
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 12

The blue mist outside the blue forcefield keeps the ready and waiting infected circling the area hissing at the mist to go away.

Inside the field everyone was just introduced to the 3 new members, now the group is gathered outside planning how to put the device Rex has in hand up in the sky.

Aira flies up but he cannot activate it and Rex is terrible at using Aira's power, he has no sense of direction.

Aira refuses to pull him up, "We need someone up there to shoot it down, the flying infected can fly higher than that, he's pretending to fly low to lour us out."

Dodge raises a hand, "What if you can pass on powers too." She says to both Rex and Toya with similar powers.

Toya rests his hand on her shoulders and passes the power on.

Dodge smiles and swims up towards the sky, once she reaches the shield she falls down.

Toya catches her flawlessly, "Did you gain some weight?"

Dodge smiles, "Yup."

Toya snaps his fingers activating the power and swimming in the air.


Jet heads inside to drop the shields.

Luna throws Toya a weapon.

Jet is with everyone in the bunker incase things go wrong, he activated purifiers in the hallways.

Dodge and Mira are watching from the bunker.

"How about I handle this and you go out there " Dodge offers Jet, "Your partner is out there, and I'm with Mira here, she can communicate directly any warnings." She adds to convince him.

Jet nods his head, "Alright. Keep a good look out." He joins the group outside and focuses on keeping a watchful eye.

Mira sees the infected diving for an attack, "3 o' Clock, it's aiming for Aira." She yells.

Jet barely sees it but opens a portal and dumps it in the centre of the thin blue mist.

The infected uses its wings to blow the mist away.

Rin starts firing at it.

Jake opens a portal directing a missed laser shot with a second portal to a direct hit at the infected's tail, and it falls off.

Screaming from all the infected fills the air.

All of them felt the pain.

Colin tries to not look too impressed with their team work behind the monitors.

The team celebrates after sending the infected away, now able to activate the nanite wall.

Once the wall is up Dodge for the first time sends a warning about the new type of infected over the comms.

"House 321 Speaking, we saw everything you did. Are you the famous Murasaki?" A female voice asks.

"Famous?" Dodge reacts, but shakes her head, "Yes, this is Murasaki speaking."

Other people tune into the channel, tuning into the channel means leaving the radio on the same frequency deliberately awaiting any news from the specific Camp.

Rex connects the radio to the Comms phone so they see where everyone is connected from. He shows Dodge how to read it and what to report to the people listening.

"Wow, at least need us for something you brats." Kevin complains a little jealous.

Colin nods along feeling the exact same way.

The kids laugh and leave them in charge of comms duty, they sound like kids, maybe when they are older they will take the job back.