
Chapter 446 Fuchsia City! Sister-In-Law Aguo At The Station

Ninja's fighting style may not seem very passionate to others. They are often very calm, looking for opportunities that can be exploited, and strive to get the greatest effect with the smallest movements!

The situation of the battle will be reversed in an instant, and the winner will often be determined in an instant.

This is why the previous director was so optimistic about Xiao Zhi and was even willing to take the trouble to train Scizor for him.

The most terrifying thing about Xiao Zhi's battle is the absolutely unbreakable bond between him and Pokémon, which allows him to seize the fleeting opportunity to counterattack!

The battle between Xiao Zhi and Miss Persimmon is over, and he is ready to start the battle with Bijiu, Butterfree vs. Ninjask, such a battle should be very interesting!

However, before the battle started, everyone heard crying coming from the grass not far away. One of the students immediately recognized it. It was clearly the crying he heard when the fruit from his tree was stolen last night!

He immediately rushed over and caught the owner of the cry through the grass.

It turns out that this is Crybaby, a rare Rock-type Pokémon. The posture of Crybaby Tree before it evolved. When the water in the body accumulates too much, it will regulate the water in the body in the form of Fake Tears!

Xiao Zhi and Xiaogang can tell at a glance that this little guy is still in his infancy, just like 14-year-old Vulpix!

"It must have stolen the blue tangerines in my house, please return the blue tangerines to me!" The students targeted the crybaby tree one after another, scaring it so much that it cried repeatedly.

But Xiaogang hugged the Crying Tree over and said, "The fruits in your house should not be stolen by the Crying Tree!"

As he said this, he picked a blue orange and brought it to the mouth of the crying tree, but the crying tree couldn't eat it at all. This little guy was still in its infancy!

Just when Xiaogang was cleared of the crybaby tree's crime, a shuriken suddenly fell from the air, and then split open to reveal a rose.

A blue light flashed on Xiao Zhi's body, "Team Rocket, come out to meet us!"

At this moment, the Rockets trio is fixing themselves on a mechanical kite and hanging in the air. This appearance is really shining!

The trio has been a little distracted recently. When they were in Rainbow City, Jessie didn't participate in the Contest and instead wanted to go to the nearby forest to find ten batches of tree fruits to make into cubes to sell.

But I didn't expect that I couldn't find the fruit at all, but instead became disgraced.

No, when I followed Xiao Zhi and his group all the way here, I found a large area of ​​various tree fruits. I quickly prepared to grab some and save them for use in the next Contest.

Before he was ready to read his lines, he was interrupted by Xiao Zhi, "It seems that you have taken all the fruits from the trees around here?"

"Yes, Mr. Xiao Zhi, we are really hungry, meow! I'm sorry this time!" Meowth replied, then pressed the button of the machine, and saw several Spider Webs coming towards the group of people!


Eevee jumped up above Xiao Zhi's head, and the shadow of the Fire Pokémon suddenly appeared on her body!

Sizzly Slide!

It burned with blazing fire, burning all the spider webs, and crashed all the way until it knocked down the Rocket trio!

"Jessie, I look forward to your performance in the next Contest!" Xiao Zhi didn't say much to them. There was no evil organization during this trip to Kanto, and he wouldn't be able to use the power of Team Rocket and the other three for the time being.

"This Eevee is so strong!" Miss Persimmon murmured, gaining a better understanding of Xiao Zhi's strength!

After using Butterfree and Elekid to compete with the students here, Xiao Zhi finally got some redemption points.

The little crybaby tree fell in love with Xiaogang and followed him voluntarily. Their compatibility is indeed very high. Plus Xiaogang has taken care of and raised it since it was so young. Their compatibility will definitely become higher and higher in the future.

Although he is the former Gym Trainer of the Rock Gym, Xiaogang is not just a Rock Gym Trainer. He also has good compatibility with other Attributes.

His ambition is not to be a Pokémon Trainer, but to be a breeder, and he needs to breed Pokémon with different Attributes to increase his experience.

After saying goodbye to Ninja Academy, Xiao Zhi and his party finally arrived at Fuchsia City!

The predecessor had previously challenged the Fuchsia Gym during the trip and obtained the Soul Badge. However, because the Fuchsia Gym was located on the outskirts of Fuchsia City, their group had never been here before.

Seeing Xiao Gang caring for the little Crybaby tree so carefully, and the cute and sensible little Vulpix beside Xiao Zhi, May is also looking forward to the hatching of her Pokémon egg, "I wonder if it can be hatched quickly, and what kind of baby will be born?" What kind of Pokémon is it?"

Xiao Zhi has rich experience in hatching Pokémon eggs. He observed the changes in the egg and judged, "It should be able to evolve in two days. Please pay more attention these days!"

"Yes, I understand!" Upon hearing Xiao Zhi's words, May immediately hugged the Pokémon egg in her arms tightly.

Seeing her like this, Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "I think it's going to rain soon. You just stay here. I'm going to take Elekid for special training!"

Everyone agreed, and Xiao Zhi ran out of the Pokémon Center. Elekid had already accumulated years of training when he conquered it, and his level was already very high. In addition, their compatibility was also very high. Xiao Zhi was focusing on training it recently. I hope It can complete evolution as quickly as possible!

Next in the Battle Pike challenge, Xiao Zhi plans to let it compete!

Unexpectedly, May's Squirtle ran out after Xiao Zhi, turned around at the door, and ran in the other direction!

Following Xiao Zhi's suggestion, May simply chased the Pokémon egg out with her arms in her arms, all the way to the abandoned station in Fuchsia City!

Finally found Squirtle next to an old woman at the station!


May shouted and ran over quickly. She saw the old woman was kind-hearted and amiable, and the Squirtle was lying very comfortably in her arms. "So this Squirtle is yours!"

May quickly thanked her, "Yes, it suddenly ran out. I'm really sorry for causing you trouble!"

"It doesn't matter, besides, it's best if the Pokémon is lively!" The old woman handed Squirtle back to May, "What's your name?"

"My name is May!"

"What a good name. Just call me Sister-in-law Aguo!"

After the two got to know each other, it began to rain in Soaring in the Sky, and Sister-in-law A Guo said to May, "Go back as soon as possible while the rain is not too heavy!"

"Yes! But what are you doing here, Mrs. Aguo?" May was very worried about this old man sitting here alone.

However, Mrs. Aguo looked back at the tunnel ahead, "I'm waiting for the train from the city! This is the terminal station of the train, and the train will pass through that tunnel!"

But this station is abandoned, so there won't be any trains coming, right?

"That man will come back, so I have to wait for him!"