
Pokemon: I'm a Farmer

After unexpectedly arriving in the world of Pokémon, Rex only wants to manage his own farm well, to be a leisurely farmer. When he's free, he fishes; in his leisure time, he challenges gyms. Unexpectedly, in the end, he becomes... --- Disclaimer: All the rights to the original author and their each every creators that's been used in this fanfiction. RAWs: https://book.qidian.com/info/1037516892/ Author: 风起于金 (Wind Rises from Gold) Let's Join; My patreon: RockyRoad891

RockyRoad891 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
207 Chs

Chapter 103: The Intruding Ralts

After realizing that turning the diamond on Carbink's head into pink within a short time was not realistic, Rex suppressed the restlessness in his heart and decided to view the matter calmly.

However, Rex planned to invest as much life energy as possible into Carbink, besides treating any necessary injuries of other Pokémon. He believed that with his persistent efforts, miracles would eventually happen.

As the beneficiary of all this, Carbink had no idea what its trainer was up to and thought it might be some kind of special training!

Rex certainly didn't plan to tell Carbink about his desire to evolve it into Diancie right now. The matter was filled with too much uncertainty, and it was better not to give Carbink too much hope.

If Rex turned the diamond on Carbink's head pink and nothing else changed, he wasn't sure if he would continue trying at that point. Also, there was the possibility that a regular Carbink might not be able to evolve into Diancie.

"It's so comfortable sleeping at home!"

It was now the second morning since Rex returned to the farm. He stretched lazily as sunlight filtered through the curtains.

After breakfast, Rex began to scout around the house, looking for a suitable piece of land to use as a field for Gracidea flowers.

Rex's requirements for this land were that it needed to have plenty of open space around it for extensive planting of Gracidea flowers, easy access to water for irrigation, and not be too far from his house.

After spending the morning, Rex finally identified the location for the flower field—a sloping area between his house and the artificial lake. He planned to terrace this area and then dig an irrigation channel from the lake to facilitate future watering.

With the location of the flower field confirmed, Rex decided to return home and plan further. Later, he would have Sandslash come over to till the land and dig the channels. Sandslash was already skilled in these tasks, and Rex only needed to plan the irrigation channels and terraces. His farm certainly wasn't lacking in manpower.

Suddenly, a small figure appeared in front of him, and a flock of Taillows flew towards them from the direction of the orchard, clearly chasing after it.


After seeing the Pokémon clearly, Rex was also quite surprised and couldn't help but exclaim.

Ralts had a white body with green hair covering most of its face.

Its hair was parted by two flat red horns inserted in the middle—one larger one pointing forward and a smaller one pointing backward. Ralts's eyes were red.

Ralts could keenly use the red horns on its head to sense emotions between people and Pokémon. Although it rarely appeared in front of people, it would approach if it sensed positive emotions and hide if it sensed hostility.

It was said to appear in front of happy individuals, preferring to approach those with a cheerful mood regardless of age or gender.

Ralts's body would slightly warm up when it sensed warmth between humans and Pokémon. It possessed the power to perceive human emotions, and when its trainer was in a good mood, it would be happy too.

These were the pieces of information about Ralts that Rex learned from the Pokédex.

Of course, even without this information, Rex knew that Ralts was extremely rare and greatly loved by many trainers due to its outstanding appearance, regardless of age or gender.

In the instant that Rex locked eyes with Ralts, he decided to capture its heart. After all, Ralts had instantly appeared in front of him, so it wouldn't be right not to capture it.

"Haunter, use Mean Look!"

Rex spoke to Haunter, hidden in his shadow.

As soon as he finished speaking, a black shadow emerged from Rex's shadow, and before Ralts could use its Teleport, a shadow of black eyes enveloped its body.

For Ralts, which could use Teleport, the only chance to capture it was to restrict its escape. Indeed, Mean Look could prevent Ralts from using Teleport to escape.

At this point, Ralts found that it could no longer use its Teleport and could only look at the human in front of it with a somewhat fearful expression.

However, Ralts could sense that the human in front of it simply wanted to capture it, so it closed its eyes and adopted an indifferent attitude, not cooperating but not resisting either.

Seeing this scene, Rex found Ralts quite interesting. However, he didn't hesitate too much and directly took out a Poké Ball, throwing it towards Ralts's head.

However, to Rex's surprise, after the Poké Ball hit Ralts's head, it only left a large bump, causing tears to well up in its eyes. But the Poké Ball didn't show any intention of capturing it.

Seeing this scene, Rex also realized that the Ralts in front of him wasn't a wild Pokémon; it must have just been separated from its trainer.

"Ralts, I'm sorry, I didn't know you already had a trainer!"

Rex walked up to Ralts, who was still rubbing its head, and apologized.

But obviously, Ralts was still upset, simply turned its head away, continued rubbing its head, and had an attitude of "I won't forgive you if you don't give me benefits."

At this moment, a large group of Taillows had flown up to them. Seeing these Taillows, Ralts cowered behind Rex in fear, as it could no longer use Teleport to escape.

Seeing this scene, Rex also understood that Ralts must have done something to provoke the Taillows, otherwise, they wouldn't have come in such force to find trouble with Ralts.

The Taillows, seeing Ralts hiding behind Rex, also didn't intend to continue attacking it. Instead, they gestured to Rex, trying to make him understand what had happened.

Watching the Taillow gesture for a long time, Rex reluctantly understood the whole story. Then he turned his head and stared disdainfully at Ralts.

Originally, Ralts was quite confident when facing Rex, but under this gaze, it became more and more uncertain, and its eyes began to wander.

It turned out that the reason why the Taillows were so angry was that this Ralts often sneaked into the orchard to steal fruits. However, because Ralts could use Teleport, it always managed to escape the encirclement of the Taillow.

"Ralts, I've understood what happened. Apologize to the Taillow now, and this matter will be settled."

Rex said to Ralts.

For Rex, it was just a matter of some fruits. With Ralts's small size, even if it was allowed to eat, it couldn't eat too many fruits. There was no need to hold onto this matter.

After hearing Rex's words, Ralts blushed. In fact, it had only accidentally used Teleport to reach that orchard.

At first, Ralts didn't know that the orchard had an owner, so it randomly picked a Fruit to eat. Unexpectedly, the fruits here were unexpectedly delicious, making it unable to stop.

When the Taillows found it and wanted to drive it away, it realized that this was the territory of the Taillow tribe. However, because it couldn't bear to part with the delicious fruits, it would sneak over every once in a while to steal some.

Finally, under Rex's mediation, the farce ended after Ralts apologized to the Taillows.

Ralts instantly moved away from Rex's farm, and Rex had no intention of stopping it.

After all, he hadn't fallen to the point where he had to snatch someone else's Pokémon, even if this Pokémon was extremely rare.

(End of Chapter)