
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 78

Faux hugs the guys very happy to see them, "I hope we arranged the supplies properly for you. Just wanted to make your job easier."

Chronos appears behind her and hugs her from behind, "Just checked every house. You did great. I like the way you arranged it. We'll add a few extra supplies. How have you been? I'm pretty sure you miss us."

Faux rocking side to side with Chronos nods, "Yeah, but I gotta make Black just as cool, why did you leave?" She asks Chronos and Rex.

"Ehh, I was just escorting Rex stalking a girl from Murasaki." Chronos throws him under the bus.

Rex smiles awkwardly, "I am getting married. Your girl is getting dick from some new guy in town."

Chronos smirks, "Hmm, her loss." He hugs Faux tighter, "Where's your dad? We can't just move people here without clear orders of how."

Faux smiles when she sees her father coming.

"Right, I'd like you to move these locals to these specific houses first. Than I want the families with children in this section. In case of an emergency I still have a bunker ready. I put people with attack powers and shields in the outskirts. I put people with no abilities in this row. The Beta's will stay in the large houses connecting to the surface. Royal and I already set up by family name." He gives them the list with the specific abilities and the rest they will group by having no abilities, having children, and than the rest.

Chronos decides to handle extra supplies duty.

Faux wants to help but he just disappears and after a second says he's done.

Mia smiles at everyone bowing as a greeting since Faux did that.

_Did you know the name Faux used to mean fake, now it means Fur, the old language is so interesting_

Faux frowns seeing a girl talk very familiarly with Rex

"Oh? That's interesting, I'm glad you are reading the books your sister sends to you." Toya says.

Ashley nods, "Does this mean I'll see her more often?"

Rex sighs, "I doubt it. She's in the farm lands. We woke up tired and slept tired. I am sure she will make time. She calls every day right?"

Ashley nods, "Yes, with the new social media it makes communication very easy. What do they do there?"

"Uhm, I hear they are building houses similar to hear, we have a drought so they are trying to create passages for the water to be supplied faster directly from the national river. We have to drop shields during rainy days so defences are really weak, but we need the water." Rex answers leading the way to the house.

"Hi, I'm Faux." Faux extends her hand introducing herself.

"My name is Ashley. I'm Beauty's sister. She's told me so much about you. I wish I could spend a month at Murasaki." Ashley brightly says back.

"Well, I'm sure we will work together to make this place even cooler than Murasaki." Faux says.

Ashley nods, "Yes, exactly what I was thinking. I should get going. We have a lot unpacking to do. I'll see you later."

"Of course." Faux says.


Angela on the phone with Kyle smiles he has a list of baby names to choose from, at first it's like he did not care, but now he's actively excited about the babies all the time.

"I choose, Skylar, Kaylene, and Kyna." Angela chooses names.

Kyle smiles, "Great, I spent all night working on that. We're focusing on defences and home improvements. By the time the babies arrive I would be done. I should go, I need to get back to work."

Angela smiles, "Of course. I'll talk to you tomorrow." She hangs up and sighs exhausted. All the exercising in the past months made her sore, but lately everything is sore all the time.

Luna knocks on the door, "Hey, came to check on you."

Angela opens the door with a remote. To get up sounds like a chore.

Luna brings in food, "I thought you might need a snack, how are you feeling?"

Angela shakes her head, "Hmm, I feel awful. Bucket please."

Luna gives her a bucket quickly.

Angela throws up.

Toya walks into the room, he was waiting to talk to Luna, "What's wrong?"

Luna shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know either. You smell awful."

Toya smirks, "You too." He raises his hand.

Luna covers her burning nose, "Hmm, no, start using the mask I gave you Toya, it helps with that."

Toya growls, "I don't want to use your products anymore."

Luna rolls her eyes, "Fine, suit yourself."

"Did you kiss Chronos?" Toya asks getting to the point.

Luna points at Angela, "Is this a movie?"

"You kissed him?" Toya growls at her, "What the hell are you doing? So what? You broke up with me to be with someone else? I was under the impression we broke up so I could get it together and learn to treat you better. I am so confused."

Luna looks away, "I really don't believe in this mate stuff."

"I don't either, but I love you. I loved you before the mates stuff. I loved you before all of this, and I get that I screwed up Luna, I'm trying, you know this, but I didn't move out of the way so someone else can step in, so you look me in my eyes right now, is it still over, or are we back on, because I am not letting anyone else have you."

Luna frowns, "I am allowed to be with anyone I want."

"You're allowed to only want me." Toya growls again, "Don't push me." He tilts her chin, "That's enough." He warns her for the last time.

Luna's defiant look softens.

"On it is than. I'm going to kill that asshole when I see him again." Toya stomps out of the room.

Luna sighs sitting next to Angela who's a little sick, "Everyone else is busy, it's going to be just us. Let me give you a massage."


Mira sitting in the park bench with Lucy and Rebecca laughs, "I totally do not want to ever go back to that farm. This is luxury, that place is torture. Ewe."

Lucy laughs, "You must take us there some time."

Mira nods, "Yeah, we should go. I envy Black, they have Flora, their farm produces the most number of crops. They have crops daily. I hear Black is looking for a marriage partner with powers for her. They want her power to be passed on to her children. Having two parents with powers and the vaccine guarantee the child will have powers, they want a portal user though. She's excited she chooses who she wants, she just wishes they told her before the stones festival."

Rebecca nods, "Yes, she would have gotten to know them. The new social media even tells people which clan you're from. I can't wait to see people when they come for the bank, who will be working there with your Beta's so busy?"

"Gift and Cinna's group. They are setting everything up with Sharon as we speak. I sit at home with my mom and baby, come out for fresh air and go and be with them. I was home sick it's crazy. I don't ever want to be separated from my parents again." Mira says.

Lucy looks at Killuhua and Silver walking next to Brandon holding boxes, "Wow, being a Beta is no joke. Those boys are already hard at work."

Mira frowns, "Why is it age 10? They don't even have their powers yet, people without powers must wait until they have them to become Beta's like the rest of us. We had to wait until we were 13. My brother waited 18 years because he didn't have his power until than."

Lucy nods.

Rebecca shakes her head, "Working and being physically fit increases the odds of your power coming in early. Raiden has his power and we thought having a power after 13 was impossible. Charlie has a power too now. It's a healing ability. That's the old times rules. What are they supposed to do all day?"

Lucy looks at Rebecca agreeing with her now, "Yeah."

Avalon and June walk past the girls yawning, "Dammit, I loathe delivery runs. Why are we still doing those? People have stones now, let them open businesses."

June nods, "Yeah, but we're doing this to deter crime. Suck it up man."

"Why is everyone else just sitting on their asses anyway. I'm so sick of it. What is this? A fucking vacation?" Avalon annoyed puts his hands in his pants pockets to the second mall to deliver tech.

Mira's jaw drops and she laughs, "It's their choice to work themselves ragged."

Rin grabs the stone bench and flips it like it's nothing, "Mira you're supposed to be cutting the grass, who is he doing it?" She asks grabbing her by the throat coating it with her explosive burgundy purple coat that's shiny.

Mira scared she'll accidentally blow her head of apologizes.

Rin punches her in the face, "Your status as Beta has been vanquished. You will move out of the Beta house and into the hotel." She walks away pissed off she had the audacity to sit and relax having ice cream from the park restaurant during working hours.

Rin kicks the door open glaring at Colin and the other men, "Mira is fired! Go pack her things and give her a hotel room!" She shouts with her eyes glowing.

Everyone runs out of the room.

Rin is calm and has exceptional control over her powers, but when she's mad, explosions will happen and anyone in her line of vision will die.

Colin sighs looking at the stone table, "How come you can't flip tables like that?" He asks Brandon.

"I don't know, maybe she inherited it from her mother?" Brandon gulps when she's watching with her eyes still red.

Colin takes Mira to her room and they pack her things together, "What's the problem? Do you need time away from here?"

Mira nods, "A little bit."

"Okay, pick any camp you want. You'll stay there until the end of the year." Colin says.

Mira thinks about it and takes out her phone to ask Lupin.

"Now!" Colin snatches the phone and throws it aside. It won't break anyway.

"Royal." Mira says.

"No, none of those. You'll be leaving immediately."

"Lana." Mira says.

"They disbanded. Black is going to buy the place."

Mira frowns, "I don't want any camp than."

"You're not staying here. Clearly You're sick of us. So hurry up and make up your mind." Colin packs her things angry now.

"Sky." Mira names the only other Clan she knows. She doesn't really pay attention to where people are from.

Colin nods, "Great. All your things are packed. I'll be taking you there afternoon." He leaves to talk to Rin.


"Good riddance!" Rin says calming down going back to work.