
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Chapter 57

Angel sits at the large picnic table and looks at Angela wearing Kyle's jacket, "Hey, where have you been?" Angel asks smiling.

"Murasaki. I'll be going back tomorrow." Angela sits down to get something to eat.

"I hear they will be coming here. The Invaders finally left their Camp."

"They are so brave to eat and sleep in the same Camp as the enemy."

"Yes, but now they have seen the enemy. We are safe from them as long as they think we don't know they are here."

"The infected will handle them. They know nothing about what we've been through. I think it was smart to keep them alive."

"Yeah, they have some nerve to think it's actually easy being here."

"They will be taken out by the black mist first. One wiff of that and they will be wiped out."

"Yeah. Let's not worry about them."

Angela looks at her plate of food and looks at Kyle, "Where is all the meat?"

Kyle shakes his head, "No, my baby doesn't like meat. You always get sick from eating meat. As long as I'm here no meat."

Angela bargains for a taste to see if today is any different from tomorrow but Kyle is not having that.

"Nope, the princess has spoken." Kyle says.

Everyone keeps looking at them confused about what they are talking about.

Angela sighs and eats her meal. She steals ribs from Angel's plate. She chews it in Kyle's face licking the sauce off her fingers.

Kyle chokes on his meat. He coughs violently before drinking water and notices Angela ran away with Angel's plate of meat. He stands up chasing after her.

Angela hides behind a tree and enjoys her meat.

Kyle takes a bite and laughs at Angela taking a bite and making him take a bite, "Angela, my baby hates meat. You'll have to control your cravings." He rests his hand on her stomach.

Angela laughs and promises it's her last bite.

Kyle smiles at the baby bump, "Still hungry?" He asks.

Angela nods.

Kyle takes her hand and gives her a plate of food with different treats from a different table.

He sits beside Angela laughing with Angel, "Be careful." He tells Angela so she doesn't tip the food over.

"Thanks." Angela says eating her food.

Noelle who saw Kyle and Angela behind a tree sits at their table, "Angela are you pregnant?"

Kyle smiles, "Yup. It's my princess." He says happy.

Everyone congratulates them.

"Is that why you were at Murasaki?" Tina asks eating out of Kyle's plate since he's more concerned with what Angela is eating.

"Tina." Kyle scolds.

Tina spits the food out of her mouth and offers it to Kyle.

Kyle cringes, "You can have my food is what I meant to say."

Tina smiles cleaning his plate.

"Well? Is that why you went to Murasaki?" Noelle asks.

Angela nods.

"You look like you spent time in Murasaki. Look at your youthful looking face. How far along are you?" Tamia asks.

"Soon to be 4 months. Yourself?" Angela asks.

Tamia smiles, "I'm 6 weeks. We take a steam session daily."

Angela nods, "Yes, Sarah from Murasaki actually invented that. It's what saved me from a miscarriage."

Tamia smiles, "Oh, I'm glad you went there and came back with good news, it's not everyone who can say that."

"If they continue with the steam session it guarantees they won't have a miscarriage. A lot of women in Murasaki had miscarriages but they keep going for the steam session so the next pregnancy won't end the same way. I still go there every morning. If you stop the session you'll regret it. All the way till birth and even after that is how long you have to do the steam session."

Noelle nods, "A lot of women stopped joining. I'm sure they will now." She says.

Angela nods, "Tell them too. Anyway I should get going. I'm a little tired. Enjoy yourselves." She stands up and Kyle takes her to home.


"She is what?"

Noelle nods doing her night time routine of taking healing essence golden fruit and wearing it on her face and hair, "Pregnant. Kyle was glued to her side the entire time, but enough about that. Everyone knows Murasaki is a male dominant camp, they probably want partners for the men. This has completely transformed my face and hair."

She drinks healing water, wears a corset she took from the ladies store she is in charge off and lies down her sister doing the same before adding fruit to the fire place.

They fall asleep Black mist leaving their bodies.

Noelle smiles feeling the fruit on her hair, tightening her skin and the corset causing blood to flow to her stomach she can feel her stomach tightening.


Sarah sleeping in a corset in front of the fire place wakes up excited she gets results much faster.

Rex smirks looking at her up and down as she's naked, "I should wear it tomorrow." He says very serious.

Sarah smiles, "Yeah." She walks to her room to shower there and finds Luna standing at her door, "What?"

Luna sits down, "So, I made a full body mask out of the fruit and used it all over and I had the bright idea to shove it up my vagina. Don't laugh. I did the steam session in the corset like you asked me and I love the results but look at my entire skin, it's so nice and soft, guess what happened in there?" She says excited.

"Smells good?"

Luna shakes her head, "No, smelt so bad I didn't understand why until I decided to check and I pulled the stuff I shoved up there out, it doesn't dissolve like the one on your skin. It came out hard and black, but now it's so nice tight up there."

Sarah looks at Luna, "No way, how do you feel right now?"

"Having a false period, guess what I'm bleeding?" Luna crosses her arms.

"Black gunk?"

"Exactly, that's why women have miscarriages despite all our healing products. I think females have a curse to not conceive. Imagine if we made business on the day of the festival selling all these things, we would be hailed as heroes." Luna jumps up.

"That's genius. We'll set up shop today. I'll try it tonight and see what happens." Sarah says.

Luna leaves her with a stick that looks like it's going way to far up there.

Sarah gulps but in the evening before bed she shows Rex and inserts the thing just a little bit.

Rex lights the fire and falls asleep, he's been warned in the morning she's going to wake up and it smells bad.


Sarah wakes up and the stick pulled it's self deeper in. She pulls it out and the golden stick is literally black she takes a shower and feels a false period has arrived.

"It really smells awful." Rex says covering his nose.

Sarah nods, "I know but it's good because it helps deal with the infertility curse. Healthy as I am I had all that black gunk up there."

Rex hugs her from behind, "I'm so glad you take care of yourself. I'm not going to be here for the next seven days, I'll see you on the day of the festival okay?"

Sarah nods kissing his cheek, "Be careful."

"I will." Rex says giving her keys to the red door.

Sarah smiles excited, "Thank you."

"You be careful."


Tina picks her dress happy it fits her well.

Chronos smiles at her, "That dress is too large for you, try this one." He says passing her a dress.

Tina changes and comes out wearing the dress.

"You look better in that one." Aira says in passing helping around.

The other teens are sewing the dresses those who designed their own ideas came with.

Dodge works with the people with terrible drawing and re draws the exact idea they have in mind.

Mira is helping with the sewing following the instructions and colours exactly. She has learned that no one likes it when she doesn't listen and follow instructions.

Luna arrives takes designs and leaves, she smells so bad she doesn't want to be here the whole day, she's taken a bath 4 times today and changed her underwear 4 times and it's only morning.

Sarah too.

At the end of the day everyone goes home happy with their outfits and jewellery.

Luna winces in her room feeling intense abdominal pain but she uses the stick and steam bath again.

"When the bleeding stops the curse will be completely cleansed from your body. It may take over seven days for other women." Illumi tells Luna.

Luna nods.


Sarah wakes up after 4 days and her bad bleeding has stopped. She cleans up her space and relaxes at the park since Rex is not here.

"I have packaged the products, do you have anything to add?" Luna startles Sarah.

Sarah smiles helping set up the shop in a building next door to Rex and June's technology gallery.

Lily walks in attracted by the title, Fertility boost. That's the name of the shop. She enters the shop and instead there are pictures of products and what they do in the aisles instead of the actual products.

She finds the must have not optional items aisle and her heart stops seeing the healing water pack of 48, vagina sticks pack of 48, healing logs, golden fruit cream in a bucket 5L, healing golden fruit 48, and a packet of disposable underwear 50.

The instructions are to use the logs and fruit for a steam session. Drink a full 1L bottle of healing water. Rub the cream on the whole body and even hair, wait for it to dry and you can feel it's dry. Take the vaginal stick insert only the tip of the stick and then begin the steam session.

The person will wake up with a funky smell down stairs, the stick would have pulled itself further inside the vagina so there's no need to force it way up there. Early morning the person must pull the stick out it will be black and immediately a false period will begin.

A false period is when the person will bleed the black toxin clogging up the ovaries and uterus causing miscarriages and other complications. The period will smell terrible and the pains are intense and unbearable but to speed up recovery the person must continue the routine until the false period stops.

The benefits of the routine are fertility, vaginal detox and tightness. Energy levels and gut health improves. Healthy pregnancy with no anxiety of issues.

The body mask has anti aging properties reducing wrinkles and loose skin.

Everything must be done together.

Lily looks at the girls with glowing skin setting up the shop with other products like vaginal steam session, for the vagina only. It will also cause toxin discharge but the effect stops when the steam session ends, it's recommended for all female.

There are healing products for overall health.

Sarah's products have her logo on them. Luna's products too.

"What? Can I have this?" Skylar asks for the steam session and sticks supply.

Luna gives her a cart to carry her things away, "Please bring it back it's for guests tomorrow."

"I will." Skylar says walking to her house and trying out the experiment step by step.

Lily at the shop wanted to scold the girls but instead women are flooding the shop asking for the same thing.

Julia smiles and excitedly asks for some to give it a try.

The boys and men leave the store embarrassed.

By the end of the day the two girls are exhausted after a taste of what the festival will be like.

Lily sits on her bed confused about why all the other women are so crazy about those embarrassing products.

She falls asleep and the next day Angela, Bella, and Julia are laughing about how bad the false period smells, but luckily when they went back to Luna and Sarah, they told them they forgot to add the perfume to the mix.

Gail receives the package as a gift from Aira who heard the other women talk about it and decided to give some to Gail. She bites her lip, but since Thomas is leaving with Jaguar today she decides it's the perfect time to get started on the thing.

Sarah's mother smiles at how nice the perfume smells. The disposable underwear are comfortable and on the day of the festival she's looking to charm herself a fine man.

Missy takes a deep breath after receiving a message from Hero's father he is coming to the festival. She's happy and sad, he left them for dead.

Hero is happy about the news.

Missy smirks taking the stick. If he thinks he is going to jump into her pants he has another thing coming.