
Chapter 10: Training

After eating the Pasta for lunch Richard decided to walk back to the Lobby to see what He could do. Richard had arrived an hour before the meeting time with 27 was scheduled so Richard went to the track. Seeing the familiar huge Donut of a track reminded Richard of something He did in college but couldn't remember what exactly He just knew it involved serious running to the point of filling a pool with His sweat.

After reminiscing about the past Richard threw Shuppet's Pokeball in the air causing a Popping sound to form releasing Shuppet from its Pokeball. 'Yawn' Shuppet yawned from having taken a nap after eating the Pasta which filled Her tummy and after waking up She looked at Richard and instantly knew She was training.

"Here." Richard brought Shuppet to an equipment shed right next to the track after opening the door revealed a bunch of weights and other forms of fitness equipment to exercise with. "I want you to lift these weights with Psychic as much as you can. Can you do that?" 'Of course.'

Shuppet easily agreed to Richards request and used Psychic to pick up a barbell with 75 pounds on each side with the already 45 pound bar which the weights stay on. All together forming a total of 195 pounds. Shuppet began Her Psychic training which challenged Her very much with the weight being brought up and down with Psychic.

While Shuppet's training was lifting Richard's training was fashioned for a light built around His legs running miles around the track while after every three laps would take a ten minute water break and then move to 15 pound single weight which He could hold in one arm.

After about what felt like ten minutes it was already time to meet up with 27. But Richard wasn't paying attention to the time and continued training. The only time Richard realized His mistake was when 27 was right besides Him running on the track with Kecleon on His shoulder.

After figuring out what time it was Richard apologized to 27 for being late and asked "So what'd you want to talk about?" 27 looked at Richard who grabbed a weight and started lifting it up and down. 27 pointed at that and said "I want you to help me train like you did on the island, but I want Kecleon also to train so we both can get better."

Richard didn't mind wanting to help but wanted to know why because based on His decisions could determine their future relationship be it friend or foes. :I want to get better and live my life." 27's response was neither good nor bad but Richard decided to train with 27 to monitor Him to see if he'd be an ally or not in the future.

For Kecleon His training was simple: it was to lift weights with His tongue and arms. While 27 simply trained with Richard doing what He was doing before 27 arrived. About after twenty minutes both Kecleon and 27 were sweating buckets like how Richard used to.

Richard was finishing His lap only to run into 27 and Kecleon on the ground sweating and panting. Richard left them there and gave them His water bottle which they both gulped down as they were finishing Bis water bottle Richard called out to Shuppet and She came out. And sat on His shoulder. 'Ding Dong' the bell rang quite literally and then shifted to an announcement. "All Cadets report back to your rooms and prepare for dinner." With the ending of that message Richard didn't want to waste any time and get on team Rocket's bad side and left 27 to go to His room with Shuppet in its Pokeball so others couldn't see His Pokemon and create strategies against Her.

Once back at the matted floor and queen sized bed the nightstand again had a different type of food. It was a steak medium rare tenderloin which made both Richard and Shuppet mouth water with saliva wanting to eat it which once did their mouths were filled with flavors. Richard didn't notice but next to the steak was a drink of water which He drank with a big gulp and then sat on the bed falling asleep on the queen's bed with Shuppet passing out as His head had hit the pillows.

The next day came by in a flash and an alarm which woke both Shuppet and Richard up with a loud blaring. Which took little part in them waking up because they trained their bodies to wake up early while they were on Cadmus. After waking up Richard walked out of His room towards the Lobby and opened a book on the Hoenn region pokemon which provided a picture of Hoenn, its native Pokemon, and data on the Pokemon.

Richard was on page thirty nine titled Seedot the acorn pokemon it is most native in the Hoenn region due to the heat of the summer seasons. There were other pieces of information on Seedot but not as much information as Richard already knew so He decided that the books would be used only if the Pokemon He was in question to learn wasn't registered in His own mental pokedex.

"Cadet 7." Richard looked to His right seeing Captain and instantly stood up and said "sir." Captain didn't show it, but was impressed at How Cadet 7 showed respect towards him. Even though He didn't. "Report to the couches while the other Cadets are to be sent in here." Richard did as He was asked and sat down and waited where shortly after all the other Cadets arrived and sat on the couches waiting for the Captains explanation but before He did He snapped His fingers and the lights turned off and the blue screen appeared again.

[Assignment 2: Battle Tournament.

Each Cadet will be placed into a bracket and have single Pokemon Battles whose goal is to reach the top.]

The words ended there and Captain began speaking "As you just read a Pokemon tournament will be held and the top winners will receive a prize. The tournament will take place tomorrow so I suggest you use today to train." After the declaration of the Tournament the Captain left after turning the lights back on leaving the Cadet to think and chose highest priority of stopping and Richard was among those rankings and rated the weakest because they knew Richard or at least the past Richard who could hardly do anything but not any more. Which these Cadets didn't know. Because they were focussed on the simple yet effective lesson team Rocket had taught them. 'Might Makes Right.'