
Chapter 38 Entei Personally Acts As A Sparring Partner

"Mitsumi, I didn't expect you to be so powerful!" Xiao Zhi took back the Wartortle, "Thank you, Wartortle."

The Flaaffy summoned by Mitsumi out of thin air was indeed very powerful in electricity. After Wartortle was paralyzed by electricity, she took the opportunity to electrocute him and lost his ability to fight.

"Of course! Brother Xiao Zhi, your Pokémon are so powerful!" Mitsumi also praised Xiao Zhi.

"They are all the most trusted partners!" Xiao Zhi threw the third Poké Ball, "Mitsumi, I want to keep practicing to become a Pokémon master!"

This time it was Houndour who was sent by Xiao Zhi!

"Brother Xiao Zhi, you are my goal! I can defeat you now!" The crystal Poké Ball appeared in Mitsumi's hand again, and Flaaffy, who had just been defeated, disappeared out of thin air.

This time, Mitsumi sent a small blue elephant.

Ground Type's Phanpy, the pre-evolution form of Donphan that Xiao Zhi once encountered!

On Attribute, Houndour is also restrained.

"I'm really familiar with Attribute restraint, but Mitsumi, can you still win this time?" Xiao Zhi and Houndour, who turned around, looked at each other and nodded.

"Of course, I won't lose! Phanpy, use Rollout!"

Rollout can be said to be Phanpy and Donphan's signature skill! On Donphan's nose and back, there are shapes similar to tires.

"Use Foul Play!"

After receiving the order, Houndour faced Phanpy who was coming from Rollout, and his whole body began to be enveloped in evil purple energy!

The collision occurred in the next moment. The powerful and heavy Phanpy collided with Houndour, and both of them were knocked away.

Foul Play, a Dark Type skill, uses Rival's power to attack.

It can be said that the higher the attack of Phanpy's Rollout, the greater the damage it will suffer!


Xiao Zhi believed Houndour and gave further orders when it was knocked away.

Sure enough, Houndour's scarlet eyes suddenly opened, his four paws stepped on the ground, and before he could stabilize his steps, a pillar of blazing fire was spitting out of his mouth!



The performance of Xiao Zhi and Houndour attracted the attention of Entei behind Mitsumi.

It actually stood up, "Mitsumi, let me do it!"

"Dad?" Mitsumi turned around, Entei had already come to her side, "Dad, are you going to teach brother Xiao Zhi?"

Entei nodded.

"Then daddy, please hold back. Don't hurt brother Xiao Zhi!" Mitsumi smiled and waved her hand, and Phanpy disappeared out of thin air.

Entei appeared and stood on the battlefield.


Xiao Zhi looked at Entei who suddenly came out, wondering what it wanted to do.

This Entei was not simply born when Unown sensed Mitsumi's longing for her father. It has its own thoughts and reflections.

It was born to make Mitsumi happy!

"Boy, attack!" Entei looked at Houndour and Xiao Zhi.

"Just fight!" Xiao Zhi suddenly realized that Entei was going to be a sparring partner for him!

"Houndour, Flamethrower!"

His scarlet eyes were excited, and Houndour could feel the explosive flames contained in the large fire beast in front of him!

Houndour's pillar of fire burned stronger and stronger than usual, an absolutely extraordinary performance, and it collided with the Searing Shot that Entei seemed to spit out casually.


Before the flames could burst, Entei roared, his body covered in flames, and rushed towards Houndour.

A divine beast is a divine beast, and any skill has such power.

Houndour will undoubtedly be sent flying.

"Houndour, Feint Attack!"



At this moment, the previous flame collision exploded. Mitsumi was blown away by the air wave and sat on the ground, but Xiao Zhi set up the protection of the power of the waveguide and remained motionless!

The figure of Houndour who was knocked away disappeared in an instant, and suddenly appeared next to Entei, showing his fangs and biting Entei.

However, Entei is faster than it and attacks harder!

Turning his head, a Fire Fang gnawed at Houndour, sending the seriously injured Houndour flying away.

Entei is Entei, and he beat Houndour to a pulp right from the start.


Xiao Zhi had no time to issue any orders and watched Houndour being swallowed up by Entei's flames.


In the purple flames, Houndour's roar suddenly changed from pain to excitement!

The dazzling light of evolution is mixed with the light of fire.


Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, and he remembered that he had seen many fire Pokémon evolve in the flames.

Although I don't know whether this will have a good or bad impact on Houndour, it has already accumulated enough experience, and it is time for it to evolve.

Entei's purple flame was slowly absorbed by Houndoom in the process of evolution.

Its Ability, is Flash Fire!


The flames were annihilated, and the evolved Houndoom appeared in front of Xiao Zhi.

The original mask was gone, but the horns on the top of his head were as big and curved as those of a demon. His body was long and thin, with black fur, his neck and back covered with bone armor, and a long inverted triangular tail trailing behind him.

All the details are like a demon from hell. In the past, people thought that Houndoom was a messenger from hell and were afraid of it.

It was originally the king dog of Houndour, and its size was larger than that of the ordinary Houndour. Now it has evolved and its size is even more astonishing, over 1.4 meters tall.



Suddenly, Xiao Zhi heard the heartbeats of himself and Houndoom!

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After evolving, Houndoom's compatibility was completely full, and even the bond value was only 11 points short!

"The battle continues!" Xiao Zhi immediately decided to fight this Entei!

"Houndoom, use Feint Attack!"

Houndoom's figure disappeared again, covered in Black evil energy, and slammed into Entei.


Entei turned around and took Houndoom's attack head-on.

"Very good!" Entei praised, and hit Houndoom with another Searing Shot at close range!

Before evolving, Houndour couldn't catch the flames of the divine beast, but now!

"Fire against fire! Fire Fang!"

Houndoom's fangs were entangled with flames, and he bit the Searing Shot!


Searing Shot was crunched by Houndoom, and the explosion broke out at that moment, and even Entei was pushed backwards.

Houndoom's mouth was filled with smoke, but its eyes were shining. Its power had increased a lot!

"Brother Xiao Zhi, you are so strong!" Mitsumi, who was so shocked that he sat on the ground, looked at Xiao Zhi who always kept a smile, with eyes twinkling in admiration.

"It's not enough! Houndoom, we need to get stronger and stronger!"

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