
chapter 11: Tournament

The Tournament that the Captain told us about consisted of three rounds the first being a Double battle with your partner was drawn by lots. The Second round was a game of capture the flag which like the first round was drawn by lots. The losing half of both rounds entered the losing bracket where they could earn a chance to fight in the third round. Which was a simple SIngle battle which would you guess being a drawn lot of who's against who.

The rules were simple to understand except for the Second round being capture the flag which knowing Team Rocket could be anything. Richard wanted to go straight to His room and strategize on what kind of tricks Team Rocket was intending on pulling. "Now for the rewards!"

Captain brought out a table with a red cloth over it where once revealed three eggs of different varieties. They numbered three in all. On the right of the three eggs was a pure white egg resembling snow with a blue circular line across the front and back of it. On the far left was a pure Teal like color with brownish golden spheres on each corner of the egg. And in the middle like the one on the right it was white but not as pure as the snowish color the Right egg had and unlike the other two eggs it only had one color.

These Eggs took Richard's attention and instantly knew that they were Pokemon eggs and felt like He struck gold cause if He had won he'd have another ace up on His team. After analyzing the eggs with a serious Pensive look Richard made His choice on which egg He'd take if He won.

Just as Richard's enthusiasm on what type of Pokemon He could get the Captain mainly focussed on three Cadet's reactions during His explanation of rules and rounds and paid close attention to Cadet 56,19, and His so far favorite Cadet 7. In the rule and round explanation He didn't get anything from Cadet 7 until the Pokemon Eggs were revealed. Cadet 56 and 19 were interested in the rules, but lost interest in the Pokemon Eggs the exact opposite of Cadet 7.

The Captain placed the velvet cloth back on top of the Eggs and then had a guard take it away. Once the Eggs were out of the Lobby the Captain instead of snapping His fingers touched the blue screen and suddenly all the Cadet numbers began flying around the screen like a familiar small golden orb with wings.

[First Round

56 & 43 V.S. 23 & 12

19 & 27 V.S. 18 & 37

7 & 6 V.S. 10 & 8]

This first round went on but Richard stopped staring at the list until He saw His name well number and thought 'I guess I'm with 6 a number right before me who would guess that.' Once this thought passed a small girl tapped Richard's shoulder revealing a girl with blue hair and eyes and the little girl asked "Are you number 7?" The little girl asked Richard, was alarmed at her size and stuttered "Y-yes."

The little girl smiled and extended Her hand introducing Herself "I'm Cadet 6 it's nice to meet you." Richard kindly reinstated Himself and also extended His hand "Hello I'm Cadet 7 yet you already knew that. It's a pleasure to meet you." After introductions the Captain wanted to continue but was interrupted by a Cadet asking "W-Where those Pokemon Eggs?"

The Captain wasn't happy with the interruption but still spoke to answer the Cadets question "Yes." With that simple worded answer all the Cadets except Richard were surprised that The Captain was nice enough to give a Pokemon Egg to the winner and that started the Cadets to chat with each other Cadet 6 wasn't an exception. "Wow if I win I can get a Pokemon Egg and be its mother."

Cadet 6 was ecstatic and that surprised Richard not that She wouldn't be excited to get a Pokemon, but the connection between a Pokemon and Motherhood stood out to Him. Richard asked "If you don't mind answering how old are you?" Cadet 6 didn't hold back and said "oh I'm eleven this year you?"

Several thoughts went out into Richard's head mainly with this half pint being a year older than Him and then answered with His head down. "I'm ten." Richard felt like He had lost some dignity with His mental age being in the thirties while His physical body was that of a ten year old. But Cadet 6 didn't let that bother Him and tapped His shoulder on Her tippy toes and said "Well lets win shall we." Richard brought His head back up and smiled "Let's."

"Alright." The Captain drew their attention back towards Him since they were losing focus and then spoke out again. "The first match will be held in ten minutes. All who aren't participating follow the guards to the stands while the next round contestants will wait in the waiting rooms for their match." All the Cadets gave their attention back to the Captain and understood their orders.

The guards took Richard and Cadet 6 to the stands with the other Cadets who all sat next to their partners not to strategize, but just to sit next to them. Richard on the other hand asked Cadet 6 what Her Pokemon was and She hesitated to do so and Richard changed the question to "Can your pokemon fly?" Cadet 6 was confused by the question yet shook Her head no. Richard then barraged Her head with questions based on Cadet 6's Pokemon until it was their turn to wait in the waiting room.

The first round was simple 56 carried 43 with Her Pokemon Ditto a Pokemon made out of something similar to chewing gum and had black dotted eyes. Ditto also had the ability to copy any Pokemons appearance and could possibly copy a move. Ditto used said ability and copied the form of Crabrawler with all its moves which 56 used to Her advantage using it. It astounded Richard on 56's battle awareness with Her Ditto and couldn't help but feel impressed especially by the end of the match where She corrected 43 in calling Crabrawler Crabby which made His day.

The next round was 27 and 19 who to no surprise won the match 27 used Kecleon's Camouflage to hide away and sneak attack while 19's Pokemon Spoink a black pig with a spring for a tail which it balances on and a purple orb on its head fought in the front with Psychic type moves like Confusion and Psybeam. Against their opponents who had a well balanced party didn't know how to fight together. Unlike them 27 and 19 fought with both Richard and 56 earning experience in fighting in groups which gave them their advantage.

Shortly after the final move by Kecleon's scratch onto the enemy's Tepig. The Speaker spoke out "Both Pokemon are unable to battle the winners are Cadets 19 and 27. Please return your Pokemon and return to the stands after healing your Pokemon at the waiting room. Next contestants please leave the waiting room and enter your assigned areas to prepare."

"I guess it's time." Richard looked at Cadet 6 who smiled at His statement and skipped outside the waiting room towards their area of the battle arena. "Oh God please be with me."