
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 8

The energy at Black shifts as fear fills the atmosphere.

There are now officially 5 runaways from the camp.

Coalman stands up and walks to the locker where he had extra food for his right hand men.

He calls Minah and Crystal to his office, when the young ladies enter he orders them to share the food around and Medical supplies between the 3 groups of 10 in his camp.

The girls go and share the food equally.

While everyone is happy with the extra food Coalman enters wearing a suit to go outside, "The Murasaki territory is surrounded by a blue mist toxic to the infected, if we hurry up and gather supplies we will be able to come back with new supplies from the houses nearby." He says.

His aim is to ask for volunteers.

2 people from each group suit up and run to the Murasaki territory.

They meet with members from Moon but ignore each other and look around for anything that has come in direct contact with the blue mist.

Coalman finds a house that looks like it was left behind recently, but certainly no infected entered here too. There is a air purifier that runs on nano batteries constantly producing and emitting the white mist. He sends the first two back with that.

Members of moon grabbed food and blankets, one of them took the fridge.

Coalman shared the basement supplies with moon each of them taking a crate each.

The radio is broken but Coalman can fix it but he doesn't have enough people.

Luckily Rex came with them, he can shrink anything and anyone. He shrinks their share of goods and they travel going back.

When Coalman arrives he finds that 5 more people ran away.

They must have ran to Trent, Billy and Gus.


Trent and Gus smile seeing familiar faces here to help them. They go out to raid the houses and once the mist starts thinning everyone stops their scavenging and returns home.

Gus smiles happy their healer is here.

Minah touches the blue lamps and laughs, "They added healing energy into the the purifier, that's why it's blue, and that's why it's much stronger." She says.

"Can you make more? I'd like to go out towards the east to look for more left overs, people must have left their houses empty to find refuge somewhere else." Billy asks carefully putting the lamps away.

"I cannot, my healing already has a form, in the form of water. This is someone who's healing is without form, so they give it a form through objects, in her hands it's just an energy force, when embued into an item, it's healing power is expressed. I wish I could do that, but I cannot." She says honestly jealous of Murasaki, they are starting to sound like they have powerful abilities in their group.