
Powerful Luna Almathea

On a faithful day, the Moon Goddess, gazed down upon Thea with pity and grace. She, match Thea's heart with that of Feliz, the powerful Alpha of their pack. Could this be the chance she had been waiting for? The chance to find her true mate, , and her purpose? But fate, it seemed, had other plans. Feliz, the Alpha, rejected her, his words cutting deeper than any claw. "You are a weakling, an omega, and wolf less," he sneered. "You are not worthy to be my mate, nor to bear the title of Luna." Thea's hope was extinguished, like a candle snuffed out by the cruel hand of fate. But she refused to let the darkness consume her. She vowed to find her strength, to rise, and to prove to herself and the world that she was worthy of love, of power, and of the title Luna.

Swashi · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The mating ceremony

Chapter 2: The Mating Ceremony

The sun had barely risen over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the pack's gathering place. The air was thick with tension as Feliz stood before the priest, his eyes fixed on Thea, who stood opposite him.

The priest, a wise and aged wolf, began the ancient ritual. "Feliz Greg, do you take Almathea Damian to be your mate and Luna, to stand by your side and support you in all things?"

Feliz's jaw clenched, his voice barely above a whisper. "I do."

The priest turned to Thea. "And do you, Almathea Damian, take Feliz Greg to be your mate and Alpha, to protect and provide for you?"

Thea's voice was clear and strong. "I do."

The priest nodded, a small smile on his face. "Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you mate and Alpha, Luna and partner. May your bond be strong and your love be true."

As the priest finished speaking, Feliz and Thea reluctantly extended their hands, their thumbs touching. With a small ceremonial knife, they simultaneously made a small cut on their thumbs, and as their blood mingled, they joined their hands together, their eyes locked in a tense gaze.

The pack cheered and chanted as the two stood there, their hands bound together by blood and commitment. 

The priest smiled and said, "Now, seal your union with a kiss."

Feliz's eyes narrowed, and he whispered to Thea, "Don't think this means I'm happy about this. I'm only doing it because I have to."

Thea's face fell, but she nodded slightly.

Feliz leaned in, his lips brushing against Thea's in a soft, perfunctory kiss. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, but Thea's eyes remained downcast, her heart heavy with the knowledge that her mate didn't truly want her.

As they pulled back, Feliz's gaze was cold, his expression unyielding. Thea's heart sank, realizing she had a long and difficult road ahead as the mate of a wolf who didn't desire her.


Thea gazed at her reflection, her eyes welling up with tears she refused to shed. She was determined to be strong, to show the world that she was worthy of love and acceptance, even if Feliz had rejected her.

Taking a deep breath, she shook off the sorrow and changed into a stunning party dress, her heart heavy with mixed emotions. As she made her way to the celebration, she was unexpectedly blocked by Naomi, Feliz's girlfriend and a woman who had made her disdain for Thea clear.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here," Naomi sneered, her eyes scanning Thea with disdain. "The little orphan who thought she could replace me. You really thought you could take my place in Feliz's heart?"

Thea's eyes narrowed, her inner strength rising to the surface. "I never tried to replace you, Naomi. Feliz made his choice, and it wasn't me. But I'm not going to let your bitterness bring me down."

Naomi's eyes flashed with anger, her voice dripping with venom. "You may have Aunt Terra's sympathy, but you'll never have Feliz's love. He's mine, and always will be."

Thea's heart raced, but she stood tall, her voice steady. "I don't want Feliz's love, Naomi. I deserve better than a man who doesn't appreciate me. And I'm not going to let you ruin my night."

With a fierce determination, Thea sidestepped Naomi and continued towards the party, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Naomi grabbed Thea's hand, her grip tight and menacing. "Let me go, Naomi! Please!" Thea begged, but Naomi's hold was unyielding.

"You're so pathetic, Thea," Naomi sneered. "Feliz doesn't want you. And I'm going to prove it. Watch this!"

Naomi's eyes gleamed with malice as she leaned in, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I'll jump into the water, and Feliz will think you pushed me. He'll be furious with you, and you'll be humiliated in front of the entire pack."

Thea's heart raced as she realized Naomi's sinister plan. She tried to struggle free, but Naomi's grip was too strong. Before she could even open her mouth to protest, Naomi yanked her hands free and leapt into the lake, splashing water everywhere.

Thea's eyes met Feliz's, and she saw the anger and disbelief in his eyes. "Thea, what have you done?" he growled, striding towards her.

Thea's voice was frozen in her throat as she tried to explain, but Naomi's plan had worked. Feliz thought she had pushed Naomi into the water, and his anger was directed squarely at her.

Feliz's face was red with rage, his eyes blazing with anger as he towered over Thea. "How could you, Thea?!" he thundered, his voice echoing through the gathering. "You're so weak and pathetic, you can't even control your emotions! You're a danger to everyone around you!"

He plunged into the water, rescuing Naomi and supporting her as they emerged from the lake. Naomi's eyes gleamed with triumph as Feliz showered her with concern, completely buying into her ruse. "Oh, Naomi, I'm so sorry this happened to you! Are you okay? Did she hurt you?"

Naomi played the victim perfectly, her eyes welling up with tears. "I was just standing there, and she pushed me in! She's so jealous of me, Feliz. She can't stand that you chose me instead of her."

Feliz's anger turned venomous, his words cutting deep into Thea's soul. "You're a disgrace to our pack, Thea. You're not worthy of being a wolf. You're nothing but a weak, helpless omega! You don't deserve to be the Luna!"

Thea's eyes stung with tears as she realized Feliz had completely turned against her, believing Naomi's lies without question. She felt like she was drowning in a sea of despair, her heart shattered into a million pieces. The pack gathered around.

Aunt Terra rushed to Thea's side, her eyes blazing with defiance. "Feliz, stop! You're not thinking clearly. Thea would never hurt anyone, let alone push Naomi into the water. Naomi's manipulating you, and you're falling for it!"

But Feliz refused to listen, his anger and pride clouding his judgment. "No, Aunt Terra, I know what I saw. Thea's is jealous of Naomi because I choose Naomi over her. She's unstable and dangerous."

Naomi played the victim perfectly, her eyes welling up with tears. "Feliz, I'm scared of her. She's unpredictable and violent. You need to protect me from her."

Aunt Terra's face reddened with frustration. "That's not true, Feliz! Naomi's lying to you. She knows how to swim, and she's using this to manipulate you. Thea's innocent, and you're not giving her a chance to defend herself."

But Feliz's resolve hardened, his support for Naomi unwavering. "I won't let Thea hurt you again, Naomi. You're safe with me."

Thea's heart broke as she realized Feliz had chosen to believe Naomi's lies over her own innocence. She felt like she was living a nightmare, with no escape from the pack's scorn and Feliz's rejection. And all of this is happening on the day of her wedding. It was supposed to be a happy day for her.

Aunt Terra's voice was laced with a mix of anger and sadness. "Feliz, remember who Thea is! She's your wife, your mate, your Luna! Not Naomi. You're letting your anger and pride blind you to the truth. Thea would never harm anyone, let alone Naomi."

But Feliz's expression remained unyielding, his eyes cold and hard. Aunt Terra's words seemed to bounce off him, unable to penetrate the armor of his own biases.

With a heavy heart, Aunt Terra turned to Thea, who was crying uncontrollably. "Come, Thea. Let's leave this place. You don't need to be here, surrounded by people who don't appreciate your worth."

Thea nodded, her body shaking with sobs. Aunt Terra wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders, leading her away from the party, away from Feliz's rejection and Naomi's triumph.

As they walked, Aunt Terra's voice was a gentle whisper in Thea's ear. "Don't cry, my dear. You deserve so much better than this. You are loved, you are valued, and you are strong. Don't let anyone, especially Feliz, make you forget that."