
Pokemon: Legends of All

In the Region of Estral, all Pokemon have gathered in this massive region. This region contains every legendary, mythical, and even every normal Pokemon ever recorded. This is the largest known region to ever exist and because it is so large it is prone to have it's conflicts. The Legendary Pokemon have begun to lose control and no one knows why. It is up to the trainers who are up to the challenge to quell the anger of these Legendaries and return their region to peace. To do this, they must defeat the ones who are manipulating and controlling said Pokemon. Our protagonist, Atlas Lionhart, has a dream of becoming the best Pokemon Master as well has a dream of quelling and catching every Legendary and Mythical in the region. As he sets out on his journey he meets new friends, and Pokemon who will join him on his quest to being the very best.

Psycho_Books · Fantasy
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13 Chs

An Explosive Seashore Battle!

Winter and I made it to Azurglow City. The city was right by a large body of water with a port and that port was the only way to the other areas of Kaeton. The city was bustling with people who were with their families and pokemon.

"I think this is the perfect time to head to the Pokemon Gym! The Azurglow Gym is known for their water type Pokemon so your Petilil should be good for the gym!~" Winter said. "But...I want to change out of these icky clothes so let's head to a hotel for right now."

"I agree. I would much rather battle in new and clean clothes." I said then followed Winter to a nearby hotel. We walked inside and walked to the front desk and I noticed Hideo.

"Oh look it's Hideo!" Winter pointed out.

Hideo heard his name and looked back. "Hmm...It's you again."

Winter and I stopped walking and stood in front of Hideo. Oshawott noticed Treecko and gave him a friendly wave. Treecko crossed his arms and turned away. Oshawott looked surprised and scowled.

"I haven't properly introduced myself yesterday. The name's Atlas Lionhart." I said.

Hideo closed his eyes and grabbed his room key then walked off. Treecko followed behind. "I could care less about who you are. You're just another obstacle in my way of being the best."

"Geez, what crawled up his butt? Rude much!" Winter said. Fennekin made a sound of agreement with Winter.

"Don't worry too much about it." I said then walked to the front counter.

"Hello, welcome to Azur Hotel! How may I help you two today?" The receptionist asked.

"How long are we staying for?" Winter asked.

"Up until I've beaten the Gym. One room please." I answered.

"That'll be 700 Pokedollars." The receptionist said.

"Hm...that's pretty cheap." I said then took out my wallet and pulled out money to give to the receptionist in exchange for a room key. I thanked the receptionist and headed towards the Elevator.

Winter followed behind. "While we are here, we can study upon the Gym Leader of Azurglow City."

"Do you know who the Gym Leader is?" I asked as I got on the elevator with Winter.

"His name is Captain Surge. He used to be in the Ocean Guard Force with his Ace Pokemon, Blastoise. He retired from the force to be a Gym Leader here, where he grew up at." Winter answered.

"Do you know his team?" I asked.

"From what I heard since he's the first gym leader people tend to battle, his team comsists of Krabby, Marill, and his sub ace for his beginner team, Squirtle with its hidden ability, Rain Dish." Winter answered.

"How strong of a battler is he in your opinion?" I asked.

"Well he is a competitive battler nowadays. He's a pretty skilled trainer. I don't know if he would be able to beat someone like Misty or even Red, but he is a force to be reckoned with." Winter answered.

The elevator stopped on our floor and we walked out then headed to our room. I used the room key to unlock the door and let Winter inside first. I entered after her and was amazed at how well and big the rooms were. Our room even had an amazing view of the outside from the window.

"This room is amazing!~ Look at the view and the Wingulls and Taillows and Pidgeys!~" Winter said and picked up Fennekin so she could look at the view as well.

I walked ahead and stood beside Winter then gazed at the scenery. Oshawott hopped up and I caught him then he looked out the window. "I'm finally here. Today starts the official day of my goal to becoming a master."

Oshawott looked up at me with a smile on his face.

"Well! I'm gonna take a shower. We can head out to the gym once you get done with your shower after me." Winter said then walked off to her bag.

"That's fine by me." I said and walked away from the window.

Winter took a pair of clean clothes out of her bag and went to the bathroom to take a shower with Fennekin. I decided to let my Petilil out of her ball, and let her and Oshawott run around and play for a little, while I waited. After a few minutes of waiting, Winter came out in a white shirt, black shorts with dark colored leggings, and a white hoodie. She wore white shoes as well.

I got up and picked out new clothes for myself and went to the bathroom to freshen up with my Pokemon. I cleaned them first and then dried them and sent them on their way. After that, I took my shower and got all cleaned up then got dressed. I left the bathroom wearing a white and black jacket, dark colored pants and black shoes. I put on my hat and was ready to head out.

"Ready?" Winter asked as she looked at me.

"Yeah, let's head out." I nodded.

I returned Petilil back into her ball and placed it on my belt. Winter and I headed out and took the elevator back down to the first floor then left the hotel to go to Azurglow Gym. Once we got there we noticed a man standing in front of the gym. Hideo was also at the gym.

"What do you mean come back later? How is the Gym Leader not at his gym?" Hideo asked.

"I'm deeply sorry about the inconvenience sir, but Captain Surge hasn't returned from the Seashore Cave yet. He said there was urgent business he had to tend to." The man said.

"What's going on here? Why are you hassling this employee?" I asked.

Hideo looked at me. "Tch! Out of my way loser." He said then walked off.

I watched Hideo and walked forward. Winter stuck her tongue out at Hideo then followed behind me. The man gave a soft sigh and crossed his arms.

"With all these challengers coming, it's hard to keep telling them that Captain Surge isn't back yet." The man said.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"Hm? Are you another Challenger?" The man asked.

"I am. My name is Atlas, and my partner here is Oshawott." I introduced myself. Oshawott said his name as an introduction.

"My name is Winter and here's my partner, Fennekin!" Winter smiled and Fennekin let out a friendly cry.

"Atlas, Winter. My name is Jacob. I am Captain Surge's assistant and one of the trainers that work in the gym." Jacob said.

"So what happened? Why is the Captain missing?" Winter asked.

"Well...He went to Seashore Cave to deal with an organization that had come here to steal powerful Pokemon and use them to awaken and gain control of Legendary Pokemon to reign supreme over everyone else." Jacob answered.

"Evil Organization?" Winter asked.

"They go by Team Myth. A few of the grunts of the team was spotted in the cave trying to capture pokemon like Kingler, Magikarp, Shuckle, and even Tentacruel and use those pokemon as tools to gain even more power." Jacob said.

"Atlas...We have to go help Captain Surge! If he doesn't return soon you or the other challengers won't be able to challenge the gym!" Winter said.

"I know. We'll help Captain Surge and stop Team Myth from succeeding!" I said.

"Thank you both! To reach Seashore Cave you'll need a boat to reach Seashore Island. Here's my Badge of Waves. Use it to show one of the boat captains so they can take you there." He said.

I took the badge and looked at it. I nodded and ran towards the dock. Winter ran behind me with Oshawott and Fennekin following behind. We reached the dock in a few minutes and showed one of the captains the Badge of Waves. We were able to have the captain take us to Seashore Island.

"Do you know anything about Team Myth?" I asked.

"Mmm...I know they have a goal of awakening and gaining control of Legendary Pokemon's insane power. They have been a problem since I was little when my parents used to be trainers. After a Legendary Hero stopped Team Myth the first time, we haven't heard of them until now. They specialize in a little gimmick called Myth Power." Winter said.

"Myth Power?" I asked.

"Certain Pokemon have access to this phenomenon called Myth Power which can change their form and give them new power, abilities, and moves entirely. Myth Power is said to be an otherworldly power entirely different from Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, Dynamax, and even Terastallization. Not all Pokemon have this power which is why it's so powerful." Winter explained.

"Not every pokemon gets it huh. That can pose to be a problem.." I said and crossed my arms.

We soon made it to Seashore Island and got off the boat then hurried to the cave. Winter used her navigator to track down and find the cave then we ran inside. We ran around the cave frantically until we heard an explosion and noticed someone battling a group of people.

"That must be them! Let's go!" I said then ran down the flight of rocky stairs. Winter and our pokemon followed behind.

"No matter how strong you think you are, Captain...you can not defeat all of us at the same time!" One of the Team Myth grunts bellowed in triumph.

Captain Surge was a man who had spiky blue hair, red eyes, and a scar along the right side of his face. He wore a long blue and brown jacket that slightly resembled a Blastoise, dark blue pants, and black boots. He was shirtless under his jacket, but had bandages wrapped around the lower part of his chest down to his stomach.

"Hmph...I was only gauging where you all stood. Now I'll actually get serious." Surge said then sent out his Blastoise.

"He's bringing out his Ace...but even still there are a lot of them. We should really help!" Winter said.

I nodded. "Osha!"

"Hm? What the- Who are those twerps?!" One of the grunts asked.

"Lady Axion! We have more company!" Another grunt warned.

"Oh?~ My my..~ Such a busy day today isn't it?~ A very handsome man and a beautiful lady has decided to join us?~ Well the more the merrier..~" Axion laughed. Her Dragapult cried out and looked at us.

Axion was a woman with long black hair with red strands in her hair. She had golden eyes and a sadistic smile on her face. She had two large black and red horns protruding from her head with two Dreepies resting on her horns. She wore a kimono with the same color scheme as her ace, Dragapult.

Surge looked back at us and grunted. "You two shouldn't have come here. It's too dangerous! There's too many of them!"

"We came to help you! Your assistant is worried about you!" Winter said.

Surge looked at Winter then closed his eyes then looked ahead at Team Myth. "Alright. You two handle the grunts. I'll handle Axion."

"Right!" Both Winter and I said.

"Let's take them down!" One of the grunts bellowed.

Their pokemon looked at us and cried out, ready to battle. They had a Scraggy, Houndour, Pawniard, and a Sneasel. Oshawott and Fennekin looked at the four opposing Pokemon and let out their battle cries.

"Let's go Osha!" I bellowed and Oshawott bellowed and dashed towards the Pokemon.

"Fenny! Let's fight!" Winter yelled and Fennekin let out a loud cry and dashed towards the Pokemon.

Oshawott dodged an attack from the Houndour then tackled it, landing a powerful strike. Houndour yelped and rolled on its side. Sneasel appeared in front of Oshawott, catching him off guard.

"Pulverize it with your Shadow Claw!" One of the grunts bellowed.

Sneasel formed claws from shadows and began to strike Oshawott with a barrage of slashes then kicked him away. Oshawott cried out in pain then rolled backwards. Fennekin noticed Oshawott was in danger and tried to rush over to help him, but was hit with a powerful Power Up Punch then was sent flying by Pawniard's headbutt. Fennekin landed on her side and grunted as she tried to stand. Oshawott stood up slowly and grunted as well.

"We won't quit! Osha, can you still fight?" I asked.

Oshawott bellowed and got ready to battle again. Fennekin cried out and blew small flames from her nose. They rushed towards the Pokemon again then began to battle once more. The two did their best with their Tackles and Scratches, but it wasn't nearly enough to take down the speedy Sneasel and the hard hitting Scraggy as well as the Pawniard and Houndour.

"Those two are in danger...Blastoise shake off Dragapult with a Hydro Pump then go aid Oshawott and Fennekin!" Surge commanded.

Blastoise dodged Dragapult's Dragon Darts then aimed one of his cannons at Dragapult and blasted a beam of water at it. Dragapult dodged the move and roared then was blasted by a Hydro Pump from Blastoise's other cannon. Blastoise hurried over to Oshawott and Fennekin then the Mega Stone on his arm shined.

"Blastoise!" Surge bellowed and tapped the Mega Stone that was on his bracelet.

Blastoise bellowed and began to Mega Evolve. After his evolution, Blastoise aimed his main cannon at the four Pokemon.

"Do it now, Blastoise! Hydro Cannon!" Surge bellowed.

Blastoise let out a loud battle cry and blasted the four Pokemon with a large and powerful beam of water, instantly taking out the Pokemon. Blastoise panted and lowered his stance, becoming immobilized due to exhaustion. He noticed a bright shine and looked at Dragapult.

"What the hell is that..?" I asked in shock as I noticed an item in Axion's hand.

"Say hello...to Terastallization!" Axion laughed.

Dragapult began shining brightly and became crystallized and Terastallized into an Electric Type. Dragapult roared and it echoed across the cave.

"Dragapult! Tera Blast them away!" Axion bellowed.

Dragapult bellowed and began charging up energy. Blastoise grunted as he tried to move and his eyes shined brightly. He roared and was able to move again.

"Osha! Throw your scalchop at Dragapult!" I commanded.

Oshawott bellowed and took off his shell then threw it at Dragapult, hitting it and interrupting the Tera Blast.

"What?! Why you little-"

"Blastoise! Finish it off! Full Power Hydro Pump!" Surge commanded.

Blastoise roared and aimed his cannons at Dragapult. Dragapult roared and charged up its Tera Blast once more. They both unleashed their attacks and their moves collided. Axion grunted as the repulsive forces of the attacks caused high winds. Surge grunted and slid backwards a little.

"Blastoise!" Surge bellowed.

Blastoise cried out and his attack broke through the Tera Blast then hit Dragapult then an explosion happened. The smoke cleared slowly and Dragapult returned back to normal then fell to the ground, defeated.

Axion glared and returned Dragapult to its Pokeball. "Tch...This isn't over! We will return!"

With their defeat, Team Myth retreated after freeing the captured Pokemon. Blastoise reverted to his normal form and fell onto one knee.

"You did good, Blastoise...Return." Surge said then returned Blastoise inside of his Pokeball. "Thank you two for your help. Who are you two?"

"My name is Atlas, this is Winter." I answered.

"Atlas. Winter. You managed to save Seashore Island from those despicable goons...It would seem they were after a powerful Pokemon that resided here." Surge said.

"What Pokemon?" I asked.

"It was supposedly a Magikarp that is a Water and Dragon Type. It is a Magikarp with its Myth Typing. I noticed the were mostly capturing Magikarp because if they found the right one, they could extract the Myth Energy from it and use it to fuel a stronger pokemon. We might've stopped them now, but it won't be the last we see them." Surge said.

"Since they are gone now, will you be returning to the Gym?" I asked.

"Well I have to. I am still a Gym Leader after all. I'll take you both back to Azurglow City on my boat. Let's go." Surge said. We nodded and followed Surge back to his boat so we could head back to Azurglow City.