
New Acquaintances

"No I feel fine Professor Regina. I can get up from the bed." Xyno gets up from the bed and looks into the mirror.

"Your clothes are quite ripped apart. I will arrange for your change of clothes. Ana go get a bath prepared for Xyno." Maria instructs Ana, the maid who was present there.

"Yes Miss Maria I will get a bath ready for young master Xyno right away." Ana answers politely.

Ana was one of the maids of the mansion. there were 4 more maids at Professor Regina's house. Her house was like a mansion, quite spacious and very big.

(I'm not sure if Sylvie made my body more stronger or not. I mean I just look like a normal 12 year old brat. Guess I can't feel my potential right now. Though my clothes became a big mess. I can't wear them now, they are almost falling off.) Xyno thinks to himself as he suspects that he should have been fine during the impact while getting transported here. Though then suspects he might've died if he wasn't reinforced.

"Guess I do need a bath." Xyno speaks as he moves out of the room with Ana and goes over to the bath.

The bath was quite spacious as expected from a big mansion.

"Whoa!" He gets surprised seeing the size of the bathroom." We had these type of futuristic bathrooms in some of the luxurious hotels back in my world." Xyno was used to bathrooms of this type since he used to stay at luxurious hotels during business trips but he was surprised that the size of the room and the architecture were very similar.

"Is the water to your liking young master Xyno?" One of the maids asks Xyno about the temperature of the hot bath.

"Yes Miss. The water is fine. But could you not refer to me as 'young master'? I will just be a assistant to the professor." Xyno asks the maid to not be so formal.

"But you are under the protection of Professor Regina. So it's only appropriate that we call you as 'young master'." The maid replies.

Xyno sighs and pays no mind to it. "Guess they are devoted to their work." Xyno decides to enjoy the hot bath and forgot about everything.

After Xyno gets out of the bath.

"Ahh that felt good. All the dirt from before was making me itchy, and my injuries feel a lot better as well." Xyno feels refreshed after getting out of the hot bath.

" I have brought a change of clothes for the young master." One of the maids brings in a change of clothes for Xyno.

"Thank you Miss. You can place them outside." Xyno changes into a black T-shirt and white trousers and makes his way out of the bath.

"Come with me Xyno, let's give you a tour around the research facility" Maria takes Xyno and goes over to the research facility next to the mansion.

The mansion was quite big and research facility was taller than the mansion. It looked like a whole complex.

"Here we conduct all kinds of experiments with the Pokemons in their natural habitats. From their eating habits to their behavior, your work here would be to help Professor Regina in conducting the researches on the Pokemon and collect field data." Maria explains Xyno what he needs to do as an assistant under Professor Regina as she takes him to various parts of the research facility.

While walking Xyno takes notice that there are different machines examining the Pokemons. One looked like a CT scan machine, in which a Rattata passed under and was being scanned. Another machine looked like it was taking records of the Pokemon's heart rate, blood pressure and a lot of different things.

(It seems like I will be working my butt off everyday with these experiments. Well it's better that I get myself acquainted with these machines. There also seems to be robots working here and there so technology is quite advanced in this world) Xyno thinks to himself.

While walking they reach where Professor Regina was conducting some experiments on a Jolteon. The Jolteon discharged a Thunderbolt onto what looked like a metal rod and the power of the bolt was recorded.

"Ah you came to the work place. So how does it look like to you, pretty fascinating I presume?" Regina asks Xyno.

"Yeah this seems interesting. I can't wait to help out with those scans and stuff." Xyno replies.

"Hold that excitement since you won't be helping me with the machines. Well, not for the moment atleast." Regina says.

"What do you mean?" Xyno asks in confusion.

"You will help me collect field data on the Pokemons living in the Artificial Inhabitator. But first lie down on that bed over there." Regina points to her back. There was a bed with a machine attached to it.

"We need to check your body for any internal injuries and confirm whether you are okay or not" Regina says to Xyno.

Xyno walks near to the bed and lies down.

"Activate the switch Maria." Regina orders Maria to activate the scanner.

The scanner activates and Xyno goes into the machine. After a minute of scanning of Xyno's body the machine gives the report onto a monitor attached to it.

(As I thought, there are traces of magic all over his body. Though the magic traces on the wounds are quite different and abnormal. Xyno is not a normal kid. But I wonder if he knows this himself.) Regina thinks to herself while looking at the report.

"It's okay Maria turn the machine off. His body is fine and there are no internal injuries." Regina asks Maria to stop the scanner.

"Okay Professor I will make the report then." Maria says back

"There is no need for a written report. He has no internal injuries so there is no need for a report." Regina stops Maria from making a report of the scan.

(Have they found out that I am not of this world? No if they would've they would not be so calm right now.) Xyno thinks to himself.

"It seems you have no injuries done to any organs or vital parts of your body. Your are perfectly fine from inside. Just drink this potion and your injuries will go away in no time." Regina says while he gives Xyno a vial of a blue-colored liquid. The liquid was thicker than water but went down Xyno's throat fine.

Xyno starts glowing up and the cuts on his body start healing. After some minutes the cuts vanish without leaving a scar on Xyno's body.

"Wow, all my wounds are healed. That potion worked." Xyno gets excited that his wounds healed so quickly.

"It was a potion which works on human wounds until the wound is not too deep or fatal." Regina adds.

"Now you need to look around the Artificial Inhabitator to know how it works since you would be working there from tomorrow." Regina leads Xyno over to the Artificial Inhabitator area.

The Artificial Inhabitator was a huge room that was covered with glasses on top that when turned on imitated the natural habitat of Pokemons. There were different Inhabitators like forest inhabitator, land inhabitator and a lake inhabitator which was surrounding a small water body where the water Pokemons lived.

"You will be helping me through these Artificial Inhabitators and collect field data on the Pokemons that live here. Quite the hefty work huh" Regina says to Xyno.

Xyno was amazed to see this technology that could create artificial habitats for the Pokemon to live in.

"This is really fascinating." Xyno says while almost jumping from excitement.

(The A.I. was not that advanced when I created Sasha but this is something else. This technology can't be replicated currently in my old world.)

"Well that's enough of that. I have already done today's work and colleced the field data so the work is done for today. Come back to the mansion with Maria when you get done looking at the environment and familiate yourself with all this." Regina instructs while she makes her way back to the mansion.

"I have some reports to check in the other part of the research facility so when your done here come see me there." Maria says to Xyno and goes away. She instructs one of the assistants to look after Xyno so he doesn't get into trouble.

After looking around the different inhabitators Xyno things it's best to check them out tomorrow and interact with the Pokemon later.

He goes back to where Maria said she would be and they go back to the mansion together. After sometime passes Xyno haves dinner with Regina and Maria on the dining table and then one of the maids escorts him to his new room that he would be staying in.

"This is your room young master. The room next to yours on the right is Miss Maria's and the room to the left of your room is Miss Regina's. If you require anything please call us young master." The maid says to Xyno and walks away.

(My room is between both their rooms huh) Xyno thinks to himself and walks into the room.

The room was spacious from inside. It had a big bed in the middle and table next to it. Another smaller table and 2 chairs next to it. Xyno hops onto the bed immediately.

"Ah this feels great. This world has quite similar tastes to the world I come from." Xyno says to himself.

(Looks like humans are the same everywhere they go. And this is true for the despicable people as well. A lot happened today. The Artificial Inhabitator was one of the most fascinating things I saw today. Even powering that would be difficult with the current technology in the previous world. And the Professor and her assistant. They were quite nice to me. It kind of felt like they were treating me like I was their younger brother. Regina seemed like she was 25 years old and Maria seemed the same age as well. I don't know what Regina saw on the report of the scan but I will need to be careful not to say too much about my previous life. I feel bad lying to them when they were this hospitable to a total stranger. I wonder where Nicole is as well. Sylvie said that she could be very close to me or very far. I feel drowsy now, guess I'll sleep now.) Xyno finally gets drowsy and sleeps on the comfortable bed.