
Journey to Striaton 2

After catching Feebas and Magikarp, the group spent the next hour walking towards Accumula town, the halfway point between Nuvema and Striaton City.

During the journey Magnus let out both pokemon to check out their moves, there wasn't much to check out in the Magikarp department but he was happy to see Feebas performing her full set of moves effectively.

Though most were fine, she had some trouble using Dragon Breath, after using it more than twice in a row she was wiped out, Magnus and Rookidee ended up having to search for some berries to bring her back up to full capacity.

Struggling with Dragon type moves is no surprise, especially for a pokemon like Feebas. Unless the pokemon is born a dragon-type, they seem to struggle with any moves that incorporate draconic energy. So part of Feebas's training for now was to work on her attack, her only way of dealing effective damage for now.

She's not got the body or muscle mass like Magikarp so tackle won't be very effective, even if it ends up connecting. At the moment Magnus is planning on making Feebas a ranged attacker to cover for his other two pokemon, who'll mostly be using physical attacks.

Magikarp on the other hand was all about splashing, as soon as he was let out of the pokeball he was bouncing all over the place. Even while Magnus was walking the orange fish would just splash his way alongside him.

Wasn't even tired doing all that as well, Magikarp seemed to be all muscle and no brains. More than once Magnus had to avoid being squashed by his own pokemon, it'd jump up on tree branches and leap off expecting Magnus to catch him.

And Magnus would've, if only Magikarp was a normal size. No way in distortion was Magnus catching that hunk of Magikarp meat, no matter how in shape he was nothing was going to stop him from being squashed under the weight of the fish that dreams of flight.

Even though Magnus would consistently evade Magikarp's futile attempts, causing the fish to crash into the ground. He'd just merrily splash back up and try again.

Rookidee got started on his exercises too, darting through the tree's as fast as possible to work on his agility. Being so small and lacking severely in defence means that one good hit could mean lights out for him. Which is why Magnus wants to up his agility to prevent any attacks from connecting.

Once they left the forest and caught sight of Accumula town, Magnus took the two splashing fish back into their pokeballs. While Magikarp looked fit as ever, causing Magnus to think that the myths about the Magikarp skipping mountains might be true, Feebas was getting tired from the constant splashing and could use a rest.

Plus Magnus didn't want any rangers or officer Jenny's to do him for Pokemon abuse or something stupid like that. Seeing two fish hopping along the group next to a trainer would definitely raise a few eyebrows.

A brief walk later and Magnus with Rookidee on his shoulder were strolling through the town. Speaking frankly Magnus thought it was a wonder why this place was still called a town, while it wasn't as large as a city nor as populated as one, anyone who has laid their eyes on it could say it's long surpassed the title of town.

Streets upon streets of houses, shops and battle area's made up Accumula, all of which were in pristine condition. It had everything a trainer or non-trainer would ever need, it even had a battle club right in the centre of it all.

Each battle club was run by a Don George, there are about 20 or so cousins with the same name that look identical. The tall broad moustached group of cousins all run a branch of the battle club in different locations all over Unova, they do a few tournaments with prizes a couple times a year.

But Magnus wasn't going to check the place out, at least not for now. While the battle club is a good place to have matches against specific opponents thanks to its matchmaking system, Magnus wasn't in need of that for now.

Though the main reason he wasn't going is because all the battles that take place there are for sportsmanship. In other worlds the loser doesn't have to cough up money if they're beat.

He'd rather risk getting beat by an experienced trainer on the road, and having to pay up than waste his and his own pokemon's time battling for free, when he could be doing something more productive such as getting the first gym badge.

They can get their battles in while heading through route 2, if anything the fact that losing means losing money is a good incentive for them to fight harder. So after taking a brief glance at the battle club the pokemon trainer pair made their way out the city.


Route 2 was basically the same as route 1, take away the water and add a fuck load of trees and they'd look the same.

Part way down the path Magnus had his first encounter with a trainer since he left the Accumula, unlike the previous trainers he'd seem who all looked the part, this kid was out in the forest wearing a suit and shitflickers. Most definitely one of the youngsters who get their pokemon as early as possible.

Magnus would've thought he was just a randomer who got lost if it wasn't for the 3 pokeballs hanging off an extremely expensive looking belt.

Magnus was just about to pass by him when he suddenly pointed directly at him and cockily said "You, the brute with the little bird. I demand you battle me!"

Raising an eyebrow Magnus responded with "How much for?" clearly intent on wringing as much money out of the fool as possible.

"Does it matter? As if you could beat me and my illustrious team! Now battle me 3 vs 3" He snarkily ordered, still pointing his finger.

"Illustrious huh" Magnus said, looking at the three balls carried on the boy. 'Can't be that strong if he doesn't even have a full team' He thought.

"What's your name mate? You look familiar" He asked wondering if the little fucker had a famous parents that would be on his case once he's done embarrassing the clown.

Noticeably perking up at the statement the boy finally ended his pointing and placed the hand over his chest while saying "This one is called William Arnolt" looking as snobby as ever.

Magnus thought for a moment before saying "Nah never heard of you. Well let's get this show on the road then" Making some distance between himself and William he waited for his opponent to release his first Pokemon.

With a vein pulsating across his forehead William stuttered "You-you swine, do dare disrespect me like this. Joltik teach him a lesson"

Throwing a pokeball he unveiled his first fighter, a true miniscule one at that. The Joltik wasn't even half the size of Rookidee and that's saying a lot, though it is an electric type which is a bad matchup for his current team.

"Rookidee you've got this right?" Magnus said to the bird.

Squawking loudly and proudly as it could, he landed to face his opponent. With Joltiks being part bug type, Magnus guessed that the first bout was going to be quick and concise.

"Joltik use Pin Missile!" William screamed, urging his pokemon to attack quickly.

Completely calm compared to the second-generation opposite him Magnus told Rookidee "Hone Claws and close in with Peck".

His pokemon followed his orders exquisitely, swiftly using Hone Claws to power up his attack with time to spare before the Pin Missile was on top of him. Even though the two never had much time to train together, Rookidee was already a great flyer before Magnus came along. Taking off, he weaved his way through the Joltik's attack, not letting any of them so much as graze a feather.

By the time he passed through them, Rookidee was already on top of the electric-bug type. William was speechless as his pokemon was hammered with a boosted peck, sending it tumbling backwards towards his feet.

His pokemon tried to stand back up but had no success in doing so making it the first knockout of the match. While William looked just about ready to pop an artery, Magnus was just shocked at how easy it was, he was expecting a quick battle but not that quick.

His surprise only overtook him for a moment before a wolfish grin was slathered across his face, he'll take the easy win and he'll make as much money as he can doing so.

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