
Pokemon: The Invasion from Another World

Hey, I am Rambo. This is a story about how I become a great Pokémon Trainer in my world. I am glad to have you all here.

CyanDyan · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: Jonathan and Margaret

When night fell, both of Rambo's parents, Jonathan and Margaret, returned from work. Jonathan was a local lawyer known for his dedication and integrity, while Margaret worked at Intelliga Library, where she managed the extensive collection of books and helped patrons find the information they needed.

"Awww, my little sweetheart, did you prepare all of these on your own?" Margaret asked, rubbing Rambo's hair and making it messy.

"Mom, I am not a little baby anymore, I can do this," Rambo protested, trying to smooth his hair back into place. Margaret's love was sometimes overwhelming for Rambo since his sister, Delia, went to work at the Great Ravine. Margaret had shifted all her affection to Rambo.

"Buneary, Buneary!" Margaret's Buneary called out with its characteristic, cheerful cry. Buneary jumped high, aiming for a big hug from Rambo, but was intercepted by Zigzagoon, who knocked it aside in a playful tackle.

Buneary was Margaret's Pokémon, always by her side to assist with her daily tasks at the library. It helped her organize books, fetch items, and even entertain children during storytime. Buneary also played a significant role in caring for Rambo and Delia when they were younger, acting as a playful companion and protector.

Rambo remembered how Buneary would use its strong ears to lift heavy books for Margaret and how it would comfort him and Delia with its soft fur and gentle presence. It had a knack for finding lost items and was always there to cheer them up when they felt down.

"Zigzagoon, be gentle!" Rambo chided, though he couldn't help but smile at the sight of the two Pokémon playfully interacting.

Margaret chuckled, watching the scene unfold. "So this is your Starter Pokémon? It's so cute, just like you."

Jonathan entered the kitchen, drawn by the cheerful commotion. "What's going on here?" he asked with a smile, taking off his lawyer's coat and hanging it on a nearby chair.

"Nothing, just a little Pokémon fun," Rambo replied, petting Zigzagoon and Buneary to calm them down.

After dinner, the family gathered in the living room. Rambo, Margaret, and Jonathan sat comfortably on the sofa, watching television. The room was cozy, the soft glow of the TV casting a warm light across the room. The program they were watching was a light-hearted comedy, bringing occasional laughter from the family.

Zigzagoon and Buneary played around energetically, chasing each other and exploring the nooks and crannies of the living room. Their playful antics added a lively atmosphere to the evening.

On the carpet nearby, Jonathan's Pokémon, a very muscular Throh, was taking a nap. Throh's large frame rose and fell with each breath, the powerful Pokémon looking surprisingly peaceful as it rested. Throh was known for its strength and discipline, often assisting Jonathan with tasks that required brute force and protecting the family when needed.

"What type is this Zigzagoon? I have never seen this kind of Zigzagoon before. Isn't it the one from Indonesia?" Jonathan asked, curiosity evident in his voice. During his time, he hadn't been able to learn much about Pokémon; everything was still new to humanity.

Rambo, catching Zigzagoon from running around and placing it gently on his lap, answered, "This is the England form Zigzagoon. It's a Dark and Normal-type Pokémon. Do you remember Professor Norwayne that I told you about before?"

"Oh, Mr. Norwayne, yes, I remember him. I just settled his divorce case a few weeks ago," Jonathan said, his expression a mix of professional detachment and mild sympathy. "I don't know if he was smart or not, but he was indeed rich; he paid about 6,000 P-Dollars."

Rambo nodded, stroking Zigzagoon's fur gently. "Haha, then you won't believe this, this Zigzagoon is the offspring of his Arcanine."

Jonathan raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Really? That's quite something."

The family continued to watch TV, enjoying their time together. Zigzagoon snuggled comfortably on Rambo's lap, occasionally looking up with curious eyes at the moving images on the screen. Buneary, having calmed down, sat contentedly by Margaret's side.

Throh, still napping peacefully, added a sense of security and calm to the room. The gentle hum of the television and the quiet conversation created a serene atmosphere, making the evening a perfect end to a busy day.

As the clock ticked closer to bedtime, Margaret turned off the TV and stretched. "Alright, it's getting late. Time to head to bed," she announced, getting up from the sofa.

Jonathan stood up and stretched as well. "I agreed, I'm tired."

Rambo looked at Zigzagoon, who was now yawning and blinking sleepily. "Come on, Zigzagoon. Let's get you settled in for the night," he said, gently lifting the Pokémon off his lap.

He carried Zigzagoon up the stairs to his room. Rambo's room was modest but comfortable, with a bed, a study desk, and shelves filled with books and Pokémon memorabilia. A soft nightlight cast a warm glow over the room.

Rambo set Zigzagoon down on his bed and began changing into his pajamas. "You've had a big day, Zigzagoon. Time to rest," he said, smiling at the Pokémon.

Zigzagoon watched him with half-closed eyes, clearly tired but still trying to stay awake. "Zigza..." it murmured softly.

Rambo chuckled. "You're sleepy, aren't you? Let's get you comfortable." He pulled back the covers and patted the bed next to him. "Come on, you can sleep right here."

Zigzagoon eagerly hopped onto the bed and curled up beside Rambo's pillow. Rambo climbed into bed and pulled the covers over both of them. He reached over and turned off the nightlight, leaving the room bathed in soft shadows.

"Goodnight, Zigzagoon," Rambo whispered, stroking Zigzagoon's fur gently. 

"Zigza..." Zigzagoon replied, its eyes closing as it drifted off to sleep. Rambo lay back on his pillow, falling asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

Saturday arrived quickly. The sun was shining brightly as Rambo and Zigzagoon made their way to the school for the Training Class.

"First day for the Training Class, huh? Nice weather, anyway," Larry said, walking beside Rambo. They were heading to the school hall where everyone was supposed to gather before the Training Class began.

"Rather than nice weather, I prefer a good teacher to teach us. If he or she has good manners, it's even better," Rambo replied. Whenever he thought about teachers, Mr. Matthew came to mind as an exception. That guy was just as lazy as a Slakoth.

"Nah, who cares about that? No matter what teacher is teaching, I'm going to kick those Class 6A students' asses!" Larry said confidently. He couldn't wait to teach those Class 6A students a lesson.

Larry's determination stemmed from the way most of the Class 6A students behaved. They were either rich or exceptionally talented, and they looked down on students from other classes. They often boycotted others, refusing to interact with or even acknowledge them. Their bad manners included mocking other students, flaunting their wealth or abilities, and forming exclusive groups that excluded anyone not from their own class.

"There are rumors that there were class fights during Training Class. I wonder if it's true," Rambo said, a bit excited about the possibility of battles. Since he started training Zigzagoon, he hadn't had a proper battle with anyone.

"I don't know either. Maybe it is," Larry replied.

As they entered the school hall, the buzz of excitement and chatter filled the air. Students from all classes were mingling, but it was clear that the Class 6A students kept to themselves, casting disdainful glances at the others.

Rambo spotted Mr. Matthew at the front of the hall, looking as lethargic as ever. "Great, looks like Mr. Matthew is here too. I hope he doesn't sleep through the session," he smiled and joked to Larry.

"I bet he won't. The principal's Bisharp is keeping an eye on him," Larry pointed at the Bisharp that was standing by the stage, guarding the order.

The session began as soon as all the students were seated. The principal of Rutherford High School, Mr. Donald, walked up on stage and was ready to start his speech.

"Good morning, students!" Mr. Donald greeted with a wide smile. "I hope everyone has had a good breakfast?"

A chorus of "Yes" echoed through the hall as the students responded, some more enthusiastically than others.

"Excellent!" Mr. Donald continued. "As you know, today marks the beginning of our Training Class sessions, an important part of your journey as Pokémon Trainers. These sessions will not only enhance your skills but also strengthen the bond between you and your Pokémon."

The principal's speech continued, growing increasingly long and monotonous. He spoke about the importance of discipline, hard work, and dedication. Many students began to shift in their seats, struggling to maintain their attention as Mr. Donald droned on.

Rambo whispered to Larry, "This is going to be a long day if he keeps this up."

Larry stifled a yawn. "Tell me about it. Let's hope the training makes up for it."

Just as the students were beginning to lose hope, Mr. Donald finally wrapped up his speech. "And remember, the effort you put in today will shape your future as successful Pokémon Trainers. Now, let me hand it over to your P.E. teacher, Mr. Richard Thompson."

Mr. Richard, a tall and muscular man with a commanding presence, took the stage with lively energy. "Hello everyone, it's me, Richard Thompson, your best P.E. teacher in the school. Now, everyone gather on the athletic field. You may release your Pokémon once we get there. We will start our first session as soon as we reach the field."

The students perked up at Mr. Richard's announcement. The prospect of getting outside and starting the practical training was far more exciting than sitting through more speeches.

Once they reached the athletic field, Mr. Richard addressed the students again. "Alright, everyone! Release your Pokémon and let's get started. The first session will be a race, the full length of the race will be 5km, which means five laps around the track. You need to run along with your Pokémon and reach the finish line together. However, the track isn't large enough for 100 participants at once, so we will start it by class, beginning with Class 6A and ending with Class 6E."

The field filled with the sight and sounds of Pokémon being released from their Poké Balls. Rambo released Zigzagoon, who immediately began to explore the surroundings with keen interest. Larry released his Ferroseed, which looked around with determined focus.

The students of Class 6A lined up at the starting line, their Pokémon beside them. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and a hint of rivalry. The Class 6A students, known for their wealth and talent, looked confident and slightly smug as they prepared for the race.

"On your marks," Mr. Richard called out, raising a starting pistol.

The students tensed, ready to spring into action. Their Pokémon mirrored their excitement, some bouncing in place while others crouched low, prepared to sprint.

"Get set…"

The field fell silent, the only sounds being the rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds.

"Go!" Mr. Richard fired the starting pistol, and the race began.

Class 6A students and their Pokémon took off, sprinting down the track with impressive speed. The rest of the students watched quietly, not cheering for Class 6A. There was an unspoken rivalry, and most students from the other classes didn't particularly like Class 6A due to their arrogant attitudes.

A boy with a Growlithe pulled ahead, his Pokémon's strong legs pumping in rhythm with his own. Behind him, a girl with a Froakie hopped alongside, its nimble legs propelling it forward as it tried to keep pace. Another student's Eevee ran with graceful strides, occasionally glancing up at its trainer to ensure they stayed together.

The participants maintained a strong pace as they completed the first lap. Some Pokémon, like Frillish and Pidove, seemed to struggle slightly, but their trainers encouraged them to keep going. The students worked in tandem with their Pokémon, demonstrating the bond and teamwork that the Training Class aimed to strengthen.

As the race continued, the distance between the runners began to show. The stronger, more athletic pairs maintained their lead, while others fell slightly behind, conserving their energy for the final push.

As the final lap approached, the competition intensified. Leading the pack was Hiroshi Ayama and his Sawk. Hiroshi's strong build and relentless training were evident as he maintained a steady pace, his Sawk matching his every step with powerful strides. With a final burst of speed, they crossed the finish line first, becoming the top of Class 6A in this session.

"That Sawk is a worthy opponent for sure," Rambo whispered to Larry as they watched Hiroshi and Sawk celebrate their win.

In second place was Ylisa and her Mudkip. Rambo was surprised to see Ylisa not taking the top spot, as he had always assumed she would be number one. Mudkip's agility and Ylisa's determination shone through as they crossed the finish line just moments after Hiroshi and Sawk.

"Ylisa is second? I thought she would win like always," Rambo said, astonished.

"She's still impressive," Larry replied. "Mudkip looks really well-trained. I can't wait to have a fight with them."

In third place was Lawrence and his Froakie. Lawrence, a potential rising star in their class, showed excellent teamwork and strategy with his Froakie. The nimble Pokémon's swift movements and Lawrence's focused determination secured them a respectable third place finish.

As the other participants began to cross the finish line, Rambo also felt excited for his turn. He couldn't wait to see what Zigzagoon and he could do. They had been training at Enro's Battle Club for a week, focusing on speed training. He didn't think they would lose to the others.

"Get ready, Zigzagoon. Our turn is coming up," Rambo said, feeling a surge of determination.

"Zigza!" Zigzagoon responded enthusiastically, ready for the challenge ahead.