
Chapter 37 Mitsumi, Everyone Fights 6 Vs 6

After receiving Entei's confirmation, Mitsumi smiled and said, "Although I'm still young, it will be fine when I grow up!"

As she spoke, she gently snuggled down next to Delia, as if she was having a sweet dream.

Entei seemed to sense something, stood up and sank into the floor step by step, heading towards Xiao Zhi under the tower.

"Dad, this is my first time doing Pokémon battle!" Mitsumi's clone phantom suddenly appeared on Entei's back.

Sensing her excitement and nervousness, Entei comforted, "Mitsumi, if you want it, you can do it!"

Sure enough, Mitsumi's young phantom suddenly changed. She seemed to have grown up in an instant and became a beautiful girl of fifteen or sixteen years old. She was tall and beautiful, with a silver cloak flying in the wind behind her.

His clear eyes showed confidence, "I can do it!"

. . . . . . . .

As a crystallized shadow, Entei can freely shuttle through these crystals, but it is very difficult for Xiao Zhi to break through.

Although Xiao Zhi came here on Charizard, there is only one entrance to this crystal tower, and that is the bottom of the tower. It's impossible to force a breakthrough from the top of the tower, that's where the Unown is!

Because of Mitsumi's wishes, Xiao Zhi's entry did not encounter any obstacles.

"Ring ring ring!"

It turned out that the communicator rang, "Xiao Zhi, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, Misty, I'm fine!" "Pickup!"

"Xiao Zhi, this is John, have you seen Unown?" Professor Xiuli's assistant, Mr. John's voice appeared in the communicator.

"Not yet, they should be at the top of the tower!" Xiao Zhi looked up. His goal this time was not just to rescue Delia and Mitsumi!


"Xiao Zhi, do you know something?" Listening to Xiao Zhi's words, Professor Oak guessed that Xiao Zhi must know something about Unown.

"Know something, but not everything!"

"Xiao Zhi, according to Professor Xiuli's research files, Unown seems to have the ability to detect the consciousness of other creatures. They can sense human hearts and then transform them into specific shapes!" Professor Oak explained to Xiao Zhi.

"If that's the case, it makes sense. Unown must have felt Mitsumi's heart, so such a crystal tower appeared!" Xiao Zhi said softly.

"These crystals are like an empty and cold heart. My mother must have felt this too, so she wanted to take care of Mitsumi!"

Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, Professor Oak was silent for a while, "Xiao Zhi, you must rescue your mother!"

"Of course!" Xiao Zhi smiled confidently.

After hanging up the phone, his face darkened, because he came to a meadow with birds singing and flowers fragrant, the breeze was blowing, and it was very comfortable.

Entei, with a grown-up Mitsumi, appeared in front of him.

"You are a Pokémon Trainer!" Mitsumi looked at Xiao Zhi condescendingly, with fighting intent in his eyes.

However, Xiao Zhi laughed and said, "When you were following me asking for sweets, you called me 'Brother Xiao Zhi'. How come you have grown up and don't recognize people anymore?"

Entei jumped up, but Mitsumi turned over in mid-air and landed smoothly on the ground.

"Brother Xiao Zhi, long time no see!" Mitsumi greeted Xiao Zhi Normally like a friend reunited after a long absence.

"I became a Pokémon Trainer and embarked on a journey!" Xiao Zhi began to talk about his own experience. It was the future that young Mitsumi had been looking forward to.

"This is my partner, Pikachu, and Charizard! In addition, I have conquered many partners and made many good friends!"

"I'm sorry, Mitsumi, I traveled all the way and just got here yesterday!"

Perhaps, this is the price of growth. Xiao Zhi embarked on the journey, so naturally he couldn't know what happened to Mitsumi's family.


Mitsumi shook her head, "Now my father and mother are back!"

"Brother Xiao Zhi, let's fight!"

"Of course, I will accompany you to the end!"

On this grassland, a standard battle field suddenly appeared. Entei calmly lay behind Mitsumi and swept the formation for her.

Xiao Zhi holds a Poké Ball, and he attacks first. "It's up to you, Bayleef!"

Facing the Grass Type Pokémon, Mitsumi smiled confidently, a crystal Poké Ball appeared out of thin air in his hand, and threw it out.

"Please, Vulpix, go ahead!"

This phantom Vulpix has very nice eyes, but she's still just a little Stephanie. Being able to make things up out of thin air like this, and just summon an unevolved form, is very cute.

Fire Type's Vulpix happened to restrain the grass-type Bayleef. Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel ashamed for his predecessor. When his predecessor took Pikachu on a trip, he was still unfamiliar with the Attribute restraint table.

Catterpie was sent out to challenge Pidegeotto as soon as his head got hot.

Even if Mitsumi turns herself into a beautiful girl now, it is impossible for her to have Pokémon knowledge out of thin air. She obviously studies it on a daily basis.

Having a Pokémon Professor as a father, she obviously learned a lot.

"Vulpix, use Flamethrower!"

Vulpix was created out of thin air by Mitsumi, and it is not up to Mitsumi to decide what skills it can use.

It should be said that no matter what order Mitsumi gives, Vulpix can execute it to the letter, and the power is absolutely impressive!

"Use Sweet Breath after dodging!"

Facing the unreasonably hot pillar of fire from Mitsumi's Vulpix, Xiao Zhi did not panic at all. After Bayleef dodged the pillar of fire, the sickle-shaped leaves on his head stood up.


The sweet smell filled the entire battle arena, and both Vulpix and Mitsumi seemed a little dazed.

"While you're at it, use Cane Weave and use Knock on Vulpix!"

Without any hesitation, Bayleef stretched out his Vine Whip and tied Vulpix up, then lifted him high and threw him to the ground.

Vulpix was immediately seriously injured!

"It's not over yet, Body Slam!"

Seize the opportunity and give Rival a head-on blow. After Bayleef evolved, he gained a lot of weight and learned the Body Slam skill.

I saw it running towards Vulpix who had just stood up, and stepped on it hard!

Vulpix, incapacitated to fight.

Here, there is no referee for the battle between Xiao Zhi and Mitsumi, but everyone knows the outcome tacitly.

"Come back, Bayleef!"

"It's you next, Wartortle!"

Wartortle, which has just completed its evolution from Squirtle, once again appeared in Xiao Zhi's Battle Hall.

"Water type? Then I'll use this one!"

Vulpix, who fell to the ground, turned into crystal and disappeared, and a crystal Poké Ball appeared again in Mitsumi's hand. After throwing it out, what appeared was a cute little lamb, Flaaffy, Ampharos's original posture. !

Bayleef: 202/216