
Pokemon: Grounded Youth

The Pokemon World. One filled with mysteries, schemes, monsters, and even eldritch gods. But honestly? It's not as bad as it seems. Even a flat broke snot-nosed Youngster could succeed in a world like this. And our protagonist? He's determined to prove it. [Isekai, OC] *** A mixture of Games, Anime, Manga, and my own headcanon. In other words, it's an AU.

Khyrrid · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
36 Chs

First Impressions (2/3)

Was it finally happening?

Would he actually get the most important thing he dreamed about in his past life? Would he really get a golden finger? A cheat? A system or something similar?

Evidently… no.

"Fuck it, I give up! C'mon Sandshrew, we're going out to train. I need to get my mind off of this." Izan threw his hands up, walking out the door to his room as Sandshrew gracefully hopped onto his shoulder.

Or at least not yet.

After describing that feeling in vivid detail, he tried everything he could to replicate it. From meditation to saying every single variation of cliche system messages to even attempting balancing on a chair for magic like Adventure Time.

Nothing had worked. And when that odd feeling didn't even so much as flicker, he only got more frustrated as time went on.

The only thing he hadn't tried was looking it up. But he was purposely blocking that idea out, holding onto hope.

Just like in MMOs he would play in the past, it was much more fun figuring things out than looking up a guide.

After wandering around a bit, he came across a clearing near the tree line of the city. Besides the trees, there were also some berry bushes nearby that he wanted to harvest.

It was almost out of the city's bounds but it was close enough that people would hear him if he screamed for help.

Hopefully, he wouldn't have to.

Taking Sandshrew off his shoulder, he placed her gently on the ground in front of him.

"Okay, this training might be annoying in the beginning, but I think you're smart enough to get the hang of it. You up for it?"

Sandshrew looked at him, almost offended, and raised her nose into the air. "Sandshrew, shrew Sandshrew!"

Izan chuckled at how cute that was before sobering and getting serious. Her arrogance could be dealt with later. For now, it was a source of useful belligerence.

"Do you remember Voltorb and how he would roll around to move?" Sandshrew blinked, scrunched her nose in thought, and then nodded. "Good. You do that too and try to keep up with me."

With that, Izan sprinted as fast as he could to the opposite side of the clearing.

Rolling, or spinning, was a key element in most of Sandshrew's arsenal. Whether it be just for movement or for the useful moves that all deviated from rolling, there was not a single powerful Sandshrew or Sandslash that didn't know how to roll fast.

Especially since Sandshrew looked more like an armadillo while Sandslash was most definitely a pangolin.

Plus there was the whole training speed thing that Sandslash would need if Sand Rush was a real ability and there was no better starting training in Izan's mind.

Sandshrew, momentarily stunned, blinked at the air. Not one to let anyone get a leg up on her though, she began rolling at the highest speed possible.

At first, he noticed, she couldn't do it well. She stumbled and fell over multiple times. But she always got back up.

After getting a hang of it, she pushed herself to go at top speed to keep up with Izan. She was bursting with confidence that she could pass him up, even if he did lap her several times.

Soon, she began to regret going so fast despite being told to keep up. After ten laps she was significantly slower, almost stopping to take a break after a while.

Izan focused but also paid attention to Sandshrew's development and kept moving. His body was currently fairly average. The injuries he got did stall his development while he healed, but that was the only detriment his body currently had.

For all intents and purposes, he had a good bill of health. His height was what made him seem so frail and skinny.

Sweat dripped from his forehead to the tip of his nose and he took off his upper clothes slowly as he kept running at his top speed.

He was slowly reaching his limit and wouldn't be able to continue soon enough. But something stirred in him when he saw Sandshrew about to give up as well.

Although he knew this was just a training session, something told him Sandshrew wouldn't respect him if he gave up before her.

And then abruptly, it was back.

That feeling from before resurfaced, coursing through his body like blood through veins. This time it filled him with an eerie sense. Like he could feel the wrongness in his body.

Somehow he just knew that his form was off. Hindering him. Slowing him down and making things harder.

He corrected it.

Suddenly, he was sprinting at full speed again, rushing past Sandshrew as she momentarily stopped to look at him, dazed.

"Don't give up! If you can't continue, try again a different way!" His voice suddenly boomed through the clearing.

Hearing those words, Sandshrew was invigorated. Looking forward, it planted its feet and jumped into the air, forming a ball and rocketing off upon impacting the ground.

Lap after lap they ran and rolled, their heartbeats heavily thumping in their ears.

Eventually, Izan felt himself slowing down again and decided to take a break. Looking over to Sandshrew he saw her sluggishly getting up to roll again before falling over in exhaustion.

Walking so he didn't throw up, he moved over to one of the berry bushes, plucked one-off, and continued onward to Sandshrew.

Placing a hand on her head he stopped her from throwing herself at the roll.

"We can take a break now. You did really well all things considered. Here, eat this." He carried her despite his legs protesting from the weight.

She looked at the offered Leppa berry for but a second before eating it in one bite. After that, she greedily drank the water Izan held out to her.

"I think that's enough training for today. I need to do a bit more research next time. I just wanted to blow some steam and used today's training session for that." Izan chuckled, scratching the back of his head abashedly.

Sandshrew didn't understand what he meant by that, but she gave him an unimpressed look anyway.

"Alright, let's go back to the center. I'm beyond hungry." Izan declared.

"Shrew, Sandshrew!" Sandshrew concurred.


The honored one was smart. He had to be if he choose her over the stupid ones.

Even if he acted silly sometimes, like thinking sleeping while sitting up would make him stronger, she knew he wasn't stupid too.

But today, she saw a different side of him. One that opened her eyes.

Awareness was… erratic. Sometimes she had it and most times she didn't. But she knew during those times. She thought. Just like the honored one did all the time.

But today, her worldview was turned upside down.

The honored one was nice, but he seemed weak. Like she could deal with him with just one claw. She assumed that was why he chose her. Because he was weak and she was strong.

It was why she stood atop his head and shoulders. An equal trade. She was at her rightful place, above everyone, and all she'd have to do was protect him.

He seemed honored to let her do so, and that's why he was the honored one.

But she was wrong. He wasn't weak. She'd lost to him, meaning he was stronger.

He wasn't using her for his protection. He must've seen her vast potential. He was training her. To let her ride upon his shoulder was just a sign of his humility.

She was truly the honored one. Honored to have found someone who would nurture her.

He was her master. One who could finally see her worth.

The power of the earth swirled within her, locking her declaration into place. Resolve filling up every part of her body.

She absolutely refused to disappoint him.

Power Stones, perhaps? Comments, maybe? How about a review? I ain't getting paid for this, so these are my motivations!

Khyrridcreators' thoughts