
Pokemon: Black, White and Dodgy

A tough life in a tough world. Magnus, after endless hours of hard work has finally acquired his trainer licence. Read on as he travels across Unova and other regions with his Pokemon, in an earnest quest to strive for the top... and have a good time doing it. will be posted on royal road. Support me on: pa.treon.com/DodgyWriter Discord - https://discord.gg/szr9ySJbAW Not my image, inform me if you want it taken down.

DodgyWriter · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Journey to Striaton 3

Sorry troops, messed up yesterday and accidentally missed out on this chapter. If you were looking forward to the gym battle, don't worry. It'll be out tommorow, or even tonight depending on how I'm feeling.


With an angry visage William returned Jolik, surprisingly not saying anything as he sent out his second pokemon.

Once the initial brightness died down, Magnus could see that an axew would be his pokemons next victim. He glanced at the dragon type before saying "Rookidee take a break for now. We'll give the others a run out."

The bird tweeted in affirmation and flew back onto his trainer's shoulder, while Magnus sent out his big ass Magikarp. Upon being released from its pokeball, Magikarp instantly began flopping around, curiously scanning the environment, eventually taking notice of the strange green pokemon not far in front of it.

Before Magikarp could bounce over and greet the axew, possibly by jumping on top of it. Magnus made sure to tell him "Magikarp, you're in a battle just now. If you win I'll let you splash around as much as you want on the way to Striaton"

Hearing his trainer's words, the fish excitedly repeated the same "Karp" noise over and over. How could he not be excited, the place surrounding him was filled lots of with high trees to jump from.

Seeing Magnus release a Magikarp, William scoffed at his idiocy "Ha! Do you actually believe that a Magikarp can battle? Fine, if you beat me in battle I'll gladly give up all the money I have on hand."

'Convenient' was the only thing Magnus thought as he heard the twats words. The idiot's idiocy just made his life easier for the foreseeable future, who knows how much cash he has on him right now.

Axew remained silent at his trainer's promise, and just eyed Magikarp who happily sprang around. Magnus just prayed to dear Arceus that Magikarp would understand his commands during the battle.

"Axew! Use Dragon Claw!" William yelled.

Axew's claws suddenly shone white with a tinge of blue mixed in. As soon as Dragon Claw was prepared, it ran towards the stationary Magikarp on its stubby little legs.

"Use Splash to dodge Magikarp!" Magnus begged his pokemon, there was no need to worry about Magikarp though. When Axew closed in, his powerful tail slammed into the ground and splash his way over and above Axew and the draconic attack, easily avoiding the hit.

Clenching his fists tightly Willaim ordered "Keep going! Dragon Claw till it hits!"

Axew continued its assault on Magikarp but had no luck with connecting any of his attacks. Both Axew and William were equally shocked at the magikarp - who they deemed useless - bouncing around, using its useless move splash to evade every single attack.

Thoroughly impressed with Magikarps skills, Magnus called out "Use your tail to hit Axew as you dodge". The axew was tired after using Dragon Claw consecutively so many times and Magnus thought it was safe enough to finally get some hits in.

This time when Axew came in to attack, the Dragon Claw was sluggish and weak. Giving Magikarp plenty of wiggle room to narrowly flip over its claws and come down hard on the back of Axew's head with its strong tail. The blow smashed into the dragon-types skull, stunning Axew as it was smacked into the ground.

"Get up Axew and use Dragon Rage!" William shouted. The struggling axew groggily got to its feet, and faced itself at Magikarp who was still fit as a fiddle.

Magnus heard Williams' orders and quickly said to his pokemon "Finish it with Splash Tackle!"

Axew used the last of its energy to prepare Dragon Rage, its body shivered as a light blue energy shone through the green skin on its chest. Axew's maw widened as a glowing sphere of blue energy formed at its centre pulsating with draconic power. Axew's glowing eyes took one look at Magikarp and let the attack loose.

The sphere deformed into a fiery blast of black and blue flames that shot towards Magikarp. William was sure the attack would land, at least right up until Magikarp splashed up high into the sky. It was a truly tremendous leap that showcased Magikarps immense jumping ability, he easily cleared the Dragon Rage which ended up colliding with a small boulder near the edge of the path.

At the peak of his leap Magicarp began spiralling towards the weakened Axew, moments away from performing the first combination move Magnus made for him. The simple combination of using splash to jump into the air and then using the fall to build up more momentum for tackle was easy for Magikarp to learn, even though he was duller than most.

The speed gained from the plunge times by Magikarp's total mass equaled a staggering amount of force which spelled disaster Axew. William Balled at his pokemon to move, but Axew was too tired from its previous attacks and was slammed by the huge Karp.

When Magikarp flopped back to Magnus, all that was left was a fainted Axew. Magnus genuinely felt bad once he got a peek at the pokemon's battered body, but Magikarp was none the wiser at the damage he just inflicted.

Pulling his vision away from the Axew he began praising Magikarp for his victory "Great job Magikarp. You're Splashes were too perfection" Magnus said while clapping Magikarp's sturdy scales"

"Come back into your pokeball for now" Seeing Magikarps downtrodden expression he clarified "Don't worry, I'll let you out as soon as we finish dealing with this clown" That was all that was needed for Magikarp to relax and accept his return.

While this was going on William was shaking in frustration at the thought of being beaten by an unnamed trainer, and by his Magikarp at that. Those fish were only useful for living in his family's aquarium.

"You think that you'll beat me. Not a chance. My final pokemon is my strongest, together we've never lost a battle." William announced

"Never lost a battle? Maybe it's possible if your parents paid the trainers off. From where I'm standing I can't see much strength or skill." Magnus replied to his statement. It was his honest thoughts, the entire battle he's been useless. All he did was shout at his pokemon.

"Swanna win this for me!" He squealed as he sent out his final pokemon.

The Swanna stood elegantly on the battlefield, the white a blue plumage ruffled as it shook the stiffness from its muscles. A powerful pokemon if trained correctly but knowing who its train was, Magnus didn't have much hope for it.

Still, William having a pokemon like Swanna all but emphasised his heavy patronage. The thought of taking all of his money made Magnus's hands twitch in anticipation.

Releasing Feebas the fight quickly started. "Swanna use wing attack. Finish it right this instant!"

Swanna flew straight at Feebas, its wings brightening at the use of wing attack as it closed the distance rapidly.

"Feebas blind it with haze and dodge" Magnus promptly said.

Feebas did as it was told, releasing a foggy mist from its lips that rapidly surrounded the Swanna obscuring its vison. After losing its sense of direction, Swanna's flying speed slowed down making it easier for Feebas to dodge with a splash.

"Now use Hypnosis!" Feebas heard its trainer shout, and got to building up its psychic energy. As this was happening the haze surrounding Swanna began to disappear, but all it got after regaining its vision was a Hypnosis to the face.

After a brief struggle Swanna was put to sleep. At that moment Magnus said "Splash tackle until it wakes up"

Copying the same move as Magikarp, Feebas repeatedly struck the sleeping Swanna. She managed to get three good hits in, and would've gotten more if Swanna didn't wake up after the third attack.

"Now Swanna uses Bubble Beam!" William desperately shrieked. Swanna spat a flurry of bubbles that sped towards Feebas at high speed.

But Magnus was prepared for it, "Feebas use Mirror Coat".

Feebas gained a translucent sheen as she covered herself in the move, giving her a slightly more appealing look. When the Bubble Beam connected, each bubble was absorbed into the Mirror Coat before being launched back out at twice the speed.

Swanna tried to avoid the attack but it was just too fast and she ended up getting struck with her own move. While she was still stunned, Magnus said to Feebas "Finish it with Dragon breath!"

Light blue waves of energy began to swirl around Feebas, she then parted her lips to send all the build up energy directly at the injured swanna in the form of a beam. Dragon Breath blasted Swanna with all the power an attack like that should, all the damage taken turned out to be too much for the Pokemon as Swanna fell to the ground unable to battle.

Feebas looked quite proud of herself as she stared unblinkingly at the downed Swanna before she turned to Magnus expecting praise for her efforts.

"Yea, you done amazing girl" Mangus said to his pokemon as he picked her up proudly. Feebas was much smaller and lighter than Magikarp and was able to be carried, and that is exactly what Magnus did as he walked over to claim his rewards.

"Cough it up then, I've not got all day" Magus impatiently said as he stood over William.

"What!? Did you think I was serious about giving you my money! That was all a lie! Now let me leave so I can go to the Pokecenter!"

Magnus had already expected something along these lines to happen. So pulled out his phone and showed the spoiled brat a recording of his promise. Can never be too safe with slippery fuckers like this.

"Wouldn't want the league to hear something like this. You know how they get when trainers don't keep their word about battle money." William flinched at that, "Who knows, at best they might suspend your trainer licence and slap you with a fine. I doubt mum and dad will be happy about that"

Thinking about his parents' reactions caused Williams' eyes to start using Water Gun. As the tears began building up William stuttered out "F-Fine, I-I'll give you the money. A deal's a deal."

Reaching into his suit pocket it pulled out a fancy wallet utterly stuffed with all different kinds of notes. Throwing it at Magnus, he dashed off in the direction of Accumula town, clearly having enough of the situation. Though he only made it about 20 metres before tripping up and skidding across the ground, that's when the crying really started, Magnus, Feebas and Rookidee could all hear his sorry sobs from where they were standing.

"Arceus above. I'm glad that's over" Magnus said while shaking his head.



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