
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 27

"What?! Hey! Let us in!"

"I can't breach the wall."

"Thomas. I heard he did something to make sure powers like yours cannot pass through."

"To be fair, you were here after being captured by an Infected to breach the shield. I would have my guard up against that."

Someone takes out the Comms phone in her pocket and calls Split but June seeing this coming is the one holding it.

"No! We can't tell them to let you in, because you will betray us to help out your mom sneaking in and out stealing supplies." June speaks before She even says anything.

"June please."

June hangs up watching her from the top of a building.

Someone else takes the Comms and calls Mystic but the phone is answered by a Split clone that hangs up.

A woman screams seeing three infected that were eating infected rodents.

The infected look at them not sure if it's a bluff or they are here to chase them away.

The infected run away confusing the group.

"Thomas was supposed to make some announcement about the vaccine today." A woman says.

"We should find shelter not worry about what is inside." One of the women says.

Another nods, "The next town. There's a new shelter and we delivered supplies yesterday to them. We should hurry while the path is empty. By tomorrow infected will be all over that place."

"I wonder what they will be doing tomorrow." Someone thinks out loud.

Everyone glares at her and starts walking.


Dodge closes the door and locks up the medical supply room following Luna outside.

When they reach the outside they hear an odd sound and realise it's coming from the nano wall.

It was hit by so many attacks it couldn't take it.

Thomas stands up with his nose held high proud his theory was proven right, that the wall was weak from the inside.

All the while he was working on the new and Improved wall.

Kai smiles holding his little girl Akali in hand, after getting vaccinated her hair turned purple.

"Thomas! It's time to put up the new wall, did you show Aira?" June asks panting covered in scars.

Rex and Toya too.

They were the ones attacking the wall relentlessly from the inside.

Thomas nods, "Yes, I have been teaching him everything I know." He says happy to have met someone interested in learning from him.

"Don't forget the meeting. I wanna know if my little girl is okay." Kai reminds him as he ruffles Aira's head for good luck and goes inside for cover.

Aira flies up and installs the new disk with brand new nanites inside. The wall is brought back up and everyone celebrates.

Luna sits down, "I feel nauseous."

Toya comforts her with a hug, "You haven't been sleeping lately."

Luna covers her face, "Nightmares, every night these past days. It's become too much."

Toya brushes her hair, "Same one?"

Luna nods, "Yeah, but a different version of the same one "

"Come on, let's sleep in the bunker tonight. I can wake Bella if something happens."

Mira's eyes glow, "They won't make an attempt on my mother's life, it's Luna's. Her secret will come out soon. Visitors in red, visitors in Red must never be allowed inside the red wall."

Everyone looks at her confused.

"What are you talking about? You never mentioned an attempt on mom's life before." Toya says.

Mira repeats herself word for word.

Chronos rests his hand on Mira's shoulder and she snaps out of it.

"Sorry, I just saw people in red pretending to be on our side and suddenly they secretly murder Luna, it's all a bit confusing. Visions still give me a headache."

Luna gulps, "Geez, you give me chills like your mother. Let's go talk to her for my sake."

Toya leads the way inside.


Thomas smiles showing everyone the results of the blood test, "It's perfection. The orange vial is consistent and boosts purple blood cell count. Those with purple blood cells but not manifesting powers, should do so with time."

Dodge smiles, she had a low purple blood cell count.

Kai smiles at his daughter, "Side effects are?" He asks hoping there is no catch for this good news.

Thomas smiles, "Adults will experience drowsiness and fatigue a few more weeks, either than that nothing. Old folks could die from it, so do not use it on them at all. No matter what." He points at what he is super excited to talk about, "The new and Improved wall is up and now, everyone must get a Murasaki tattoo, it's the only way you can pass through the wall. It's stronger inside and out. No one without the mark can enter or leave."

Colin officially gives everyone the Murasaki tattoos before going inside and hearing about the coming visitors in Red.

"Luna has been getting sick because of them? Why? How?" Colin asks tired from today's events.

Lily sees a vision of one of their members, "A blonde female can tell people's abilities by just seeing them. Why they would kill her is odd to me."

Rex sighs, "Why wouldn't they? With her power she single handedly fed everyone. They want what Murasaki has, taking her out, they think we will starve and have to go out hunting for food, that's how they'll get in. She's sick before it even happens, it's a sign odds of success are in their favour. Take her to help out Kyle."

Lily nods, "That's perfect. Send all the people we want to hide to help Kyle. He needs it. Tell them Luna can temporarily use Wish, Rex you got it by accident you don't know from who."

Rex nods.

Colin calls Kyle to let him know that help is coming.

"Thanks, I could use some medical help."

"We'll send the trainees. I promise they won't be mouths to feed." Colin hangs up and sends them away immediately.

"The rest of you be on guard." He tells everyone present.


One of the women that came looking for refuge at a house, telling them they are from Murasaki wakes up and hears that Murasaki is coming later. She wakes up her mother and tells her what she heard.

The two escape alone leaving the other women still sleeping.

When the others hear about it all of them look at each other shocked.

"What is the meaning of this? Why did they just leave us? Anyway it's fine my husband is at Murasaki I'll call him to come check on you." A woman with short blonde hair says to the residents of the house that have been waiting 2 days for supplies.

They are in a book listed in order. They have not been forgotten.

A woman takes the Comms and when Split answers she asks for her husband and instead Kevin answers the call.

"You chose to leave the camp. Leave those people alone. You will not use our name to get by."

A woman pushes the other out of the way, "Listen. Samantha tricked us. After that she left us here alone. We're sorry please."

Colin sigh, "We'll talk it over with Lily. If by the end of the day we have not come to get you then I'm afraid the final answer is no." He hangs up.

Lily sighs, "Keeping them out there will only throw dirt on our name. Just go get them. We need them here to not look like savage dictators. People will talk."

Colin sends Kevin who sighs, "Alright."


Luna and the rest of the teens walk through the portal and arrive at Kyle's Moon Camp.

"Welcome kido's. I'm happy you are all here to help. I would like to show you around the place." Kyle says with a smile on his face.

He shows them the mansion nextdoor to the mall. 4 stories with all the rooms used for storage.

"Wow, that's so convenient. This is something we could learn from you guys for our camp." Jet comments knowing very well they have an even bigger storage building.

Kyle laughs, "I doubt that. Not coming from the camp that feeds over 50 homes without breaking a sweat. How do you do it?"

"Rex copied a wish power but he's not sure from who. He and Toya have similar powers so now two people in the camp have the power and Luna can temporarily use the power too." Mira responds.

Kyle smiles, "Luck has always been your parents power I promise you that."

They enter the mall and it's bigger than the Murasaki mall. Not only does it have an extra floor, but rooms are bigger too.

"Here we separated people into groups of 30 per room. Children included. This helps with hygiene when dealing with such a large number. Each floor has showers so we split Everyone by gender." Kyle explains.

"What does your mall look like?" Kyle asks.

"We have clothes and food in some of the rooms bunker is for the children now. The arcade is fully functional. Elevator too. It looks jaw dropping to put it shortly." Sarah answers.


Luna leans on Rex for support after the tour is over.

"You Kido's get some rest and we'll start working tomorrow. Luna I would like it if you went straight to the infirmary."

Luna nods, "I think I'll wake up feeling much better. I'll do that."

Kyle is surprised when they make camp outside sharing rooms 2 by 2, "Uhm, you guys can sleep inside."

June smiles at him, "We prefer sleeping outside."

Toya turns on the purifier and Lamps so Luna can get better over night, "Don't push yourself tomorrow if you're not feeling well." He says it like it's a threat.

Luna nods falling asleep.

Rex passes food around for everyone else gathering around the fire Rin just made.

"It's so cold without healing essence in the fire. I didn't realize it amplified the heat." Rin says feeling cold.

Toya shakes his head when everyone looks at him, "Healing powers are like Aira's power for me. It's hard to use a power I can't visualise."

Rex gives it a try and the heat intensifies like usual, "Oh, it's easy for me."

"Good, if Luna is sick when she wakes up you take over." Toya says looking at the fire.

"What's going through your mind? I know it's not Luna." Dodge says.

"Well, this camp has over 200 people. I'm overwhelmed by the workload. Chronos can't Reveal his power so it's like we've lost our back bone. People may not see it, but when it comes to putting food on the table we need him." Toya says.

Chronos smiles, "Thanks man. That means a lot."

"He can use wish too. We'll call him if it gets tough." Mira says giving her brother a hug.

"Well, welcome to the useless people's club. Feels nice to have a new member." Sharon says lying on his back getting comfortable.

"Don't say that. You're still in rehabilitation as far as you're concerned. Your power is stronger. You have no idea how big it's gonna be." Jet says tugging on his ear.

Sharon sighs, "I don't know what it could be. It's nothing I can compare my parents power too. It's a mutation."

"It's going to be epic. Don't doubt yourself. The sad thing is those of us who got the vaccine but our powers haven't changed." Sarah says.

Mira nods, "Tell me about it. We got the short end of the stick."

"Why do bad people exist?" Aira asks looking at the fire feeling down.

"They have no reason to exist. They really don't." Rin gives him a hug.

Jet pulls Aira into his arms, "He's my partner. Not yours." He gives him a hug.

Aira laughs when Jet and Rin start fighting over him.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Jake asks Rin turning his body to catch her red handed hugging both Aira and Jet.

Rin looks at him and gives him a hug, "No my cuddle bug. Aira needs a cuddle."

"Well, now I need one." Jake says looking Rin in the eyes.

Rin smiles, "Alright."

Everyone looks at them and laughs.

Luna relaxes in her sleep now that the mood has been lifted.

A guard notices the group not phased by the infected banging on the wall.

"What are you looking at?"

"Them, just look at them ignoring those infected banging on the wall. I feel like wetting my pants every time I stand up here. Just look at them laughing it out."

"Well, they've seen worse. Of course this doesn't phase them."

"The beast infected. Heard they came out of it bloody and bruised."

"Yeah, so a bunch of infected banging on a wall don't seem terrifying."

"They still terrify me."

"Why did you go on and say something like that. When they come on I'm relying on you to have my back. You just made this job scary for me."