
Into The World Of Pokemon

A strange beam of lightning comes crashing down in the middle of a huge grass field at midnight. While being transported Sylvie's powers went haywire and Xyno crashes to the land instead of landing safely.

The next day...

A team of researchers and scientists comes to the crash site. A woman who looked like she was the incharge of the team goes to check the circumstances. When at the center of the incident she looks around and finds a kid lying there beside all the rubble and debris.

"My God is that a kid lying there?" The head researcher quickly runs over to the kid and finds that he has cuts and bruises all over his body, even his clothes are all torn and dusty. She checks if the kid is still alive.

"He seems to be alive, but his pulse is not very strong. How did he end up here in the condition?" The woman gets a little relieved after checking the kid's pulse.

"Maria, go get a stretcher and get him treated immediately. Go Hurry!" The woman shouts to her assistant.

"Yes Professor. I'll call for someone right away" Her assistant Maria replies and goes away to call someone to help.

(How did this little kid end up here, and in this condition? Could he be the one who caused this incident? Or was he simply caught in the incident?) The woman thinks in her head.

"Seems like I will get the answers after some time." Saying this the woman goes back to her survey of the spot.

Two men came running with a stretcher and a first-aid kit to tend to the kid's wounds. They took him away to get treated immediately. The kid's wounds were not that grave but the number of them was terrifying. After tending to his wounds the doctor announced that the kid was out of danger.

"Take him over to the Professor's mansion. We will have him rest there till he wakes up." Maria suggests upon hearing the doctor.

At the Professor's home Xyno finally wakes up from his unconsciousness.

(Ack where am I?) Xyno grabs his head while getting up. He looks at his hand and observes that his arm is all covered with a white cloth. "Why is my arm all covered in bandages. Ahh..."

When he moves his leg he feels pain. "W-What is this? How did I end up in this condition?" Xyno looks all over his body and sees that his whole body is covered in bandages.

(All I remember is that I was being transported and Sylvie's magic went haywire and I felt a surge of pain going through my body. Then I fell unconscious.) Xyno thinks to himself.

"Huh? My voice feels lighter and I feel smaller." Xyno looks at the mirror which was placed beside the bed facing it.

"I-Is this really me?!" Xyno finds out that his body has shrunk into that of a little kid's. Only his eyes were light blue instead of the black he had before.

(This is how I looked like when I was in Middle School. Seems like this body is that of a 12 year old. So I got younger by 11 years. Cool huh)

Suddenly the doorknob turns and a maid comes into the room.

"I see you have woken up. How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere?" The maid asks Xyno whether he feels fine or not.

"Huh, Uh yeah I feel fine miss, were you the one who tend to my wounds?" Xyno asks nicely to the pretty maid.

The maid replies "Oh no I just looked after you ever since Miss Maria brought you here and asked me to take care of you. You were passed out for 3 days."

"I have been asleep for 3 whole days?" Xyno asks shocked. (Seems like the journey to here roughed me up quite bad. If it weren't for this reinforced body that Sylvie made for me I might've died from the impact.) Xyno thinks in his head.

"How did you end up in that condition?" The maid asks as she comes closer to Xyno.

"I don't remember how I ended up there" Xyno says to the maid.

"Oh that's too bad." the maid replies.

"Thank you for taking care of me while I was unconscious Miss." Xyno bows while he thanks the maid and shows his gratitude.

"Oh my what a sweet kid you are~" The maid smiles and pats Xyno's head.

*growl* *growl* Xyno's stomach growls as he gets hungry.

"My you must be very hungry~ Hold on I will go inform Miss Maria that you have woken up and also bring you something to eat." The maid goes away to call assistant Maria and bring Xyno something to eat.

After some time the maid comes in with a bowl of rice porridge. With her enter Assistant Maria and the Professor

"As you can see he has woken up Professor. He seems fine now" The maid explains to the Professor.

Xyno thinks to himself (Who are these two women?)

"Hello kid, how are you feeling? Do you feel fine now?" Maria asks Xyno.

"Yes miss I feel fine now. Though these bandages are bothering me, but thank you for bringing me here and getting me treated." Xyno bows again and shows his gratitude.

"My you are quite well-mannered I see. I was just worried for you since you were pretty badly wounded. But you seem to be doing okay now." The Professor asks Xyno to raise his head as he was simply worried for him.

"Excuse me miss, who are you?" Xyno asks the professor.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Regina Bellad. I'm a professor who conducts research and experiments on the mysterious creatures known as 'Pokemon'. I study Pokemon and their environment for a living. This is my assistant Maria Kmetsch." The Professor introduces herself and her assistant to Xyno.

"Hello kid. My name is Maria and as Professor Regina said, I am her assistant who helps her conduct research on Pokemon and study their natures and habits. What your name kid?" Maria introduces herself and asks Xyno's name.

"Hello miss, my name is Xyno. Though I don't remember anymore than my name. How I ended up here or why I was there, I have no recollection." Xyno obviously lied that he forgot everything.

"Hmm seems like you have mild amnesia. You do remember your name but don't remember anything else. It will all come back to you slowly don't worry. Do you remember who your parents are?" Regina asks Xyno.

"I don't have any parents. They died when I was young. I lived all alone" Xyno replies. This part was true since even at the orphanage he was always alone. He never talked to the other kids and some of them even used to bully him. That's why he started learning how to hold up his own in a fight.

"I-I see. I'm sorry for making you remember this right after you woke up." Regina apologizes to Xyno.

"I brought you some rice porridge. Would you like to have some?" The maid asks nicely.

( He seems like a lonely kid. No parents. No one to turn to, must have been hard for this kid to live all on his own all this time) Regina thinks to herself

"I will. Thank you." Xyno gets up to eat the porridge. The maid pours some of the porridge into a smaller bowl and gives it to Xyno. Xyno picks up the spoon with his hands but the spoon falls from his hands onto the bed. Xyno was still quite weak from that incident and didn't have much strength.

Regina picks up the spoon." Here I will help you eat the porridge."

Regina offers to help Xyno eat the porridge. She takes a spoonful of porridge and blows on it so to make it cool down, then brings it up to Xyno's mouth.

"Say 'Ah'. It might be hot so try eating slowly."

Xyno opens his mouth and eats the porridge. It was still somewhat hot so Xyno breathes through his mouth to cool it down.

After eating 2 servings of rice porridge Xyno feels his stomach is full.

"So Xyno where will you go now?" Maria asks Xyno what he will do now.

"I don't know. I have no memory of who I was or where I came from. So going home is not an option since I don't know where home is." Xyno replies to Maria's question.

"I have an idea. How about I take you in as one of my assistants to help in my research. Of course I will look after you and you can live here." Regina suggests to Xyno to live at her place and work as an assistant.

"Are you sure Professor? We don't even know who this kid's parents were or where he comes from?" Maria asks Regina.

"He doesn't have anywhere to go Maria. And he is just a child. If I don't help anything can happen to him. It is only natural that I help him." Regina replies.

(This is not a bad proposal. I can have a place to live and I can start researching about the whereabouts of the Eternity Fragments. Also she seems like a pretty well-known Professor so she might be useful in some situations.) Xyno thinks about her proposal.

Regina suddenly turns towards Xyno. "So Xyno, will you take up my offer and live here as an assistant and help me in my research?"

"Okay. I will take up your offer." Xyno agrees to her proposal.

"It's settled then. You will live here from this day forward under my protection, and help me out with my research." Regina smiles at Xyno and pats his head. "Now have some other business to attend to. You must be pretty tired yourself. Get some more rest."