
The Roserade Family.

Marthe was preparing dinner with the help of her oldest, Antoine and Louise. That evening they were having pasta. She was in charge of the soup, Antoine of the pasta and Louise of the cutlery. They were almost finished when all of a sudden, a racket broke out in the dining room.

"Mom I'm starving!" Shouted Gabriel, one of her charges. He was an eight-year-old boy with orange hair and eyes of the same color. The noise accompanying his voice suggested the troublemaker hitting on the dining table.

"Yeah! Me too! I could starve at any moment!" exclaimed Raphael, another of her charges and Gabriel's twin. The two were carbon copies and the only way for the matron to tell them apart was by their hair. The former's were wild and the latter's were straight.

"Quiet! You're making too much noise!" The reprimanding voice belonged to Amber, a red-haired girl with light green eyes. She was a bit of a sass and like the twins, she was eight.

"I want meat!" cried Alice, the youngest of the siblings. She and Arthur were the only ones with a dark complexion. Alice was five and energetic. She had curly hair, black eyes and a, very, high-pitched voice. "My stomach is bubbleling!!!"

The only one Marthe didn't hear from was Noah, a green-eyed boy with hair of the same color. Noah was six and had a calm disposition for his age. He had been a tenant of the orphanage for a year but had just started to open up.

"You see Amber, Alice is hungry! We are hungry!" declared Gabriel.

"Dinner is coming, you don't have to yell! So shut up!"

"Eeeeh? Why should we listen to you? You're not our elder first! " Raphael returned.

"I was born before you and that makes me your elder. Listen to big sister!"

"There's only one month between us!" Gabriel retorted.

"That's more than enough." The girl harrumphed, crossing her arms in a haughty way. "Do you know how many things I experienced during that month when you were not born? All that experience makes me more mature. And This is factual!"

"What?" The twin chorused in unison. "You were just a baby!"

Marthe sighed. It wasn't the first time she heard the debate. "They are doing it again." She added more spice to the soup and smiled as she listened to Alice's belly laughs that blended with the arguing voices.

"Those three are really energetic." Commented Antoine, a boy with light caramel hair and brown eyes. "It must be nice to be young." He mused as he removed the pasta from the stove.

"You're only twelve, lazy bum." Remarked Louise, a young girl with short indigo hair and violet eyes. She was of the same age. Louise finished cleaning the cutlery they would eat with— plates, forks, spoons, cups, etc. and headed to the chaotic dining room. "Don't worry Mom, I'll go and calm them down." She said, before disappearing into the corridor. It wasn't long till her voice tore through the kitchen' walls. "Where is all that noise coming from!?" No-oo himself would have flinched at the harsh tone.

The dining room fell silent, but it was short lived as a new squabble broke, each one attempting to blame the other. Louise was having none of it. She was the head of this brotherhood—title taken by force from Antoine and Arthur— and her words were laws. "Keep quiet!" she ordered, they executed. Silence returned.

Marthe was awed. "She really has a way with them. They would have gotten louder if it were me." She turned off the electric stove and poured the soup into a bowl cleaned beforehand. "I should ask her for her secret."

"Even if she tells you it won't help." Reflected Antoine. "You're too soft and kind."

Marthe's lips crooked into a shy smile. "Ooooooh… so sweet. Where did you learn to be this smooth, Antoine? Hmm?... Ah! Maybe you are already at that age where boys are interested in girls?" Twinkles flashed in her eyes as she changed her posture into one where her black dress outlined her curves.

A damned Cello.

The boy reddened till his neck and not knowing where to look, picked up the pasta before quickly exiting the kitchen. "I-I'm g-going ahead."

The mature woman giggled, watching him hurrying off with the pasta quivering in hands. She took the soup and followed after him, all the while musing about the changes her two boys were going through. My little babies are becoming men! She though, proud. All those hormones are probably messing with them… Should I give them a sex ed? I'll ask Rosa later.

Marthe joined the kids in the dining room and sat down at her end of the table after putting down the soup. The table was long enough for twelve and placed at the leftmost part of the room, near the windows darkened by the night.

Seated on her left were the girls and Antoine. The youngest Alice was the nearest to her. Then came Amber, Louise and finally Antoine. Seated on her right were the boys, Noah being the closest, then Gabriel, Raphael and Arthur who had yet to come. The Twins and Amber were in a staring match. Antoine and Louise were having a little chat. Alice was playing with her cutlery and Noah was being shy.

The other end of the dining table was reserved for Rosa, her starter, who was also missing, left to search for Arthur. Marthe frowned. "Antoine, Louise, do you know where Arthur is?"

Louise shook her head. "No mom, I lost sight of him after school."

"Same thing..." Antoine muttered, bit of red still on him.

Marthe winked at him and looked at the clock hanging between two family photos. The light from the chandelier-look-alike lamp reflected 7:50 pm. Ten minutes later, it would be two hours past the curfew. She bit her lower lip in contemplation, should I wait for them? Her answer came the following second in the form of an angry belly growl, courtesy of Gabriel.

The matron sighed. "Well, we'll start dinner without them. It's already getting late." Before she could start the prayer, Alice let out a cry of indignation.

"Arthur is not here!" She squealed and pointed to Arthur's seat to demonstrate her point, as if no one had noticed.

Sweetness overcame Marthe, sweetness and a burning desire to pinch the lassie's chubby cheek. She repressed it. "I know sweetie, but your brothers are hungry, we can't wait any longer."

"What about Arthur? What's he going to eat???"

"Don't worry we'll leave his share" Marthe comforted, her hands patting the anxious child in a pacifying manner.

Fidgeting in her chair, her right cheek played with— Marthe couldn't control herself— Alice began to ponder. "Huuuh... Humm... Hmm... I know!" She exclaimed as realization hit her. "I know a way to get Arthur to come!"

"Oh… How are you going to do that?" Marthe asked, retrieving her satisfied hand.

The girl grinned. "I just have to yell his name really loud!"

"… Logic?" asked Antoine.

"You silly, when you call someone's name, the person answers. And Arthur always comes to me when I call out his name loudly!" Alice had her nose pointed at the ceiling, her chest puffed out, proud of having educated her big brother. The room laughed, amused by the scene and Antoine's expression.

The teen reined in his speechlessness and reverted back to his lazy look. "Okay Alice, do your thing."

Alice, of course, didn't notice the sarcasm and prepared to call for Arthur. Her face became serious, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration and her gaze directed toward the door. The sudden change brought silence around the table. They watched carefully.

Alice took a deep breath and, shouted. "ARTHUUUUUUR~"

All eyes were on the door, the one giving way to the garden. ...Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock... Only the movement of the clock could be heard. A dozen seconds later, no one came, and Alice, disappointed, tried again. This time there was no playful tone.


Another dozens of seconds and the door remained closed. Alice's gaze hardened, but before she could call again, Louise stopped her.

"My ears! It's no use, Alice. He won't answer your call. It, don't, work, like, that! Arthur knew the curfew is at six. It's his fault if we are starting without him."

"He will answer!" Alice barked back, irritated by Louise's words and Arthur's absence. "I trust him! He promised me he would always answer!"

Marthe looked on the scene, amused. She would have stopped Alice in her endeavor, thus preventing the lassie to mistrust her big brother, if she hadn't observed, a few seconds after the first call, two shifting shadows through the windows. Arthur and Rosa were already here, waiting for the squabble to reach its climax.

Alice ignored Gabriel, Raphael and Amber's teasing, Louise's dissuasion, Antoine's skepticism and took in a deep breath. She shouted her little lungs out.


The door jerked open, revealing a red eyed-brown skinned boy accompanied by a 5.2ft tall Roserade, behind him. "Did my little brownie called me?"


"He came!" cried Gabriel while pointing at the door.

"How!?" Raphael asked, dumbfounded.

"Wow..." Amber uttered, stunned by the unexpected arrival. The others were astonished, and Noah had a slight smile on his face.

Alice left her chair and rushed into Arthur's arms. "Arthur~ I knew you would answer!" She was against his chest, giggling as he patted her on the head. "Eeww... You're sweaty!"

"Sorry, I was across town when I heard your call" He said, lying through his teeth with a smile on his face.

Alice was amazed at the feat, but the others were not fooled. They shot at him, refuting his words and demonstrating the impossibility of the task, while he hid behind Alice who harshly rebuked every of their accusations.

Marthe sighed at the head-aching noise and cleared her throat, interrupting their hectic reunion "Now that Rosa and Arthur are here, it's time to dine."

Everyone took their seats and some prayers later, the dinner began.

"That was quite a dramatic entrance you made, Arthur," Antoine said, eating his pasta.

"Where have you been?" Louise asked, adding more soup on Gabriel's plate. "We've been waiting for you since six!"

"hmm? you see… there was this black skitty on my way and I had to avoid it if I didn't want to get bad luck. I changed route, but it gave chase and pursued me to the park where I ran to."

"The park?" Queried Raphael. "Why would you flee there? It's in the direction opposite the orphanage."

"Exactly. I didn't want to bring the ominous skitty here or else everyone would have gotten bad luck!"

"Yuck!" Alice uttered, distasteful of the black skitty's plague. She forked a big piece of meat— Lechonk's meat— from her plate and cooed at the myriad of savors that melted on her pallet. "What next?" she asked, forking another piece.

Arthur smiled at her. "I went inside, afraid of the yucky bad luck. I tried my best to evade the Skitty's touch but the Pokemon was faster and more agile. It caught up to me. I ended up cornered against a tree and when the skitty jumped me…" He lowered his voice, furthering their attention. "A black portal appeared out of thin air and pulled us into darkness."


"Oh!" Interjected Amber, stopping Gabriel from saying more "Let him cook! This is interesting. Arthur, go on."

"We were pulled into darkness." He repeated, after washing down what he had mouthed. "When I regained my sense, I was under a rosy sky, amidst alien trees, and a few feet away, was the black skitty who— Prepare yourself— began to talk! 'I need your help!' it said. I was so shocked. But this was nothing compared to the jolt I felt when I realized my skin was black— I mean, pitch black, not the usual." The table laughed at the gaffe. Arthur sheepishly carried on. "I was not human anymore but a black skitty myself.

"I calmed down and listened to my pursuer who explained we were in the world of 'cats' ruled by black skitty and decalty. The skitty revealed that she was the princess of the kingdom and that she needed help to free her parents, King and Queen, imprisoned by their advisor who wanted the throne for himself. Only a human could liberate them as their prison was special…"

For the next hour, the room listened to a story filled with suspense, heroism, humor, tense fights, all with a happy ending. Alice and Noah were captivated; the little devils were laughing themselves breathless; Louise asked for details while Antoine looked for flaws. They knew none of it happened, but they wanted to corner Arthur into admitting he was making things up to evade sanctions for missing the curfew. In the end, the story was a success.

The dinner was full of positive energy. As Marthe watched them laugh, debate and comment with each other; as she watched her children full of smiles despite losing their parents in one way or another, she couldn't help but be filled with joy. Opening this orphanage was the best idea I ever had. She though, grateful to have this family, the Roserade family.


They were back in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes. Arthur was at work while Antoine, Louise and Marthe were enjoying some of the pineapple slices Rosa made for the kids watching TV in the living room. The chore was usually done by the four of them but that night, as punishment for missing the curfew, Arthur had to do it alone.

He grumbled at the towering column of plates, forks, pots and trays, which didn't want to diminish despite his cleaning and brought another set of platters into the sink before turning towards his good brother.

Arthur wore his best smile. "Antoine, do you remember that night when—"

"No, you're doing the dishes by yourself."

"I know, what I wanted to say was—"

"I'm not touching those plates."

"I understand, the point I was trying to make—"

"There's no point, Arthur."

Arthur frowned. "Antoine… Why are you interrupting me?" He asked, his tone chiding. "We are men of ideas and words. Are we not?"

"Nothing will move me closer to those dishes." Antoine returned, with the tone of someone who doesn't want to do dishes. He ate another pineapple slice and added. "But, you have a way with words, Arthur. If I listen to you, the next thing I know, I'll be wearing the apron. It would be a shame. It's very good on you."

"Right!?" Marthe queried, her smile full of glee. "Oh, Art (Arthur), Pink is just your color! It goes so well with your eyes and complexion." She sighed. "Why won't you let me dress you in pink? You would have been so cute… Well, no matter. My little baby is already the Cutest!"

Arthur ignored Marthe and Louise's teasing giggles and refocused on a smirking Antoine. " I won't stop." He threatened. " I'll drown you with waves and waves of words. Eventually you will surrender and listen to me. It will happen, I know very well your least work policy. Then, you will be turned into the most guilt-ridden boy alive as I make you remember all those times I helped you when you needed it. You are soft hearted, Antoine. In the end we will be cleaning the dishes, together and happy."

"You think so?" Antoine expression hardened "Try me." There was determination in his voice. It was rare. Arthur also heard it and staring match later, sighed and turned to the only other person who could help him.

"Louise..." A dangerous glint flashed in her gaze. "… I hope the pineapple is to your taste."

"It is. Thank you."

Marthe fondly smiled at them. She watched as they bantered, and asked about their day after Arthur had resigned himself to the task. (Even coaxing with gums and chips didn't help.)

"My presentation was a success!" Arthur replied, grinning from hear to hear. Marthe was happy for him. She knew he had put a bit of work on the assignment.

"A day like any other" continued Antoine, nonchalant.

"Seriously? That's all you have to say?" Louise sighed, defeated. She recounted the events that had taken place, starting with the class, the preparations for the T.E.D – Test for Elementary Diploma – next month, the three regionals that were to arrive in Otambourg and finally the bet.

Marthe sat stunned. "What possessed you to make such a bet Arthur!?" She was surprised by the terms he had with mark. She found them too harsh for children.

Too harsh for Mark.

Marthe wasn't a bit worried for Arthur. She had raised him and knew what laid behind the school's rascal, the whimsical teen and the joking air headed big-brother. Arthur was mature beyond his years and smart, scary smart. His genius was already showing when he was but an infant, mastering his ABC at ten, months old, and doing his multiplications table flawlessly just a month later.

By the time Arthur could walk, he would always try to do everything by himself. He would clean after himself, poop by himself and sometimes, he would make his own snacks. Marthe still remembered the fright she had, on a beautiful morning, when her one-year old baby disappeared from his crib. After panicking herself and Rosa, while screaming kidnapping at the top her lungs, they found him in the chicken, seated on his baby chair and eating a cereal bowl.

Till this day she didn't how he got the cereal, stored in a wall cabinet six foot above ground.

The only time Marthe didn't let him be independent was during bath times. She wouldn't let him take that joy from her. As Arthur had been diagnosed with autism, displaying a low emotional response, the only way she found to bring out some reactions from her little robot was… umm… skinship. That and, kisses…


Mark had probably accepted the bet not imagining himself losing it, but Marthe knew, the kid was in trouble. He had been tricked, deceived like everyone, with the exception of Lucas, June's son, by Arthur's dunce act.

She felt bad for him. Marthe had the opportunity to have the teen under her care as the orphanage was the town's kindergarten and pre-primary. He had left a good impression on her, a quiet and upright child. It was to be expected with George as a father, a strict and punctilious man. Because of this bet, the youth might have a breakdown once the results come.

"Mom!" Louise called, finally grabbing the attention of her mother (foster mother) who had her mind elsewhere.

Marthe pinched her sulking cheek. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I was talking about the Bet. I know Arthur is smarter than he lets on."

'You have no idea.'

"I know he could be far from be the deadlast if he really put his mind to it but… he's trying to eat more than he can chew. Mark and Alexander have been among the best in the class since first grade. I doubt he will win this. What should we do?"

'Nothing. For him at least.' Marthe sighed a troubled sigh. A fake one. In order not to spoil Arthur's surprise she played his game. "You said, Ser Hubert is the witness of the Bet. You know how old school he is. He will use any means to keep the terms regardless of whether Mark wins or loses. Arthur this will be a lesson to you for the future."

"Yes Ma." He replied, trying his best to contain his laughter. "But, no worry. I won't be the losing side!"

Louise was clearly unconvinced. "Mom, Arthur is an idiot, but we can't let him kneel in front of everyone like that…"

"Of course we can't!" said Marthe. "If it come down to it, I would talk his way out of those terms. Ser Hubert won't cancel the bet but at least he will allow some form of compromise."

Louise accepted the solution. Finishing the last slice of pineapple, she stood up from the stool where she sat and gave Arthur a sympathetic look.

"Well, this is the most we can for you, Art. Maybe after the experience you'll get back on track. Who knows maybe you'll win." She then turned to Marthe, "Mom, I'm going to put the kids to bed." and then to Antoine. "Meet me later in the study. We need to work out a schedule. If I hold you a little and with motivation, I'm sure you'll be in the top three!" Antoine was currently sixth, impressive, knowing his least work policy.

"What about me!?" cried Arthur. "I also want a schedule."

"You? How many of the agendas I made did you follow? Zero! You are on your own this time." After saying her piece, she headed to the living room.

"Antoine! You're not going to abandon me too, are you? Brothers forever?"

"It's okay." He smiled. "You may have fooled everyone including Louise but not me. Can't wait for the show." The caramel haired boy winked at Marthe and Arthur's expression, before leaving the kitchen in turn.

"It was unexpected..." said Arthur, cleaning another fork. "But somehow, not surprising."

Marthe hummed. "Antoine was always the more perceptive of the two of you." She stretched and got to her feet. She stole a kiss from Arthur —on the temple, you pervert— and asked him the question. "The big day is coming Art. You ready?"

His grumble turned into a smile, a devilish one. "Always has been."