
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 56

Bella smiles enjoying the cake and drink the twins brought home sneaking away from Wish to update everyone about what happened.

"Since the party they have been extremely relaxed. The temperature is rising I don't see any of them preparing to leave. We don't know what to do."

"Don't worry. They will leave once the snow has melted. They are loyal to the cause. You kids did great." Lily says.

Julia smiles at her son's, "You're so powerful. What have you been up too?"

"Feeding a multitude of people. It was not easy." Jet says.

"We'll make sure we share this treat with everyone, you guys go home." Julia hugs the boys.

Kevin delivers gifts to all the teens families, he starts with Sarah's mother.

Susan looks at the dress Sarah made as a gift for her and smiles, "She loves sewing, are they okay?"

Kevin passes a cake and soda box to her, "Yes, this is from the kids for you. They'll be home once the snow melts. The Infected will be back too."

"Oh, that's good news. I'm glad they thought to send gifts. I can't wait for them to come home."

"Me too."


Kevin surprises Avery's parents with a letter and a photo.

Avery's mother smiles looking at the picture, "They look so happy." She says.

Avery's father smiles, "She looks very healthy. I'm happy she has friends."

"Thank you, Kevin. What is this?" Avery's mother asks opening the box with cake and juice.

"A treat from the kids. Enjoy."


Kevin enters Sharon's families house. They live in the Orange houses despite not having a lot of kids.

"Hey man, any news about Sharon?" Troy asks strutting around shirtless.

"Yup, he got you guys this gift. Rings, they look really great. Here." Kevin passes on the gifts.

Troy wears it but it instead becomes a crown, "Woah, that's cool. Misty! Sharon brought a gift for us."

Mystic walks down the stairs and smiles at her ring wearing it. She looks in the mirror when it turns into a crown, "I look like Royalty. Wow."

"Cake and drink from the kids too. Enjoy." Kevin leaves running errands around to the teens homes.

His last stop is Black to visit Thomas.

Gail smiles at the large crate of dragon scales and perfume, "What?! This is exactly like in the book. Where did they get this from?"

Kevin smiles showing them a photo, "Dragons exist."

Luna is smiling with Diane.

Aira is holding Numa.

"Incredible, is this perfume? This is so amazing." Gail smiles.

Kevin smiles giving baby Tom a bottle of juice, "Cake and Juice from the kids. Enjoy it."

Thomas smiles. He was absolutely Starving but it's his turn to cook, he thought Gail would cook.

He hums taking a bite, "This is good, wow." He drinks the Melon juice and looks at Gail, if she's not eating her cake he will.

Gail growls at him.

"There is a special gift for you. Here." Kevin passes on the box of seeds with names on it.

Gail smiles planting the seeds.

Thomas's guardian shakes his head, "It does not grow in soil like that Gail." Jaguar says.

Gail looks at him and smiles when the baby smiles like he always does hearing Jaguars voice.

"A pleasure to see you Jaguar. I'll take my leave." Kevin pecks Tom's head.

A baby Jaguar appears in his crib looking at Thomas.

"Be careful with the baby Taylor." Jaguar says to his little newborn.

The cub runs to his father and hides.

Gail smiles sharing her juice with the baby jaguar. She picks him up and nurses him with a baby bottle, "He's so heavy."

Thomas curious offers to hold him while she eats her cake.

Gail smiles passing on the baby jaguar

Thomas puts him down taking his measurements.

"Thomas!" Gail yells at him for measuring his teeth.

Thomas gulps nursing the baby, "Hush little baby don't you cry. The scale is the final stop." He puts the baby on the scale to see how heavy he is before picking him back up. He turns around and gulps when Gail is glaring at him, "Would you look at that, he slipped out of my hands and landed on the scale."

Jaguar laughs, "It's alright Gail. Eat your meal."

Thomas writes the cubs measurement before rocking him to sleep.

Jaguar takes the baby home, "I'll be back if you need me. Taylor is the one who snuck off coming here while I was sleeping."

"Bye." Gail says.

Tom cries and Jaguar takes him with.

"We'll see you soon." Jaguar says leaving with the baby.


Susan wears the dress and smiles when it fits her well.

After Spring Murasaki will be throwing a festival and all camps have been invited to come celebrate. Everyone must wear their best outfit to the event.

She received the invitation yesterday. She will wear this to the event.


Sarah smiles reading the invitation, "That's so awesome. Wanna match with me?" She asks Rex.

Rex smiles, "I'd love too." He says sitting in her room listening to the rain outside.

"Do you have a colour in mind?" Sarah asks going through her drawing book for a design idea.

Rex shows her the bikini she wore when she was hanging out with Cinna and his friends, "This colour. Makes your eyes brighter."

Sarah covers her face, "Gosh that's so embarrassing. Why do you have that photo"

"Cinna sent it to all his friends, told them you're his girlfriend." Rex says pissed off.

"Really? Why would he do that? There are tons of other pictures to send, why did it have to be this one?" She asks confused.

"Because this one makes it seem as if you're sleeping with the guy." Rex says making her understand why he's pissed.

Sarah's jaw drops, "If my mom finds out, she's ..."

Rex activates the time vault and gives her a hug, "I know how to delete it from everyone's phone." He says calming her down.

"Please." Sarah says taking deep breaths.

Rex takes her hand to his room with computers everywhere and Ava with June writing down things, "He's teaching her all this."

Sarah nods, "I hope you give me the book so I can learn too."

Rex nods, "I will."

He sits at his desk and turns on the time vault machine opening a door to an even larger computer room.

He taps the computer and all the devices with the photo appear, "Woah, people outside the camp have your photo. I'll delete it."

He deletes it from all the phones and checks other photos from that day, "These too?"

Sarah nods, "Yes, what was I thinking?"

Rex smiles, "You looked sexy. I didn't know, sexy isn't the look you were going for."

Sarah shakes her head, "Not at all, I didn't have a bikini. Minah lent me hers."

Rex gives her a hug, "Pictures don't exist anymore. Let's go back to you picking out my outfit."

Sarah sits down looking for a cloth with the neon green colour, "Leo, do you know how to make this colour, or have a cloth in this colour?"

Leo nods, "I know where to get it. I'll be right back." He says disappearing.

Sarah sits down drawing an outfit to match with Rex's neon tuxedo. She smiles taking the one peace swimsuit and garter belt idea turning it into a dress with a floral, peacock train and fluffy boots.

She designs the way her hair will look. Her eyes, with her nose, her lipstick.

June smiles, "Wow, that's a beautiful art piece. You should make those to display in the art gallery. I'll be your model." He says smirking.

Sarah smiles, "Alright. I'll see about that." She says drawing her nails. Every single thing to smallest detail about her dress and Rex. His hair and a piercing. A low cut vest so his Alpha's mark is visible.

Matching nail polish and shoes.

"Do you know how to make shoes?" She asks no one in particular.

Rex's computer answers.

Sarah shows her the drawings.

The computer projects material and instructions. The door to the time vault appears and the door unlocks.

Sarah enters and there's no trace of the computers from earlier, instead it's a table with what she needs.

Sarah takes everything smiling at the tools she has at her disposal.

Leo returns with Neon spider silk.

"Perfect Leo, thank you so much, you just made my dress even better." Sarah says happy. She rips up the old design and creates the new.


Luna is going through dresses in Diane's country. She finds the rarest dress with a glow in the dark feature with bracelets to match.

"I just knew you would choose that one." A light phoenix says.

"This is ... The most beautiful thing I have ever seen." Luna says in love with it.

She shows off Rue, "We have to match." She says.

Diane nods, "Of course. That will be all honey, thank you."

"As you wish your highness."

They go back and Luna watches the baby.

Her dad will be leaving tomorrow morning with the other soldiers ready to begin their plan.

She smiles happy he was here and this is not goodbye.


Lupin kisses Mira passionately, "Is this goodbye?"

Mira looks down, "I don't know, I want you to stay."

"I want to stay too. I can't. It would lead to my death and your families death. I'll see you if I can." Lupin cups her face resting his forehead on hers.

Mira gives him a hug, "Please be careful, your family will come here looking for you." She warns him of the consequences of running away.

"Don't take your family for granted Mira, you don't know how good you have it. I wish I was born here, never mind the Infected." Lupin says.

Mira nods, "I know that now. Thanks for helping me see it. I was totally wrong, I should change if I ever want to make up for what I did."

"Good, I should finish packing." Lupin leaves.

Mira packs her bags ready to go home now that their job is done.


Chronos smiles at Aries for designing his festival outfit, "It's cool, but I hate the colour, can't it be black? I prefer that."

Aries nods, "Black is the colour I will deliver."

"Thanks." Chronos says ready to go back to his room.

He arrives and Mira is sitting on his bed, "Hey." He says ignoring her existence right after.

"Do you want to go together to the festival?" She asks.

Chronos turns around angry, "You were with Lupin the entire time, now that he's leaving you expect me to just pick up where we left off, are you crazy?"

Mira shakes her head, "We're going as just friends."

"I'd rather take Aries, or Luna, Or Rin, or Dodge, any friend I have but you. Can you get out." Chronos opens the door for her.

"I'm sorry. He just ... Helped me when I needed it." Mira says before leaving.

"I offered the exact same help, you just didn't want it from me. I'll remember the next time you need help, it's not my responsibility." Chronos slams his door shut.

Mira walks to Toya's room and Luna is in there with Lycan laughing together. She enters the room and waves at everyone.

"Hey, have you picked a dress for the festival. I saw on the chat people selling dresses and shoes." Toya gives his sister a hug.

Mira shakes her head, "I was thinking of asking Sarah to show me her book and make one for me."

Toya smiles, "Hurry before the cue becomes long. Charlie already asked her today."

Mira runs and bumps into Scorpio instead. She asks him for a dress instead.

"I will come see you on the day of the party. No need to have one so early." Scorpio says relaxed.

Mira nods and instead goes to her room, she sits on her bed smiling, she'll have the best dress ever.


Camp Serbia: Everyone is buying the same dress it's annoying. Anyone with original designs?

Camp Sky: You know it's us.

Camp Victoria: You're too expensive.

Camp Sky: Discounts for the people who order and pay for dresses this week. After that you're paying 500 stones for an outfit. It will be 200 stones for an outfit.

Camp Lana: How can we place orders?

Camp Sky: Privately message me on the camps app. You'll see our page. We just added the dress orders page. Message us.


Angela laughs at Kyle who bought the baby a dress too, "What are you doing?"

"She must look beautiful for her first festival. I want to have all the best dresses ready."

Angela laughs excited about the teens coming home, she gets to go back to Murasaki tomorrow.

"Are you all packed up?" Kyle asks.

Angel nods, "Yes. Julia will be checking the baby tomorrow. Bella's power is glitching. She's trying to hide that she's pregnant."

Kyle nods, "She has too. We have someone hunting down the children. Our baby is in trouble. We need to be careful at the festival."

Angela nods, "Hurry it's time for the announcement."

Kyle nods, "Come with me. I don't want you out of my sight here."

Angela stands and Kyle covers her with his jacket, she wears it and follows Kyle.


The New Moon members gather in the square for the spring party so everyone can see each other again.

Kyle stands in front of everyone, "Welcome to the spring season and you all look beautiful by the way. For the Murasaki festival Everyone will be going to Murasaki this Saturday to take the outfits they need. Please stop ordering from Camp Sky. If you have a dress idea bring it with you to Murasaki, either than that enjoy your meal today." He says taking Angela's hand.