze silenced him.

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