
Pokemon: Master of tactics

If Alex ever got the chance to get transmigrated into a world, he would choose Pokemon World. Since it is relatively safe. It is easy to earn money. Not to mention, such an adventurous and intriguing world. But when his wish somehow came true, he regretted it. If you want to see the next chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/alex02373 (the story has a similar start as Legendary Pokemon Trainer so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar and this story is not a copy.) editor: JoJo_Soni

alex02373 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
398 Chs

Pokemon master of tactics: Chapter 381

A born Shallow Gold Potential is too bad for Alex to get actually excited about it.

If he encountered such a Pokemon at the beginning of his journey, he would not only keep it for himself but also be extremely happy for several days. In comparison, Crobat, Scizor, and Gardevoir all start with Born Deep Silver Potential.

But now that Alex has Born Gold and Born Deep Gold Pokemon on his team, Alex's minimum Potential for a Pokemon is extremely high.

Horsea is also a born Shallow Gold Pokemon but is at least a Pokemon species that Alex considers to be a very strong Pokemon species and a type he hasn't had before. Also, Horsea's innate talent Moves and Abilities were extremely good.

Unfortunately, Venonat does not have these advantages.

He would rather give this Pokemon to Maria or give it to Daniel as a reward if Alex wins this test. Alex planned to give all of his subordinates a reward if he wins this test anyway.

Alex felt that the jump from Shallow Diamond to Diamond is enormous, having experienced how difficult it is for a Deep Gold Pokemon to become a Shallow Diamond Pokemon. Shallow Diamond to Diamond is probably a lot harder.

He believed that only three of his Pokemon could reach the Diamond potential, normally. (without Full blood Legendary Pokemon Items)

These are of course his three Pokemon with the best-born Potential in his Team. His three abnormalities. Ninetales, Banette and Zweilous.

Ninetales and Banette were born with a Gold Potential.

The two should have a good chance of reaching the Diamond potential with a lot of money burning.

Unfortunately, only items from SS-rank Pokemon are really helpful and these items are extremely expensive so Alex doesn't think it's cheap to bring these two to the Diamond rank.

In comparison, Zweilous should have an easier time and should almost certainly reach The Diamond rank.

According to Alex's estimate, a Born Deep Gold Pokemon should reach this Potential relatively easily. (with items worth less than 100 million+Evolution)

Blaziken, Umbreon, and Bastiodon were all born with a Shallow Gold Potential so that Alex didn't think he could bring these Pokemon to the Diamond rank any time soon.

Was that even possible?

He wasn't even sure if all the appropriate SS rank items in this world combined could bring these three Pokemon to the Diamond rank.

Alex couldn't find anyone who had tried this. besides that probably most Champion-level trainers don't do that anyway. Alex was the only person as far as he knows who divided SS rank into three levels. (thanks to his system)

For other trainers, the SS rank is the maximum a Pokemon can reach.

There is no SSS rank or a Pokemon that had reached this rank.

maybe full-blood legendary pokemon have this potential, but no human in this world could catch one of these pokemon and have its potential tested so no one knows.

Alex even thinks it's possible that weaker gods "only" have a Deep Diamond Potential.

He's already had 11 Pokemon and a born Shallow Gold potential just isn't good enough anymore.

It wasn't cheap to get a Shallow Gold Pokemon to the Shallow Diamond rank and almost impossible to get it to the Diamond rank.

Alex prefers to use the money for his Pokemon which he already has an emotional connection.

He then said telepathically, "Gardevoir defeat this Venonat and bring me the unconscious body. But be careful not to kill it."

Gardevoir nodded and immediately did what Alex wanted her to do. she immediately "destroy" this Pokemon with a move and carries the unconscious body in front of Alex.

She was careful not to use all the power of her move and to avoid tearing this Pokemon to pieces.

Alex pulled out a Pokeball and caught it.

Maria, Daniel, and Elise saw this and they showed a slightly puzzled expression. No one could understand why Alex did that.

Alex showed a smile when he noticed this. He said, "I'm going to start randomly catching some Pokemon here. Maybe I'm lucky and there are some S-rank Pokemon under these Pokemon. After all, the average potential of Pokemon on this island is said to be very good."

That was a lie but a good reason to explain Alex's action.

If he later gives this Venonat to Elise or Daniel and they remember how Alex only caught 1 or two Pokemon from this island, then it would make him look extremely weird. how should he explain that?

So, Alex will even start catching Pokemon that don't have good potential so that his behavior isn't unusual.

No one will think it's extremely unusual if Alex catches 50 Pokemon from this island and there are 2 or 3 S-rank Pokemon in it.

Especially on this island where the potential of Pokemon is better than average, according to Giovanni's own statement.

Alex and his team kept moving and started encountering aggressive Pokemon that frantically attacked Alex's party, even though they clearly have a disadvantage.

The team's combative and aggressive Pokemon take care of these "weak" Pokemon.

Of Alex's team, it was only Crobat and Umbreon who seemed to enjoy killing weak Pokemon.

Scizor and Blaziken also like to fight but not against Pokemon that are too weak so they didn't join in this Bloodbath.

Maria, Daniel, and Elise also had Pokemon like Crobat and Umbreon on their team.

Especially Elise has many Pokemon that were extremely cruel. But none of the Elise Pokemon were the cruelest Pokemon in this "fight".

This title belongs to Umbreon.

Umbreon looked at the attacking Pokemon with an expression of hatred and treated them as if a normal death is too Good for them.

Even if a Pokemon is dead, Umbreon won't give up and mutilate

the corpse of this Pokemon.

Umbreon ended up completely covered in blood and even a little feared by the other "cruel" Pokemon(s). Of course not, from Crobat and the rest of Alex's Pokemon.

Crobat even shows an expression of pride as he gazes at Umbreon. The same way a proud father would look at his daughter when she brought home a good grade from school and showed it to him.

Alex's team has seen Umbreon handle the "enemies" of the family too many times to even change their expressions for this expected carnage.

'At least... She doesn't torture those Pokemon... that's good enough.' thought Alex as he looked at the different-sized dismembered corpses.


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