
Pokemon: Master of tactics

If Alex ever got the chance to get transmigrated into a world, he would choose Pokemon World. Since it is relatively safe. It is easy to earn money. Not to mention, such an adventurous and intriguing world. But when his wish somehow came true, he regretted it. If you want to see the next chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/alex02373 (the story has a similar start as Legendary Pokemon Trainer so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar and this story is not a copy.) editor: JoJo_Soni

alex02373 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
398 Chs

Pokemon master of tactics: Chapter 99

Alex saw Scizor passed out on the floor together with Starmie and didn't know how to feel. Although this situation seemed beneficial for Alex, it was really not the case when you consider that only Scizor had type advantage and could be reinforced 4 times. Although his chance of winning was relatively good before, that couldn't be said now.

Misty, who saw her starter Pokémon lying on the floor unconscious, felt a wave of inexplicable anger at herself. If she wasn't fooled by Alex at the beginning, Starmie wouldn't have lost. Yes, it is a draw. And technically, Starmie didn't lose; she just didn't win. But when seeing how its opponent was a Scizor, who she could have easily defeated if not for her foolishness, she considers it as Starmie and her loss.

The referee looked at the two unconscious Pokémon and spoke, "Participants Misty and Alex's Pokémon have passed out and are unable to battle anymore. It's a draw. Please bring out the next Pokémon when I give the signal."

Alex had a guess which Pokémon Misty will bring out and started thinking of a good plan. The start of this round went according to plan until the moment Scizor could not gain the advantage, which made Alex's plan difficult. Of course, he had more than one plan to beat Misty. But other plans weren't as good as the one he was using until now. Now he has to come up with another plan or modify an old plan to win this match.

At the referee's signal, Alex and Misty called out their next Pokémon at the same time.

"Go, Crobat!"

"Golduck, I choose you!"


Pokémon: Golduck

LV: 39

Type: Water

Abilities: Damp

Gender: Male

Potential: Gold


- Scratch, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Confusion, Fury Swipes, Disable, Psybeam, Screech, Surf

- (Innate Talent) Psychic [E], (Innate Talent) Iron Tail [E], (Innate Talent) Headbutt [E]

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Light Screen, (TM) Rain Dance, (TM) Whirlpool, (TM) Hyper Beam, (TM) Blizzard, (TM) Calm Mind, (TM) Toxic


Alex, who knew that Golduck could use the move Calm Mind, didn't want to risk choosing Kirlia as his next Pokémon. Although Kirlia can also use this move, she is too weak to win against a buffed up Golduck. Although Crobat had to fight a Pokémon that was a Psychic expert, Alex had no better options. That was also one of the reasons why he didn't want to lose Scizor so early.

"Are both participants ready? Ok. 3,2,1, GO!"

Misty immediately said, "Golduck, start with Rain Dance."

Crobat immediately used Taunt without Alex having to say anything.

The reason Crobat did this was quite simple. Alex had told him before the fight that if he were to fight Golduck, he should immediately use Taunt after the referee gives the signal. With this tactic, Alex can ensure that the Crobat would be a bit faster in exchange for not being flexible. High risk, high gain.

Misty, who looked at how Crobat used a move without Alex saying anything, was a bit confused. It is seldom the case that Pokémon uses a move without the commands from their trainer. Her face went dark when she noticed that Crobat succeeded in using Taunt before Golduck could use Rain Dance. She realized that Alex had anticipated what she was doing without knowing all of Golduck's moves. And the fact that he was successful was mind-boggling to her. She became nervous, and there was only one word for Alex in her mind.


After this, Crobat started preparing a move again without further instructions. Before the round, Alex had told him that if the tactic works, then he should use Toxic immediately.

Misty, who saw this, realized that she couldn't lose any more time. "Golduck, use Psychic."

Golduck was still confused why his Rain Dance didn't work and why he was suddenly feeling anger towards this Crobat. Then he heard the orders from his trainer and immediately began to prepare the move.

Crobat, who started earlier, was able to use his move first. He created a poisonous liquid that he threw in the direction of Golduck.

Golduck tried to avoid it but was still hit. And through devil's luck, he was even hit in the head, which made the poison's effect stronger. (Can move because of the Expert rank)

This world is not a game where every poison does the same amount of damage, so this good hit was very important for Alex. By hitting Golduck's weak point, Crobat's poison will be highly effective and cause more damage.

"Crobat, tank the attack and use Confuse Ray."

Psychic is unfortunately not an attack that you can evade with speed, so Alex did not waste his time trying to avoid it. Time is a very crucial factor in this fight, and Alex can't waste any of it.

Golduck finished using Psychic on Crobat and inflicted great damage.

Crobat suffered severe injuries by this move. His whole body looked as if he had been hit by a hammer. One part of his body was also bleeding heavily.

"Golduck, use Psychic again."

Crobat managed to use Confuse Ray despite the damage he suffered.

Golduck, whose speed is not of very high value, could not avoid Crobat's move and was hit. After being hit by Crobat move, he saw the world twice.

"Crobat, use plan 15."

Plan 15, as Alex calls it, is a simple plan where Crobar first uses Fly. Then hopes that the confused Golduck will attack the wrong Crobat flying up in the sky. Then Crobat will take a fall from the high altitude and cause Golduck high damage. After Golduck has tanked the attack and wants to attack Crobat again, Crobat will use Protect and immediately use Fly to get out of range of his next attack. Though the prerequisite for using this plan is that opponent should be in a confused state.

Crobat immediately used Fly when he heard Alex's words. As he soared high in the air, Golduck, who was still in range, used Psychic to harm Crobat. And because he saw two Crobat, Golduck didn't know which of these Pokémon was the right Crobat, so he could only hope for luck.

Unfortunately for Alex, Golduck successfully struck Crobat. Crobat, who was hit again, looked terrible. His whole body was bleeding, and Alex estimated that Crobat only had around 20% Hp, which was not good news.

Alex showed an annoyed expression at his tough luck.

Crobat used Fly and flew towards Golduck at a very high speed.

"Golduck, use Protect and then Blizzard."

Golduck, who created a shield, successfully blocked the attack by Crobat. after blocking this attack, he quickly started using Blizzard.

Crobat was at the side of Alex when he blocked Golduck's attack with his own Protect. Then Fly was used again without the command.

Misty, seeing Crobat using Protect without a command, looked surprised when Crobat dodged his defeat.

When Misty wanted to use Psychic again, she realized the Crobat was too far away to use Psychic successfully. She tried to come up with a strategy quickly but came up empty.

Golduck, who was poisoned at the beginning of this fight, showed a Violet color on his skin, which indicated that Golduck's condition was grave. Misty, seeing how quickly Crobat's poison was inflicting damage on Golduck, looked annoyed. If Golduck wasn't hit in the head, poison's effect wouldn't be this fast.

Crobat fell at a faster pace towards Golduck that this attack could not be avoided.

Golduck, hit by this Strong Fly attack, was sent flying several meters behind. Together with the poison, his condition looked as bad as Crobat's. Fortunately, the effects of Confuse Ray wore off, and he was able to see the world normally again.

"Crobat, finish it with Shadow Ball."

"Golduck, use Psychic, fast!"

Both trainers knew that their Pokémon can only take one hit, so they quickly gave their orders.

Crobat and Golduck used their moves simultaneously. And because of that, neither of them managed to avoid the attack.

Both Pokémon fell to the ground after being hit by the move of the opponent.


have fun with this long chapter (hehe)

btw the next one is even longer

If you want to see the next chapters (25+ chapters) earlier or just want to support me
