
Pokemon: The Invasion from Another World

Hey, I am Rambo. This is a story about how I become a great Pokémon Trainer in my world. I am glad to have you all here.

CyanDyan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Chapter 6: Training Class

It was now Class 6B's turn to take the race of 5km. Rambo and Zigzagoon were well prepared for the race. Rambo knelt down and patted Zigzagoon on the head, feeling the familiar texture of its fur. "Just try our best, don't feel stressed about this, okay?"

"Zigza!" Zigzagoon responded energetically, its eyes shining with determination.

Beside them, Larry stood with his Ferroseed. Larry gave Rambo a thumbs-up. "Good luck out there, Rambo. Ferroseed and I would also give our best shot."

Rambo smiled. "Thanks, Larry."

Rambo had been training himself since he was a kid. He knew that a good trainer also needed a good physical body. This belief had driven him to keep fit and strong, allowing him to endure all the training sessions alongside Zigzagoon.

Mr. Richard stepped forward to start the race. "Alright, Class 6B, line up at the starting line. Remember, you need to complete five laps around the track with your Pokémon. Run together and finish together."

The students lined up, excitement and nerves mixing in the air. Mr. Richard raised the starting pistol. "On your marks…"

Rambo felt his heart pounding, his focus sharpening. He glanced at Zigzagoon, who was crouched and ready.

"Get set…"

The field fell silent, anticipation hanging thick in the air.

"Go!" Mr. Richard fired the starting pistol, and the race began.

Rambo and Zigzagoon surged forward, their training paying off as they quickly took the lead. Rambo ran as fast as his legs could carry him, with Zigzagoon matching his pace effortlessly. They were number one right from the start, their speed and synchronization giving them an early advantage.

Larry and his Ferroseed, on the other hand, struggled to keep up. Larry's pace was slower, and Ferroseed's rolling speed had to be carefully managed to avoid losing direction. Despite the challenge, Larry remained determined, encouraging Ferroseed to stay on course.

Around them, other classmates pushed forward. A boy with a Minccino was quick on his feet, keeping pace near the front. Another student, with a large Druddigon, moved steadily. Druddigon, a rare Dragon-type Pokémon, was powerful but not as fast as some other Dragon-types. Its size and strength were impressive, and it powered through the track with heavy steps.

As they rounded the first lap, the gaps between the runners started to widen. Rambo and Zigzagoon maintained their lead, their training at Enro's Battle Club showing in their performance. The air was filled with the sounds of footsteps, Pokémon calls, and the cheers from students watching on the sidelines.

"Looks like nobody can catch up, huh? I wonder how Larry is doing." Rambo thought as he ran. He didn't dare look back, afraid that seeing someone close behind would make him anxious.

Larry and Ferroseed were doing their best to keep a steady pace, with Ferroseed rolling along carefully under Larry's encouragement. A boy with Minccino was very close to Rambo, his Pokémon darting agilely alongside him, keeping up with impressive speed. Behind them, a student with Aipom managed to run past Druddigon and its trainer, using Aipom's nimble movements to their advantage.

As the race continued, Rambo and Zigzagoon pushed themselves harder, maintaining their lead and setting a strong pace. The second and third laps passed in a blur of effort and determination. Rambo's focus remained sharp, his body moving in perfect sync with Zigzagoon.

By the fourth lap, the fatigue started to set in for many runners. Rambo could feel the strain in his legs, but his determination kept him going. He glanced at Zigzagoon, who was also showing signs of fatigue but continued to run with unwavering spirit.

As they entered the final lap, Rambo's emotions surged. He realized that they were still in the lead, and the possibility of finishing first in Class 6B filled him with a mix of excitement and disbelief. "We're almost there, Zigzagoon."

"Zigza!" Zigzagoon responded, pushing forward with all its might.

The finish line loomed ahead. Rambo felt a burst of energy and sprinted harder, determined to reach the end as quickly as possible. 

The cheers from the sidelines grew louder. Rambo focused solely on the finish line, hearing Zigzagoon's determined breaths beside him.

With a final push, Rambo and Zigzagoon crossed the finish line together, the stopwatch stopping at 14 minutes and 5 seconds. They had not only secured the first place in Class 6B but also broken the record set by Class 6A, whose winner had finished in 14 minutes and 18 seconds.

Rambo collapsed to his knees, panting heavily, a wide smile spreading across his face. Zigzagoon, equally exhausted, nuzzled against him. The realization of their achievement hit him fully, and he felt an overwhelming sense of pride and joy.

"We did it, Zigzagoon. You were the best Zigzagoon I have ever seen," Rambo said, his voice filled with emotion.

"Zigza!" Zigzagoon replied, looking up at him with tired but happy eyes.

After a while, the other runners also began to cross the finish line. Larry became the 10th in Class 6B for this session, his Ferroseed passing out when they reached the finish line because it was too dizzy from rolling for such a long time.

"Come back, Ferroseed. You've tried your best." Larry smiled and recalled Ferroseed to its Poké Ball, unsure if it heard him or not. After tending to Ferroseed, Larry looked around for Rambo, knowing that Rambo had been the first to reach the finish line.

He spotted Rambo beside the track, sitting on the floor with a towel around his shoulders and drinking some water. Rambo looked exhausted but content, a wide smile still on his face.

"Great job, you won, even beating the whole Class 6A," Larry said as he walked over to Rambo, congratulating him.

Rambo looked up and grinned, feeling a surge of pride and camaraderie. "Thanks, Larry. I can see that you also did your best. How's Ferroseed?" Rambo said, passing a new water bottle to Larry.

Larry took the bottle and sat down next to Rambo, opening it and taking a long drink. "It's dizzy, but it just needs some rest right now, haha."

"Great, take a rest for now. Later we still have training to go forward," Rambo replied, his smile widening.

Larry nodded, looking out at the track where the remaining students were finishing their laps. "Yeah, maybe the next session is the Battle Session. Who knows, haha!"

After a while, Mr. Richard announced that Class 6A and 6B had completed this session. "You can now follow Mrs. Katherine to the next session, which is the Battle Strategies Class," he said.

The students gathered by class and made their way to the Battle Field of Rutherford High School. The Battle Field was impressive, with six fields available for students to battle. However, they were not battling yet; instead, they sat on the floor, waiting for their class to begin.

Mrs. Katherine stood in front of the students, ready to introduce herself. She was a tall woman with a commanding presence, her eyes sharp and attentive. "Good morning, everyone. I'm Mrs. Katherine, and I'll be teaching you Battle Strategies. This class will focus on improving your tactical thinking and enhancing your battle skills with your Pokémon."

She paused to let her words sink in, then continued. "We have six battle fields here at Rutherford High School, but today we'll start with some theoretical knowledge before moving on to the real Pokémon Battle. Pay attention, and don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any."

The students from Class 6B responded with a unified "Yes," while the students from Class 6A remained silent. Mrs. Katherine didn't seem to mind and proceeded with her talk. "I believe all of you already have your Starter Pokémon, right? Whether it was given by your family or assigned by the school, each of you should have at least one Pokémon."

"As you all know, the U.S. government suggests that every Pokémon Trainer should pick a type as their specialized type. Does anyone know the purpose behind this?" Mrs. Katherine asked.

The students from Class 6A remained quiet, but a student from Class 6B raised her hand and answered, "This is because each person's energy is limited, and specializing in one type yields more benefits than dabbling in multiple types. It also helps provide the country with more high-quality Pokémon Trainers."

Rambo recognized the girl who answered. She was Cassandra, and her partner Pokémon was a Magnemite. In the first session, Cassandra and Magnemite had performed admirably, finishing 5th in the race.

"Great, your answers are just like the ones from the textbook. It looks like you are studying hard," Mrs. Katherine said. She then continued, "However, having one or two Pokémon that aren't your specialized type in your team can help you counter others who have type advantages over you. Battle strategies are very important, and they start when you begin building your Pokémon team. Be serious about the class and give your full attention."

The students listened intently. The students from Class 6B, including Rambo, were eager to absorb the information, knowing how crucial it was for their development as Pokémon Trainers. The students from Class 6A, though silent, also paid attention, realizing the importance of the lesson.

Mrs. Katherine continued her lesson, delving deeper into various battle strategies. "First, let's talk about type matchups," she began. "Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different types is crucial. For example, Water types are strong against Fire types but weak against Electric types. Knowing these matchups can give you a significant advantage. I won't be explaining the details about this; you are elite classes, right? You should know these in your daily classes."

She moved on to discuss move types and effects. "Pokémon battle is not just about dealing damage. Some students only use attack moves in battle without any status moves; that is the most foolish fighting skill I have seen. This kind of Pokémon Trainer should go back to kindergarten and have their lessons taught. Moves that inflict status conditions, like paralysis or sleep, can turn the tide of battle. For instance, using Thunder Wave to paralyze your opponent can lower their speed and increase the chance they miss a turn."

Mrs. Katherine then highlighted the importance of stat-boosting and lowering moves. "Using moves like Swords Dance to increase your Attack or Growl to decrease your opponent's Attack can be game-changers. Don't underestimate these moves. Even a Gold Class Pokémon Trainer can lose to a Silver Class Pokémon Trainer if the Pokémon of the Silver Class Trainer can handle the stat-boosting six times."

"Predicting your opponent's moves is another key strategy," she continued. "If you can read their strategy and predict their next move, you can switch out your Pokémon to one that's more favorable against their attack. For example, if you predict they'll use a Ground type move, switch to a Flying type Pokémon."

She emphasized the importance of team composition. "Building a balanced team with a mix of offensive and defensive Pokémon is essential. Have a defensive wall like Blissey to soak up special attacks and a strong attacker like Staraptor to deal heavy damage."

The students listened intently, taking notes and asking questions. They were eager to absorb the valuable information, knowing how crucial these strategies were for their development as Pokémon Trainers.

"Mrs. Katherine really has some real skill in Pokémon battle; those strategies were helpful," Larry commented as he diligently took notes.

"Those Class 6A students don't think like that, though," Rambo replied. Following his sight, Larry could see that only two or three Class 6A students were taking notes.

"Nah, who cares about them," Larry said dismissively.