
Pokemon: Legends of All

In the Region of Estral, all Pokemon have gathered in this massive region. This region contains every legendary, mythical, and even every normal Pokemon ever recorded. This is the largest known region to ever exist and because it is so large it is prone to have it's conflicts. The Legendary Pokemon have begun to lose control and no one knows why. It is up to the trainers who are up to the challenge to quell the anger of these Legendaries and return their region to peace. To do this, they must defeat the ones who are manipulating and controlling said Pokemon. Our protagonist, Atlas Lionhart, has a dream of becoming the best Pokemon Master as well has a dream of quelling and catching every Legendary and Mythical in the region. As he sets out on his journey he meets new friends, and Pokemon who will join him on his quest to being the very best.

Psycho_Books · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Rivals! A Surprising Finish!

We all made it back to Azurglow City and got off the boat. Jacob was happy to see Surge back in the city. Surge nodded at Jacob then noticed Hideo walking up.

"You're finally back huh...Good. Now I can finally beat you and obtain your badge." Hideo said.

"Hey wait a second." I started.

Hideo looked back at me and glared. "First come first serve around here, loser."

"Why are you so rude? We helped Captain Surge stop Team Myth! Atlas deserves to go first to battle Captain Surge!" Winter yelled and puffed her cheeks.

"I have an idea. How about you two have a Pokemon Battle? Whoever wins gets to battle me first." Surge suggested.

Hideo looked at me then closed his eyes. "I'm never one to run away from a battle. I'll crush you and grow stronger."

I looked at Hideo and smirked. "We'll see about that."

"There's a battlefield behind the Pokemon Center that you can use. I'll even referee the battle." Jacob said.

"Sounds good. Let's go so I can destroy this loser." Hideo said then walked off.

I watched him then fixed my hat then looked down at Oshawott. "Let's go, Partner. We have a rival to defeat!"

Oshawott cried out determinedly and flexed his muscles. We hurried down the road to the Pokemon Center. Winter hurried after me. Surge and Jacob made their ways to the Pokemon Center as well. Once we all made it, we headed to the battlefield. Winter and Surge sat in the spectator section. A few other trainers there noticed and stopped by to watch.

"The battle between Hideo and Atlas shall begin! Both trainers, are you set?" Jacob asked and acknowledged our nod of affirmation. "Alright, begin!"

"Pidgey! Let's take them out!" Hideo said as he threw a pokeball. Pidgey emerged from the pokeball and cried out.

Oshawott ran forward and I looked at him then smiled. He cried out with determination.

[Pokemon: Oshawott

Nickname: Osha

Gender: Male

Type: Water

Ability: Torrent

Morale: High (Increased Attack and Speed)

Bond Link: 48%

Status Condition: None

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip]

"Alright Osha, let's get this party started!" I said and smirked.

"Pidgey! Double Team!" Hideo commanded.

Pidgey cried out and began to move rapidly, creating illusory copies of itself. Oshawott was caught off guard by the copies and looked around for the real Pidgey.

"Now, fly around and use Quick Attack!" Hideo commanded.

Pidgey and his copies zipped across the air at speeds that made it seem they were invisible. Oshawott looked around frantically. He tried to use his shell, but Pidgey struck Oshawott with a powerful hit. Pidgey soon struck Oshawott with a flurry of quick attacks. His last attack struck Oshawott and sent him flying.

"So fast.." Winter said. "I could barely keep up.."

Oshawott grunted and tried to stand up after withstanding all those attacks. He panted and stood strong.

"Osha! Rush in with some Tackles!" I commanded.

Oshawott ran ahead and threw out some tackles, but was only able to hit the illusory copies of Pidgey. He kept trying and eventually was able to narrow Pidgey down to its last copy.

"Osha! Use your shell to throw it at one and tackle the other!" I commanded.

"Not happening! Pidgey use gust to blow away Oshawott and his stupid shell!" Hideo commanded.

Oshawott dashed ahead and threw his shell at one before they were able to whip up some winds. The illusory copy disappeared and the real Pidgey was able to strike Oshawott with powerful winds and blow him away. He came flying towards me and I caught him. Oshawott laid in my arm, exhausted. He slowly sat up and hopped out of my arms.

"Osha, you don't have to keep battling. I can switch you out so you can rest!" I said.

Oshawott shook his head and looked at Pidgey. He cried out and activated his ability. He generated water like aura around himself then bellowed. Pidgey seemed surprised by Oshawott's power increase.

"What...is this..?" Hideo asked.

"It seems like Oshawott was able to finally awaken his Torrent Ability. This is going to be more interesting than I thought." Surge said.

I felt my phone buzzing and I took it out of my pocket and clicked on the notification.

[Oshawott is trying to learn Aqua Jet and Razor Shell!]

I looked at Oshawott then smiled. I looked at Hideo and Pidgey. "Let's do this, Partner!"

"Pidgey let us lay waste to them again! Quick Attack!" Hideo bellowed.

"Osha! Try out your new Aqua Jet!" I commanded.

Oshawott bellowed and propelled himself using the water energy around him at speeds that seemed invisible. Pidgey lunged himself at Oshawott at speeds that seemed invisible as well. The two clashed and struggled to overpower each other.

"Wooo! This battle is amazing!" One trainer cheered.

"Keep it up Pidgey!" Another trainer cheered.

"Oshawott for the win!" Another cheered.

"This battle is so amazing. Both trainers and pokemon giving it their all." Jacob said.

"Osha! Let's show them how Unova does it! Use Razor Shell to strike it away!" I bellowed.

Oshawott held his scalchop like a sword and it produced a light blue water like aura forming into an energy blade. He began slicing at Pidgey in rapid succession then sliced through Pidgey, causing an explosion to happen. The energy on the shell disappeared and Oshawott placed his shell back on his belly. The smoke cleared and Pidgey was fainted on the ground.

"Pidgey is unable to battle! The winner is Oshawott!" Jacob announced.

The trainers around cheered and celebrated.

"Yes! Good job Oshy!" Winter cheered. Fennekin cheered as well.

"Hmph...you only got lucky. Prepare to lose now." Hideo said as he returned Pidgey back into his ball. He looked down at Treecko. "Go."

Treecko ran out onto the battlefield and cried out, ready to battle. Oshawott was ready to take down Treecko, but heard me calling him.

"Return Osha. Rest up a bit." I said. Oshawott looked back at Treecko then hurried over to my side. I pulled out Petilil's pokeball and tossed it to the battlefield. "Lily, show 'em what you can do!"

Petilil emerged from the pokeball and landed then cried out a cute yet determined cry. Treecko looked at Petilil and gave a smug and confident smile.

Winter held her phone up to our Pokemon.

[Pokemon: Treecko

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Type: Grass

Ability: Overgrow

Morale: High (Increased Attack and Special Attack)

Bond Link: 48%

Status Condition: None

Moves: Pound, Aerial Ace, Leafage, Quick Attack, Mega Drain, Bullet Seed]

[Pokemon: Petilil

Nickname: Lily

Gender: Female

Type: Grass

Ability: Chlorophyll

Morale: High (Super Effective Damage Taken Halved)

Bond Link: 29%

Status Condition: None

Moves: Absorb, Growth, Stun Spore]

"Treecko is pretty stacked on powerful moves. Seems like Hideo was able to find a few TMs. Lily is at a disadvantage...how will Atlas win this?" Winter said.

"You send out your weaker pokemon as a throwaway. That's fine by me, an easy win is still a win! Treecko overwhelmed it with Aerial Ace!" Hideo bellowed.

"Lily! Use Growth!" I commanded.

Petilil forced herself to grow and gained a boost in Attack and Special Attack. Treecko confounded Petilil, catching her off guard then struck her with a powerful strike. Petilil cried out as she slid backwards. I looked at the sky and waited for the Sun to shine. Hideo looked up and noticed it was pretty cloudy.

"Hm..." Hideo looked back at me. "Treecko! Relentlessly attack Petilil with Aerial Ace!"

"Keep using Growth!" I commanded.

Petilil kept forcing her body to grow into a massive size until she couldn't grow anymore. Treecko kept up his relentless attacks with his Aerial Ace. Petilil kept withstanding the attacks and groaned in pain. I looked at the sky and noticed the clouds parting and the sun shining brightly.

"Lily!" I bellowed.

Petilil's leaves shined brightly then her entire body began glowing. Her Chlorophyll ability activated and she dodged Treecko's Aerial Ace.

"What?! Impossible!" Hideo said in shock.

"Lily! Use Absorb!" I commanded.

Petilil cried out and her leaves began glowing the vines began to burst from the ground and wrapped around Treecko. The vines shined a bright green glow and began absorbing Treecko's energy. Treecko groaned in pain and tried to break out. Treecko's eyes began glowing and a plant like aura surrounded him as his Overgrow Ability activated.

"Treecko! Break out of it and use bullet seed on the ground!" Hideo bellowed.

Treecko yelled and broke out of Petilil's Absorb then shot seeds at the ground, causing smoke to form around the battlefield. Petilil looked around as she heard whooshing.

"Treecko! Aerial Ace!" Hideo bellowed.

Treecko appeared behind Petilil and delivered a critical blow to Petilil. Petilil fell to the ground, fainted.

"Petilil is unable to battle! Treecko is the winner!" Jacob said.

I recalled Petilil into her pokeball then smiled at her ball. "You did great." I put the ball away and looked at Oshawott.

Oshawott ran out to the battlefield and looked at Treecko with a determined smile. Treecko crossed his arms and glared at Oshawott.

"Osha!" I called out. Oshawott responded with a battle cry then water like aura surged powerfully around his body.

"Treecko!" Hideo bellowed. Treecko responded with his battle cry and plant like aura surged powerfully around his body.

"Aqua Jet!" I bellowed.

"Quick Attack!" Hideo bellowed.

Oshawott propelled himself toward Treecko using the waters that surrounded him. Treecko dashed toward Oshawott at near invisible speeds. The two clashed and were evenly matched. Treecko overpowered Oshawott then kicked him away. Oshawott landed on his feet then slid backwards and grabbed his shell. An energy blade formed on his shell then he dashed to Treecko.

"Bullet Seed!" Hideo commanded.

"Deflect them Osha!" I yelled.

Oshawott began deflecting the seeds with his Razor Shell. He jumped up in the air then came down with a spinning slice. Treecko dodged the attack and pelted leaves at Oshawott. Oshawott looked surprised and cried out as he was hit by Treecko's Overgrow Boosted Leafage.

"No mercy! Bullet Seed!" Hideo bellowed.

Treecko began shooting seeds at Oshawott and struck him then an explosion happened. The smoke cleared slowly and showed Oshawott falling on the ground, fainting.

"Oshawott is unable to battle! Treecko is the winner! The winner of this battle is Hideo!" Jacob announced then the trainers who watched cheered and celebrated.

I walked onto the battlefield and held Oshawott then watched him awaken slowly. He looked at me as if to ask if we won. I shook my head and smiled at him.

"You did your best, but we have much to learn and lots of room to grow." I said.

"Hmph. Was that entertaining enough for you Captain? I defeated this loser. Now as you promised an official Gym Battle against you!" Hideo said and pointed at Surge.

Surge looked at Hideo and stood up. "Right. Rest your pokemon well. Come to my gym when you feel you are ready." Surge walked off and left the Pokemon Center.

Winter walked over to me and looked at me. "I guess you can spectate and learn from this battle." She said with a sympathetic smile.

"That's alright by me. This'll give me a chance to learn how Surge battles." I said.

Winter nodded and we headed inside the Pokemon Center so I could heal my pokemon then head to the Pokemon Gym to watch the Gym Battle between Captain Surge and Hideo.