
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 77

Raiden saves his work and goes outside with his backpack and everyone is sleeping on the floor waiting for him.

"AHH, you're finally done. These twins are Killuhua and Silver, age 10 parents say they want to help out. You guys will be leaving they'll be staying here, Thomas requested Staria and Medallion since Aira works well with them. Just wanted you to meet them." Colin introduces them.

Raiden smiles giving them a handshake, "A pleasure to meet you guys. Sorry I didn't get time to sit and chat, I'm sure everyone else did." He wakes the others up while calling Jet and Jake that they're done.

Jet arrives, "Geez what took so long? It's 1AM, I was under the impression you guys needed extra time. You go wake Rex."

Raiden sends the two new guys to wake everyone up.


Rex glares at the twins, "Oh? It's time to move is it?"

The boys jump when he growls.

"Sarah needs help." Silver says.

Rex portals to the sleeping Sarah and squeezes her inner thigh, "Get up."

Sarah wakes up, "Ow, my head."

Rex helps her up, "Stupid twirps played me."

Killuhua and Silver come back with everyone awake.

No one wants to wake up Toya or Lycan.

"Someone ask Alpha." Luna says.

"He's just as scary."


Aries shakes her head.

"You're a guardian. Just, knock and run." Mira says.

Lupin furious they woke him up when he doesn't have to move kicks the two guys on the floor, "We said wake up already. We shook you, poured water, everything, why didn't you wake up?"

Lycan calms down, "I didn't feel a thing. Raiden you finally done?"

Raiden nods, "Yeah, let's go."

Jet and Jake exchange everyone.

Raiden is allocated the room in the shed. He sits down plugging in his computer and sees the paper Split dropped for the new social media.

He adds it to his new computer system and adds the Alpha's on the list.

"That's very impressive." Scorpio says.

Raiden smiles, "Thanks, I studied day and night to understand it, and when I didn't, I kept shooting in the dark focussing on what we need. A safer, more versatile means of communication. Social media has never been so easy without frequency numbers, but Nano signals instead, everyone has a nano phone anyway."

Scorpio nods, "Oh, I like that. This capsule hospital of yours, what's it about?"

"With Julia and her sister pregnant, it's going to cost us a lot of time having to send Luna, and now Sarah there, not to mention Chronos and Lycan too. This system I designed is capable of sentient level thought processing. Thinking like a person independently. It will run the capsule hospital on our behalf. We'll employ a few people as assistance. We need all hands on deck daily. We have a lot of work to do." Raiden says.

Xaaria comes with Sarah's new energy drink and scones, "I'm going to bed, you going to be okay?"

Raiden nods, "Yes, goodnight." He calls her back.

Scorpio smirks when Xaaria bows before leaving.

Raiden yawns eating and drinking working till the early mornings. He goes to Thomas showing him his new social media, "Using the original system that tells us who the invaders are, I have instead added a grading system. Invaders will be the lowest grade, Stone. Citizens will be Bronze. Betas are Silver. Alpha's children are Gold. Alpha's are platinum. The band's will also be like that. Everyone must wear one, new people, and even new invaders will be easily differentiated by the lack of a band. This is also how we will fool the invaders into thinking they have blended in with everyone." He yawns.

Thomas nods, "Oh, I like the private channel for Alpha's. Split will be happy you perfected his idea. I'll talk to Colin while you get some rest. The others are in for a rude awakening, there's so much to be done here daily."

Raiden nods going to sleep.


Luna following the list of Chores Kitsune handed out smiles at Thomas surprised they've already adjusted here already.

"Remind me to give that Lily a slap around for switching the groups for no reason." He says to Jaguar.

_I might help, they have a chores list system. We tell them what to do every day depending on weather, energy levels and more._

Thomas nods, "Okay, than can you review this new system Raiden just built. As well as the capsule hospital idea."

_I Like that, we've already decided on that. A shield around the farm is necessary. People will build houses in the open area and there won't be grazing ground. We have Lycan working on the plans. You can focus on the farmers._ Jaguar says.

Thomas nods, "Alright, I'll take the truck to the city." He gets in the car and discusses the system Raiden built, "He perfected Split's idea, there's a conversation Black wanted to have."

Colin nods, "I'll call Split he's awake already."


Black looks at the big new social media pop up that stopped his social media from working. He's not the only one too. He upgrades to the new social media. After 5 minutes he has to Input a new ID.

His name and clan. His rank and personal details. A photo and he's verified as the real Alpha of Black.

He sees two options, Social page and below it is Alpha's page. He enters the Alpha's page and there's a Pin that he scheduled an Alpha's meeting.

He updates them on what the meeting is about.

_Instead of using physical stones we have paper money, made out of Nanites with authenticators that stop powers that can multiply or copy or split from making fake money. It's easier than giving someone 3 million stones, people can exchange stones for paper money at banks._

Toya stars the message meaning he approves.

The other Alpha's star it too.

Alpha Titan: We can discuss it in the evening. 6 to 7PM should be meeting hour, during the day we're all busy.

Everyone stars the message.


Faux smiles chatting in the Betas chat, the Murasaki teens are here too.

Mia who is not a Beta looks at the notification that just popped up. It's an Alpha's notice.

_Due to stones being too much to carry around. There will now be a new currency system using paper money. Please exchange your stones for money at the nearest bank. Banking hours are as follows. 12:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 18:00. Currency is as follows. Stones, Black paper money, available in 1 Stone. 10 stones. 50 stones. 100 stones. 200 stones. 500 stones. 1000 stones_

There's a notification detailing banks and directions and portal time opening and portal time closing. People also can't just show up they must schedule a time slot.

_1 million stones total 1 Bronze. Bronze money is available in amounts of 1 Bronze. 10 Bronze. 50 Bronze. 100 Bronze. 200 Bronze. 500 Bronze. 1000 Bronze. Next level is Silver currency that is silver in colour, 1 million Bronze totals 1 Silver. Silver money is available in 1 Silver. 10 Silver. 50 Silver. 100 Silver. 200 Silver. 500 Silver. 1000 Silver. Next level is Gold Money, 1 million Silver gives you 1 Gold. Notes are available in 1 Gold. 10 Gold. 50 Gold. 100 Gold. 200 Gold. 500 Gold. 1000 Gold. Highest level is Platinum money. 1 million Gold gives totals 1 Platinum. Platinum money is available in 1 Platinum. 10 Platinum. 50 Platinum. 100 Platinum. 200 Platinum. 500 Platinum. 1000 Platinum._

There's a next page.

_Wealth above a Platinum will be given to the people. There will be no currency above Platinum. A digital bank is available with a bank card, so if you don't want to carry paper money around for safety it is okay. Citizens must wear bands, the band's will match with your card, if you have stones in your account. You are a Stone Grade citizen. Bronze currency you will have a bronze card and band, and you are a bronze Grade citizen._

There's a page with the Murasaki symbol.

_Residents in Murasaki do not require money, they are given food and shelter by the Alpha's, their bands are Purple_

There's an image of what a person from Murasaki wears. Luna is wearing the band it has the symbol all over so no matter what angle people know she's from Murasaki, she's wearing a ring with the Beta symbol on it.

There's a New Moon symbol and the New Moon Clan's name.

_Residents in New Moon do not require money, they are given food and shelter by the Alpha's, their bands are baby blue._

There's an image of Crista wearing the band it has the New Moon symbol on it. She is not wearing a Beta ring.

Royal has a Red Band for it's citizens. Black has a Green band.

The issuing of bands will be done on the day a person opens an account with all their stones. Children must have accounts as well.


Mia smiles happy about that, "When do we receive these bands?"

Faux smiles, "Uhm, I think next month. It's going to take time to set it up. I didn't know Sharon was an Alpha and a Beta. Everyone is laughing that he's Alpha Titan. My dad was being bossed around by him not knowing. Now he's mad."

"Oh, you can be an Alpha and a Beta?" Mia smiles.

"Yeah, he has the largest Territory outside of Stark. He's going to be opening a digital bank. Titan Bank is his idea. The dates for when people can come and get bands are all from next month. I didn't know Beta's in Murasaki have rings. Look at this, a group Photo, they have two new editions. Children aged 10 to 18 are Beta's. After 18 they are no longer Beta's. Rex, Toya, Chronos are not in the picture. They are Alpha's though." Faux shows her the phone.

Mia looks at the group, "Oh? June is 17 now right? So next year he'll be a Beta for the last time, and after Beta you're an adult you can marry anyone between 18 and 16? What?!!!!"

Faux laughs, she had the same shock, "Yeah, girls marry at 16 and boys at 18 in Murasaki, guess how old Luna is?"

"14!" Mia says remembering the beauty contest.

"Yup. Toya and Chronos are available. Rex is marrying Sarah at the end of the year. Look at the ring he gave her. There's never been a bling like that. The blue flame is literally always moving. What do we call that?" Faux growls Jealous.

"Oh, dammit. We need to hurry up and get ahead of Murasaki. This is too much?" Mia screams annoyed.

"I know right? And look at this, they have educational rules too. Girl study until their 16, boys study until their 18. They'll make an exception for the first 5 years."

Mia smiles, "Oh? So next year Luna will still be unavailable. I'll get that Sharon than."

"Weren't you after Split?" Faux asks.

"Kazumi, remember!" Mia says.

"Hmm, I don't see it." Faux shakes her head laughing, "Not Kazumi, sure she's hotter now, but meh. No way, she's not even that pretty, she's not prettier than me."

Mia nods, "Or me. Luna isn't even that pretty. So what if she has a nice body, weird hair, and a perfect face. I have that too." She stands up showing off.

Faux laughs, "Girl, sit down, you have big thighs and a small ass. No."

Mia offended sits down, "Shut up. You were a skinny straw before you went to Murasaki."

Faux nods, "Yeah, but before isn't what the boys see. Look at this hot booty now." She stands up showing off.

"How did you get like that so fast?!" Mia asks.

"A lot of work. I'll show you when we use the things they gave you. You should seriously lose weight girl, nooo." Faux laughs.

Mia looks away, "Shut up I like my body the way it is. I don't need to change anything."

"Okay, but don't match with me you'll look like the fat friend." Faux laughs.

Mia just ignores her, "I think it's time to go line up. Royal could be arriving any moment now."

"Look, it's Rex and Chronos, and the twins." Faux stands up running towards them.