

Marthe left Arthur to his cleaning and headed for her office on the second floor after reminding him to switch off the light when he was finished. As she walked up the stairs, she thought about the busy day she had, tending to the children and managing the daycare. She was tired, but there was still work to be done.

When Marthe entered her office, she found Rosa meditating by the window seat, basking in the moonlight. The room was cozy, with bookshelves lining the walls, sofa and armchairs for guests and a large wooden desk to work on. The only light came from the moon and a floor lamp, casting a warm glow over the room. Rosa noticed Marthe's fatigue and used her signature move, Aroma Therapy, filling the room with a sweet rejuvenating scent.

"Thanks, Rosa." Marthe said, releasing a content sigh. "You are the best."

She sat down at her desk and swiveled back and forth on her chair, struggling to stay awake while waiting for the aroma in the air to invigorate her senses. As her eyelids lightened, her gaze fell on a neatly folded nightgown placed beside the daunting stack of folders she had been unable to tackle. Within the folders were reports regarding the academic progress and development of the children attending the kindergarten and pre-primary.

As the daycare's Head mistress, she was entrusted with reviewing, commenting on, and officially authorizing every single report card upon the conclusion of the academic year. The task wasn't difficult but, excruciatingly tedious and dull.

That particular evening, however, Marthe was fiercely determined to bring this weighty responsibility to a close. Prior to commencing this formidable undertaking, she realized the significance of changing into her cozy nightgown. Slipping into a loose, comfortable garment, would release the tension in her body, bringing about an increase in focus, she reflected.

A heavy sigh escaped Rosa's lips as she observed Marthe rise from her desk and make her way to the full-length body mirror. Rosa knew all too well that sister of hers. She was dilly dallying.

"Rade." Chided Rosa.

"I'm not procrastinating," Marthe protested, weakly. "I'm just changing. Can you help me please?" She was donning a one-piece black dress that resembled a nun's attire, sans the head covering. The zipper was inconveniently placed at the back, rendering it out of her reach.

The zipper glowed green and the chain effortlessly slid down on its own. Marthe's dress loosened, revealing her stunning figure adorned with black lingerie. As Rosa cast an ardent gaze in her direction, Marthe couldn't help but admire the reflection of her sinuous curves, slender waist, perky derriere, and shapely, prideful breasts. Her porcelain-smooth skin was a stark contrast to her jet-black hair styled in a sleek side ponytail. A heart-shaped face framed a delicate nose, rosy lips, and brown eyes that seemed to draw you in.

Marthe was Beautiful. More than just beautiful, for a mother is beautiful, for a lover is beautiful. Marthe was the kind of woman who could make the head of any men turned around despite the presence of their beautiful lover and whose charms were enough for husbands to risk their marriage with the beautiful mother of their children. Marthe Ramirez was alluring, and she knew it.

Marthe smiled with a hint of arrogance, relishing in the self-love and admiration. With a flick of her wrist, she undid her hair, allowing it to cascade down her back like a shimmering waterfall. Placing her hands on her curvaceous hips, she struck a sultry pose. With a playful glint in her eye, she swayed her hips to the left and called out to her audience, "Rosa, Tell me I'm sexy."

Rosa indulged her. You are sexy!

Marthe swayed her hips right and purred, "Rosa, tell me I'm beautiful."

You are beautiful!

Standing tall and confident, Marthe struck a power pose with her legs at a 45-degree angle and puffed out her chest, emphasizing her ample bosom. "Rosa, tell me, who's the goddamn femme fatale?!"

You! You are!!

But then, her demeanor soured and with sagging arms, she asked, "Why… why am I still single then?"

Rosa burst into laughter, doubled over and clutching her belly.

Marthe caught a glimpse of her friend's infectious laughter in the mirror, unable to resist a small smile. "You're such a Meanie!" she playfully pouted, crossing her arms.

Rosa slowly regained her composure, calming down her fit. "Ro Ra Rosera De!" she exclaimed, teasingly.

Marthe smiled at that. Even though Rosa wasn't speaking in any recognizable human language, Marthe could comprehend her message effortlessly: Don't sulk, you have me! She could understand her because of the connection they shared. It was not merely a symbolic bond formed over the years of companionship, but rather a telepathic one.

As demonstrated by a Professor, each Pokemon had a distinct set of psychic abilities, including the most rudimentary one called [Empathy]. This power enabled them to interact with one another and communicate with humans in a distinct way. The deeper the connection, the easier the communication. And mastery of the ability allowed a fluent channel between trainer and Pokemon. It took about six years for Marthe to have a good understanding of Rosa who was at that time a Roselia.

Marthe could easily exchange with Rosa, but she wouldn't be able to with another Roserade. While these psychic links allowed the Pokemon to pick up the human language over time, the opposite was not feasible. It was only conceivable if the Roserade was intelligent enough and had some control over their [Empathy] that Marthe could have a basic comprehension of what it was attempting to convey.

Marthe wore her purple, translucent gown, which barely reached mid-thigh and revealed glimpses of her lingerie. As she admired herself in the mirror, she let out a sigh. "It's been way too long," she murmured, her tone laced with longing and frustration.

Rosa tilted her head, curious.

"I mean... sex," Marthe clarified, her voice trailing off slightly. "Don't get me wrong, I love our little playtime together, but... you know, sometimes I just really crave a good, hard Cock,"


"What? It's Just the two of us here." She let out a deeper sigh and continued to vent. "O Rosa, I don't know if I could hold myself any longer. It's just getting bad. I didn't even tell you. The other day, I was this close," She brought her thumb and index almost touching "to give in to Henry."

Rosa sat straight, her eyes widening in shock. "Rose? Roserade!?"

Henry? Henry yellow teeth!?

"Yeah." Marthe admitted abashedly. "You know how the children's swing broke last week right? Thanks Arceus, Amina's son wasn't hurt. She would have called me all the names. The bitch. So, I went to henry to order a repair. Of course, like always, he tried his luck. He asked me to come in, so we could, ahem, discuss about it. And I went in… I had nothing much to do that day."

"We were in his workshop," She said, putting on her headband and straightening her dress. Her pause was deliberate, designed to build suspense. "Seated around that dusty table of his, that he cleaned in a flash. He brought tea and cakes —my favorite snacks, he knew— and we chatted. He began with some courtesy. Then some small talk. And next the broken swing. Needless to say, he didn't bring me in to talk me about the swing. Henry was carefully preparing his cards and he eventually showed them when I hinted about leaving."

"Ahem," Marthe cleared her throat and deepened her voice, mimicking. "O Martha,"

Rosa erupted into laughter once again. It was the suffix that did it, making her wheeze with amusement. Martha was actually her true name, while Marthe was just the diminutive. When she was still a young Budew, when they were living in the family house, there was only one person who would call her that. Only a single person Marthe would allow to use that name, as she didn't like the sound of it back then. Her late mother.

A day could not pass without the two bickering, Rosa remembered. The fights always began with her mother's voice echoing through the house, harsh and furious, calling out "Martha!" But they would always end on a loving note, with her mother's voice softening and saying, "Martha." The name was precious and reserved for only a select few, not for the like of Henry yellow teeth.

"O Martha" Marthe mimicked again after Rosa abrupt fit. "Every time I see you, I'm struck by your beauty. You are the epitome of elegance and grace, and I can't stop thinking about you. But as much as your beauty captivates me, what truly impresses me is your strength and resilience as a single mother. You shouldn't have to do it all on your own. Let me be there for you, let me take care of you and your children.

" I may not be the most conventionally attractive man, but I promise to be a devoted father and partner. My business is thriving, providing for you and your family would be no issue. Please consider giving me a chance to show you the love and support you deserve."

The mimicking ended, and Henry's heartfelt Love's declaration left Rosa awestruck. She never thought he had it in him to express such deep emotions.

Marthe cleared her throat once more, resuming her sultry voice and began to reminisce about the encounter. "Rosa, you should have seen him." She said, her eyes shining with mischief. "He had this look in his eyes, so full of passion and desire. They were like magnets, drawing me in. But I still spotted the sneaky hand making its way towards me. Well, I let him carry on, just for the fun of it. Henry took my hand in his and guess what he did?" She paused for effect and grinned. "He rubbed his thumb, slowly and sensually, against the back of it. "

Rosa's body shook as she felt a chill run through her entire grassy skin. She couldn't help but picture Henry, with his balding head and multitude of age spots on his temples that made him appear much older than his short fifty. Despite his stocky build, he was short, a head smaller than Marthe, and had a protruding belly always threatening to burst out of his shirts.

To make matters worse, the man was incredibly hairy. However, what really bothered Rosa was his shallow personality. Henry loved gold-coated jewelry— gold watch, rings, chain. And would not spend a day without donning them. They were a showy proof of his success. Interestingly enough, the nickname "Yellow teeth" had nothing to do with the color of his teeth, but rather the golden tooth that he would proudly display when given the opportunity.

Rosa shivered once more as she saw that smile and gave Marthe an accusing look. "Rade!"

"What!?" she shot back. "Yes, I also felt the same disgust. Who knows what his hands touched before? But…" She trailed off, the mischievous smile spreading across her face. "It felt good…"

"Raaade!" You can't be serious!

"I told you!" Marthe defended herself. "I told you it has gotten bad." She let out a deep sigh. "So bad that I didn't even notice when he got up from his chair and sat next to me. Rosa, the smell…" Her nose wrinkled as she remembered. "Oil, wood, smoke, beer, sweat...men. Goodness, it went through me, Rosa. It went deep. Like… like some kind of aphrodisiac."

Marthe shivered as her hand traced her thigh, the same way henry yellow teeth did. "Right then… I could only think about his Cock. I could see it. In my mind. Bulbous, red, thick and smelly. Arceus above, Rosa, I lost it. I… think I touch him back? I can't remember. I was in my daydream. You know what I was doing in my daydream?"

You were blowing him off.

"I was blowing him off. He had my heads between those hairy thighs and I was sucking his balls, one at the time." Marthe recounted, her tongue flicking against her palate as if she could taste the memory. "I sucked, sucked and sucked as he grunted. I slowly licked the base of his dick, all the way up. I nibbled a little bit the head, sucked it a little and went back to his balls sack. He grunted in dissatisfaction, but I was taking my time, taking in the horrendous smell and the salty taste.

"Eventually, Henry lost patience. He got up and," Rosa watched as Marthe held an imaginary head in her hands while replicating what had surely been Yellow teeth's movements. "pushed it down my throat. He pounded and pumped, pounded and pumped, pounded and pumped!" Her thrusts grew rapid and more frenzied.

Rosa was enjoying herself. She could see, through the mirror, Marthe's lustful eyes who were engrossed in the imaginary head. And imaginary cock. "Finally, it came. His disgusting, thick seed. This got me out of my daydream. That and the fact he fondled me."

Marthe's face contorted into a grimace as she remembered the feeling of a large hand squeezing her breast, and the piercing pleasure she had felt when Henry pinched her teat through her fabric. "Scum," she growled.

A glint flashed in Rosa's eyes as she asked, "Rose?"

"No," Marthe replied, shaking her head. "After all, I'm just as guilty. But Henry's been getting bolder and bolder. You stroke their weenie just once (through the pants), and they think they own you. If he tries something again… then, we'll pay him a visit," she said, her voice a menacing whisper.

Marthe smiled at the last bits of memory and went to her desk, grumbling as the stack of folders welcomed her back. "Why aren't there any proper male around?" She asked, slumping on her seat and lazily curling a strand of hair around her finger. "How could I break my vows if there's no one to tempt me? The ones at least worthy of interest are either married or too old… The rest? Disgrace to the ideals of manhood!"

Rosa gave her a flat stare. Marthe was dilly dallying. Again. Rosa didn't want to support Marthe's procrastination but found herself replying anyway. There's Jeremy. Dignified, manly and getting more handsome with the years… Don't you think it's about time, Martha?

Marthe evaded. "Arthur had been looking at my boobs all night." She murmured, her hands going up her breasts for emphasis. "I swear I'm not making this up. And It's not very surprising if you think about it. They're irresistible." She teased their nipples, biting her lower lip as a soft moan escaped her lips.

"He is twelve already. It's at that age that they began to experience changes… maybe, I should give him some sex ed?" As she suggested, her fingers traced down the outline of her body. "I could teach him about baby making and a woman's body inner workings…" Another moan. Her breath came in gasps. "Yeah… He must be confused. I should explain it to him, the correct way, with a many practi— mmm-hmm!"

When Marthe came back, she noticed Rosa's glare and flushed a deep crimson. She coughed, trying to disperse her awkwardness. "Ahem. Of course, a simple science lesson will suffice. Arthur is a smart boy. He will figure it out. That's what in mind! And you Rosa? What were you thinking? Hmm? I'm telling you! Your dirty mind is not welcome under this roof!"

Rosa snorted. It was obvious to her what Marthe did behind that wooden desk and she could tell who she had in mind this time. Definitely not Henry Yellow teeth.

Marthe hadn't appreciate the snort. "Well, Miss I don't have need" She sneered. "I suppose you must have quite the plentiful sexual life huh? Lot and lot of it as you don't have the itch too. Share it with me. I'm curious. Who is it? Human? Pokemon? Or…yourself? Why surprised? I know what you can do with those Power whips of yours. I know very well. You, naughty girl. Playing with yourself. How indecent. Ah! I remember" she grinned. "There was this Lombre, right? As big bellied as Henry. He was quite persistent. You two are now a thing huh? That's sad. From strapped Rillaboom to this!" She burst into an insane cackle.

Rosa subdued the ragging fire within her for she knew she couldn't win against Marthe when it came to thrash-talking. She closed her eyes, getting back to her meditation and filled with disgust at the prospect of having the Lombre by the Lac as her mate.

The Pokemon was wild as they could be, a ruffian lacking the dignity that came from years of exposure to human's culture. To make matters worse, it was unlikely that he would ever evolve into a Ludicolo during his lifetime.

"Pooper." Marthe called out as Rosa ignored her every attempt at conflict. She sighed and finally started tackling those folders.

It was midnight past ten when Marthe signed off on the last report card. She let out a contented sigh, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Finally!" she stretched on her seat. "I'm done with it. Geez, I could have done it way earlier and saved myself the stress. Why am I like this?"

Rosa cracked an eye open. "Rade?"

"Yep. Finished." She put the file back in its folder. "It's high time we prepare for the end year ceremony. I will bring it out during the next reunion."

Marthe stood up and looked at the clock. 00:15. "Well, time to bed." She sauntered toward the window where Rosa was and sat beside her, a finger drawing small circles on her sweetheart's thigh. She leaned over and whispered. "You will take care of me tonight, right? Alice is not sick anymore." The lassie had spent the last couple of nights with them. Spoiling their fun.

Rosa shared her smile. Funny, I was thinking the same.

Marthe purred and lightly pulled on the shoulder strap of Rosa's blue and red dungaree. She knew the night would be torrid, but before that, they had to make their round..

The orphanage was nothing like what most people might picture when they think of orphans. Rather than a cold and institutional environment, it was a warm and welcoming home that had once been an abandoned mansion. Marthe had purchased the property and put in a great deal of effort to renovate it when she moved to town.

As the house was too big for her and Rosa, Marthe came up with a brilliant solution - she proposed the town hall to move the pre-primary into the building. Consequently, the first floor was designated as the daycare area while the second floor became the cozy home for her small family.

It should be noted that the only areas that were left on the first floor were the kitchen and the dining room, which was also the rest area for the caregivers: stay-at-home mothers.

Marthe and Rosa searched the girl's room and found it empty. Then, they checked the boy's room, which was also unoccupied. Marthe suddenly Louise's earlier words and headed to the study. Louise and Antoine were there. Louise was packing their things away, while Antoine had his head on the table, his eyes barely open. They had apparently completed their schedule, Marthe deduced.

"You should be in bed, it's late." She said as Rosa infused the books and whatnot with her aura, floating them onto their respective shelves.

Louise yawned, tired. "It took longer than expected… I need to make sure Antoine is in the top three."

Marthe couldn't help but wonder, "Why are you so insistent on him getting a regional?" she inquired.

As Louise rubbed her tired eyes, she struggled to form coherent sentences, but managed to explain, " With a regional... he will have... better chances of... professionnaaalll" She let out another tired yawn, her feet carrying her unconsciously towards Marthe

The mother embraced her daughter, proud of her. "Oh sugar, you don't need to work so hard for the family." She hugged her tightly. "I'm already here for that,"

Louise, already half asleep, responded, her voice laced with the tone of the needy girl she used to be, "Yes... mom..."

Antoine was snoring.

Marthe and Rosa accompanied them to their rooms and went up to the attics. Or, the third level to be correct. The floor had only two rooms. One where the stairs led directly to. It was there that she kept the old tenant's belongings. The other belonged to Arthur. He had claimed it as his bedroom when he was ten.

At his door, they heard several voices coming from inside. The children were indeed with him. Arthur was telling them "The World's Fable", a story about the creation of the world by Arceus, the birth of the Legendarys and the appearance of the Originals. The fable was known far and wide.

few minutes later, he finished, and Noah asked him a question. His tone excited.

"Arthur, did the Originals really exist?" His excited tone brought a smile on Marthe's lips. She had feared the shy boy would lost his cheerfulness after he went through.

"That's a good question, Noah." Said Arthur, pausing for effect. "Everyone has their own answer to the question and as far as I'm concerned, I have no idea. Some people just consider them to be Myths like some Legendarys. Others even claim to have found remnants of their civilization."

"Seriously!? what did they find?"

Arthur chuckled at his enthusiasm. "Sorry to disappoint, but it was just beads and gems. Often, it was ancient cutlery. However," His voice lowered, with a mysterious tone to it that only further excited Noah and the others. "There have been rumors…"

"W-What?" uttered Raphael, stammering.

"They say…" Arthur trailed off, empowering his storytelling. "that they possess mystical abilities. They say… that those who found them disappeared mysteriously. They say… that whoever will find the lost city of Machu and its treasure will gain the power to… kill a Legendary, a God."

His audience gasped, shocked.

"But before that…" he leaned over. "They will eat you!"

The kids giggled at the bad jump scare and Gabriel raised his hand, calling out.

"Arthur! Arthur! I have a question too!"


"How are babies made?"

It was Rosa and Marthe who giggled this time, quietly, as they could hear the shocked silence of Arthur.

"Where… did that come from?" He questioned, then came the bubbling voice of Gabriel

"The story goes that the Originals created the Mythicals to build their gigantic cities on the ground, in the air and even underwater! It was Arceus who gave them special seeds that they had to plant to obtain these Pokemon. Do we also come from seeds?"

Rosa lost it. She would have revealed their presence if not for the timely save of Marthe who covered her mouth. Considering the fact that Roserade(s), Grass Pokemon, had to mate sexually to reproduce, it was no wonder she got a fit. Listening to Gabriel's question Marthe assumed that Arthur told them the child's version of the fable.

The unaltered version of the story was considerably more complex, dark, and violent. According to that rendition, the Originals received guidance from Arceus and were able to create their own Pokemon, now recognized as Mythicals, through a series of experiments and sacrifices. The version meant for children suggested that the Originals were expelled from the planet to the stars due to their avarice, while the unedited one described a full-blown war that they waged against the Legendarys.

The conflict was so brutal that it fundamentally altered the landscape of their planet, Aethera, and some people hypothesized that the second moon, Mona, was once part of it. In the end, the Originals were wiped out, and, of the thousands of Lengendarys that once roamed the land, only sixty-three survived.

"I don't know how babies are made," Arthur replied, evading. " You'll have to ask Mom. She surely has the answer." so heartless

Marthe grimaced, so heartless.

"You're dodging the question Arthur, I can feel it!" Amber exclaimed.

"I swear," He lied "I really don't know the answer!"

Amber didn't buy it. "I'm sure of it! You're dodging the question! Give us the answer!" she ordered.

"Yeah!" supported Gabriel.

"Tell us already!" demanded Raphael.

This what Marthe's cues. She entered the room. Arthur was sitting on his bed, holding a slumbering Alice in his embrace, while the trio and Noah sat on the floor before him, forming a semi-circle.

Registering the new arrivals, the three terrors leaped up in surprise.

"Mom!" They squealed.

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed? Hmm??" She chided, playfully pinching Noah's cheek, feeling a bit embarrassed at being caught red-handed.

After more chiding, they left the room with Rosa who had Alice in her arms.

"Thank you, Ma," Arthur said, letting out a sigh of relief. "Those three wouldn't have let it go if it weren't for you." The tone and the air that emanated from him had changed. There was a sense of calmness and maturity that was inappropriate for a child. This is the real Arthur, Marthe thought.

"How did they end up here?" she asked. "Let me guess. They wanted to see a movie on your computer."

He laughed a little then answered. " That was the plan. Amber and the twins attempted to use Alice as leverage to coerce me into letting them watch some movies. They know how weak I am against her. However, the plan backfired. She wanted another story."

"They are sure crafty..." Marthe said with a smile. She knew that they didn't sneak back downstairs to the living room because Arthur was the safer option; they could use him as a shield if they were caught. "They even brought Noah in."

Marthe was preparing to leave the room when she noticed Arthur's gaze. She lifted an eyebrow in surprise as she realized he was checking her out, staring at her thighs. She had forgotten to wear her robe, and her nightgown failed to fully conceal her charms by itself.

She grinned as Arthur's gaze went to her chest and feeling a little playful, she teased. "Do you like what you see?"

"huh? you say?" Arthur muttered, absentmindedly.

Marthe had a déjà vu. The situation was oddly familiar. She contemplated with twinkles in her eyes and decided to tease him further with a provocative pose. She crossed her arms under her breasts and stood with one foot in front of the other. Her weight was mostly on the back foot, the front foot resting on toes with the knee pointing slightly outward, and revealing, with the short dress, more thigh.

Marthe grinned at the gaping expression and repeated herself. "I said, do you like what you see?"

Arthur nodded. Slowly.

Marthe was certain. Arthur was away, daydreaming. She wondered what sort of forbidden fantasies were swirling around in his mind and felt a guilty thrill of excitement at the prospect of being the object of his desires. Whatever he was thinking, or may be thinking, fueled Marthe's mind, sparking a many ideas.

She extinguished that fire and sighed reluctantly. Despite her lack of self-trust at the moment, Marthe couldn't resist the urge to tease.

With a sultry saunter, Marthe made her way over to Arthur whose gaze never left her. She leaned in close, giving him an ample view of her cleavage, and whispered seductively in his ear. "Lusting after your own mother… naughty boy." She exhaled a hot breath onto his ear, then gently nibbled on it.

The boy moaned.

Marthe smiled. "O Art, I could show it to you, what a woman is. I could do things, that you will never forget even if you want to." She could feel his shivering. "You would like that, wouldn't you? With your own mother… How bold. You know what, I would like that too." She kissed him on his cheek and relished in his cute whimpers. "Yeah… We'll just take it as your sex ed, no biggie, right?"

Marthe felt the familiar heat rising within her once again and stopped teasing. She had underestimated the impact of her own dirty talk on herself, as well as on Arthur. As she finally pulled away from him, she couldn't help but notice the bulge in his pants. Her shock turned into a grin and she crossed the line once more. She flicked it with her finger. "Naughty." And chided with a hint of a smile.

After giving Arthur a goodnight kiss, Marthe left the room and made her way downstairs. "I'm such a bad mother." She mused as she went to her bedroom where Rosa was. Waiting.

The night was full of vice and sin.