
Pokemon - The Timeless Journey

No Truck-kun! Instead Aeroplane-kun helps our main character transmigrate in the beautiful world of Pokemon! But… the world of Pokemon is freaking dangerous! Follow the story of Orion and join him on the journey as he tours the world of pokemon while building the best team and battling against tough opponents while surviving numerous disasters. What to expect : 1. Smart and Consistent MC. 2. No Plot holes (hopefully). 3. An original story (I won't be following any canon storylines). 4. Lots of new characters. 5. Smart/Cunning side characters. 6. Chaotic and intense battles (I'll do my best. I'll need a lot of suggestions and constructive criticism to improve the battles). 7. No System. WARNING : 1. The world is dark. There will be a lot of deaths, killing and perhaps even gore (though I'll keep gore to a minimum and avoid using it when not necessary). 2. No Harem, No Lemons, No Pokephilia! 3. The MC isn't kind hearted and passionate like Shounen MCs. On the contrary, he will grow to be very ruthless to survive in this world. 4. The story will start slow. It will pick up pace after Orion begins his journey (I'll keep you updated about this). 5. I haven't seen the latest seasons. So you may not see many pokemons from Generation 8 and 9. 6. The world is an AU. Though many characters are the same, their teams and personalities could be slightly altered. 7. The MC won't become the best pokemon trainer in a short time. Though the story will revolve around him, the world will not. So don't expect him to receive much special treatment or gifts from every gym leader/champion/legendary pokemon. His struggles will be real. 8. There will be a lot of Monologues at the start of the story (especially in chp 3 and 4. Feel free to skip those if you aren't a fan of monologues). But later on it will be much less. If the above is what you are looking for in a fanfic, welcome on the journey :-) Disclaimer : I don't own Pokemon or its characters (except the original characters I create). The image used in the cover doesn't belong to me.

DemiGod_2972 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
75 Chs

Chapter 58 : Structure of the Army

Since there was no threat of the city falling, Orion relaxed a bit. He stopped his training and instead left the Gym and began observing the preparations the city was making to stop the incoming tide.

He thought, 'While I can avoid the tides for now, I won't be able to do so after I reach 15 years. Not to mention, if a tide triggers Black Alert, I'll have to fight my way out in any case. This is a good opportunity to learn how the humans in this world face a threat such as this one. I might learn some other interesting things as well. Not to mention…'

Orion looked around the city and took a deep breath while muttering to himself, 'While I have always enjoyed reading about wars and battlefield tactics and strategies in my previous world, I have never experienced one. In fact, I haven't even seen one from a close distance. This will be my first time observing a war from such a close distance.'

Orion could feel slight excitement. A bit of fear was mixed in his excitement as well despite the fact that the city felt that they could resist the tide without any suspense. After all, he had read about too many wars in his previous world which had completely unexpected results. He just hoped that it wouldn't be the case this time.

While Orion continued observing while attracting as little attention as possible, the preparations continued. The four commanders had taken charge of their respective divisions.

Eliza commanded the northeastern border, which would directly face the incoming tide. She had as many as 40 thousand Pokemon Trainers under her command!

The remaining three commanders were from the Gym as well, one of them being Cedric! Each of them had 20 thousand Pokemon Trainers under their command. One was placed exactly opposite Eliza and was responsible for nearly 40% of the border.

The remaining two, despite being located quite far from Eliza, acted as he flanks, ensuring that her division wouldn't get flanked from the North or the East. They would also be responsible for dealing with the tide that would disperse in their direction.

The Psychic Trainers from the Gym were divided among these four commanders. They formed a special unit in each division. With their ability to freely Teleport and use Telepathy, they were the core of each division. It was why all four commanders were from the Gym even though there were other strong trainers in the City.

In a couple of days, the entire Saffron City Army was deployed in proper positions. Having a rough idea of the incoming Pokemons, the army was deployed in a manner that would combat the tide in the most effective manner.

In order to slow down the tide, Intermediate Trainers who specialized in Ground, Rock and Steel types were put at the forefront. These Pokemons were better at fighting at a close range as compared to other types. For the same reason, Trainers who specialized in Fighting types were also deployed at the very front.

Along with these four types, Trainers who specialized in Fire and Ice were also placed at the forefront! The reason for doing so was that the majority of the Pokemon Tide was made of Grass and Bug type Pokemons. Ice type attacks are also super effective on Ground type Pokemons and hence would also be used against Ground types that weren't hiding underground.

Behind them were Pokemon Trainers who specialized in the types that were good at mid-range combat and could provide excellent support. They were Trainers who specialized in Grass, Poison, Bug, Water and Dark types.

The rear guard was made of Trainers who specialized in Electric, Flying and Normal types. However, of those three types, only the Normal type Trainers were the actual rear guard. They would be responsible for plugging any gaps that open up in the defence.

Electric Type Trainers were kept in the rear because Thunder could strike from a long distance. They would be very effective against the Flying Type Pokemons in the tide.

The Flying type Trainers served a similar role. They would be responsible for ensuring that the army doesn't get attacked from the skies while also ensuring that no Pokemons fly into the city.

As for the Trainers who specialized in Ghost, Dragon and Fairy types, they were just too low in number. All were kept in reserves and would be dispatched where they could help the most.

The Psychic Trainers who were at Advanced and Elite tier were all under the direct command of the four Commanders. The ones who were only at the Intermediate tier were deployed evenly throughout the army.

Even though Orion roamed through the city, observing as much as he could, he couldn't get the above information. What he did see was that several soldiers were reading the same books that were given out by Silph Co. In fact, normal trainers were reading the same book as well. He managed to get his hands on one book as well since they had been distributing them quite liberally.

He was surprised to see that they contained details of the Pokemon species that were expected to be in the tide. While the information was quite generic, the book had done a good job summarizing everything and properly mentioning the attacks those Pokemons would know, their types, what they are weak against and if they had any weak spots on their bodies that could be exploited. The guide would be very useful for Trainers to win their battles more efficiently while taking as little damage as possible.

Inside the city, the remaining Pokemon Trainers over the age of 15 had been divided into groups depending on their tier and speciality. Each group was led by a couple of Officers from the Army who would ensure discipline among their ranks and ensure quick and accurate mobilization when they would be required. Orion saw this process properly over a few days.

Work was happening outside the city as well. Unfortunately, Orion couldn't see it. Unlike the normal times, the border was already sealed by the army. There was no way of walking in and out of the city. While he could teleport with his Kadabra, there were several Psychic Pokemons keeping an eye out for spatial fluctuations that Teleportation would cause.

So, he didn't check what was happening outside the city, where the Dojo, Silph Co., Police force and a few thousand trainers from the army were working. They dug up several layers of trenches and buried deadly traps in them. These trenches and traps were aimed at Pokemons who moved on the ground. It would help slow down the tide as several Pokemons would inevitably fall in the trenches.

Another measure was taken to achieve the same result. Several kilometres of land around the city was covered in Spikes and Toxic Spikes. These would not only slow down the tide but also damage hundreds of thousands of Pokemons.

They had also dug several long tunnels underground and filled the tunnels with water. This was done to combat the Ground type Pokemons who would attempt to enter the city from underground. Ground type Pokemons generally hated water and stayed away from it. So, the water would force most Ground type Pokemons to come up on the surface, which would allow the Ice type Pokemons to easily target them.

While Orion couldn't see these preparations, what he could see clearly were the drills that the Flying type Trainers were conducting in the skies outside the city. However, what attracted his attention the most was something else. It caused shock to appear on his face!


A/N : If you want to, you can support me on Pat reon.

Link - www.pat reon.com/demigod9

(No space)

Pat reon has 15 additional chapters right now.

Thank you Nav and Unknown for supporting me on Pat reon.