
Chapter 445 Ninja Academy! Butterfree's Powder Dance

Xiao Zhi's mobility has been recognized by the entire Ranger Alliance, as well as his determination to do his best for Pokémon!

This achievement will be reported to the Pokémon Alliance, and Xiao Zhi must be rewarded! Professor Oak is more concerned about this than Xiao Zhi himself.

After Celebi left, Xiao Zhi contacted Xiaogang and the others and learned that May had successfully obtained the ribbon medal from the Rainbow Conference, so he simply waited for the three of them at the entrance of the single lane!

When Xiao Sheng heard that Xiao Zhi had seen Celebi again, he immediately covered his forehead and said regretfully, "Sister, I can no longer accompany you to the Contest. If I didn't follow my elder brother, I would miss Celebi again!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi hit him on the head with an iron fist of love. Would he be able to move so quickly if he was with him?

Little tails must have the consciousness of little tails!

Riding a bicycle for a leisurely walk on a sunny afternoon is very pleasant "——三"!

When the three predecessors were traveling in the Kanto Region, this bicycle lane had not yet been built, so after coming out of Rainbow City, they passed through many places!

I met Miss Vivi in ​​the beauty street, and she also entrusted Xiaogang to take care of Vulpix. Now Vulpix has been returned to its original owner, and Ms. Vivi has reopened the Pokémon Beauty Salon in Johto Region.

Then he participated in the P1 competition and left Primeape to Mr. Anthony for training. Now that boy has become Xiao Zhi's fighting coach for all Pokémon, training them in their fighting skills.

After crossing the single lane, the group was not far from Qianhong City.

"I wonder if it can be hatched quickly!" May has been learning how to take care of Pokémon eggs. It seems so easy when Xiao Zhi does it, but it is actually very difficult to do it!

But she always took the trouble to take good care of them, and even Squirtle and Munchlax's training was put on hold.

"Judging from the time, it should be almost soon!" Xiaogang is still very experienced in this.

"I wonder what kind of Pokémon will be hatched. Will it be a fire type or a water type?" Xiao Sheng was looking forward to this Pokémon egg from his sister.

"It doesn't matter what Attribute it is, as long as it is born healthy!" May held the Pokémon egg in her arms, believing that she could feel May's love!

Seeing her like this, Xiao Zhi nodded repeatedly. He gently stroked Eevee and little Vulpix, "You will be brothers and sisters soon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Eevee said Swift hit a boulder behind Xiao Zhi, and a boy with a Ninjask was blown out!

Xiao Zhi stood up with a smile, "I've sensed you were there for a long time. Are you Ninja?"

Sure enough, they were almost arriving at Fuchsia City. Xiao Zhi and his party met Ninja again, and there was a Ninja Academy nearby. The boy in front of them was a student there, named Bijiu!

"I'm really sorry. I mistook you for the suspicious people who have caused trouble in this place recently!" Bijiu apologized repeatedly, but the ten people didn't intend to care about it.

Originally, if Eevee hadn't discovered it, Xiao Zhi wouldn't have planned to expose him. Anyway, he was about to leave here for Fuchsia City!

Unexpectedly, I discovered Ninja Academy. So what are you waiting for? Get redemption points!

Ninja Academy is also located deep in the forest outside Fuchsia City. As the person in charge, Teacher Persimmon is very similar to Miss Aya in dress, with a pink Ninja suit and the same long green hair!

But Xiao Zhi was a little disappointed when he came over. The scale here was much worse than the Ninja Academy where Scizor trained. Persimmon serves as the teacher, and the students are teenagers from the neighborhood and two or three kittens.

No wonder Miss Aya went to Johto Region to practice at Ninja Academy!

"Everyone, please listen carefully. Recently, there is intelligence that there are dangerous people in the forest..." Before Miss Persimmon finished speaking, she heard the students in the academy raise their hands.

"Teacher, I don't know who stole the blue oranges from my house last night!" Not only him, but also a lot of fruits from other students' homes were stolen.

"I saw a suspicious figure last night, but the black figure fled towards the forest, and then I heard strange crying coming from there!"

Persimmon nodded, "It's true, everyone, listen, you must pay more attention when practicing!"

Just like the Ninja Academy in Johto Region, Xiaogang brought May and Xiaosheng to experience the school in order to get close to the good-looking girl.

Xiao Zhi has no interest in it, so the content of the students' practice here today is to meet Xiao Zhi's challenge!

"Xiao Zhi, I have admired your name for a long time. Sister Koga often mentions you to me!" Miss Persimmon was the first to accept Xiao Zhi's challenge. She threw her Poké Ball with a smile, "Come on, Shiftry!" "

This is her Trump Card. She is proficient in various ninjutsu combat methods. Shiftry, who is good at speed, is really suitable for learning ninjutsu combat methods!

"It's up to you, Butterfree!"

Xiao Zhi sent out the purple Butterfree girl to challenge. The Bug Type skill is very effective against Grass and Dark Type's Shiftry. The Flying type skill is also very effective, but only the Psychic map skill that Bayin Lake is good at is ineffective against it!


As soon as Xiao Zhi's purple Butterfree appeared, the students were greeted with exclamations. This Butterfree is so beautiful!

"The battle begins!" Xiaogang announced the start of this practice match!

Miss Persimmon took the lead in launching the attack. She formed a seal with her hands, "Shiftry, use ninjutsu, Double Team!"

Seeing this fighting style, Xiao Zhi was obviously stunned for a moment. Miss Persimmon's orders seemed to be just for fun. She was a bit of a loser!

Despite this, Shiftry's Double Team is really powerful. It is indeed performed in a unique form of ninjutsu. Each one looks to have an actual shape, which is very real!

But no matter how true it is, it is the same for Xiao Zhi, "Poison Powder is over!"

Butterfree is very talented in using the three powder skills. The purple powder quickly envelopes the surroundings under the flapping of its wings. Even if Shiftry has many clones, he will still be poisoned!

"That!" Xiao Zhi didn't even need to use the power of the waveguide to detect, he just glanced at it and detected the strangeness of the real body! Butterfree reacted quickly and hit it with an Air Slash!

"Shiftry, use Ninjutsu Feiye 4.2 Quick Sword!" Ms. Persimmon was not afraid of danger and decisively asked Shiftry to change her moves. Ye Zi's shuriken blocked the Air Slash!

"Sleep powder!"

This is the second type of powder. This purple Butterfree is much more talented in powder skills than its father, Xiao Zhi's original Butterfree!

Three kinds of powders were pinched at random. The white powder was mixed with the smoke caused by the conflict of skills just now. How could Persimmon and Shiftry react...

This Shiftry fell into a deep sleep. No matter how well-trained he was, he no longer had the ability to continue fighting!

Persimmon looked at Xiao Zhi and couldn't help but admire him, "What an amazing person, sleep powder and Poison Powder powder, this is the real ninjutsu!"