
Pokémon, I became Charmander

In a forest under a giant tree sleeps a dragonlike creature. The creature had an orange body with a cream-coloured underside, and on top of its slender tail a fire was burning, but weirdly this flame did not hurt it. 'Yawn' A yawn was heard, as this strange dragonlike creature woke up. Staring with its light-blue-eyes at the sky, the creature sighed and said tirely: „Cha Cha mander (Sun, just go away, I'm sleeping)“ Closing its eyes again, it falls asleep.

Iruma_kun99 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Chapter 9: Zubats Attack

-Unknown forest-

As the rain began to die down, a ray of light shined through the dark clouds, brightening the forest once more.

Thousands of pokemon could be seen leaving their habitat, but there was one that was so lazy, or maybe just sleepy, anyway, he did not even get up. That pokemon was Charmander.

Sleeping soundly in a dark cave was little Charmander. But he won't be sleeping for long, as a few invited guests snuck in during the night and were ready to take over this cave of his.


A yawn was heard as Eren woke up from his sleep. Waking up, the first thing that attacked him was the horrible stench of Rattata's corpse.

(Urrg) Covering his nose with one arm, he quickly lets out an ember towards the dead fire in front of him, brightening up the cave.

When the cave was lit, what he saw was at least tens of Zubats, all around him hanging down from the cave.

Seeing these Zubats, he couldn't help but curse at his bad luck. "Char charma (Damn it, not again)"

[Pokemon: Zubats (40)]

Health points: 21/21-26/26

Level: 8-9

Nature: Serious

Type: Poison, Flying

Danger: Deadly]

Looking at their stats, he was instantly horrified, because even with an infinite amount of Oran Berries, he would never be able to get out of this alive, as there were too many of them.

As he was scared for his life, the Zubats, on the other hand, were angry when they saw the light the fire emitted. Looking furiously at Chamander, they let out a cry and swarmed towards him.

Seeing the incoming Zubats, Eren felt overwhelmed but still did not flee. Growling towards them to reduce their attacks, he lets out an Ember. Fire spewed out of his mouth towards them, but it was quickly dodged by the majority of Zubats.

[Ding, deals 9 damage]

[Ding, deals 6 damage]

[Additional burn damage]

[Ding, deals 8 damage]

[Ding, deals 9 damage]

[Ding, deals 10 damage]

[Additional burn damage]


As the prompts started ringing in his ear, Eren felt a headache heading towards his brain. "Char char..ma.n Arhh, damn it!! system, turn off the bloody prompts.)

When the sound of the prompts was finally turned off, what met him head on was a wave of Zubats.

Having lost concentration, he was not prepared at all and was engulfed by them.

[Ding, Received 10 damage]

[Current Health Points: 21/31]

[1 Oran Berry used +10 Hp]

[Current Health Points: 31/31]

[Ding, Received 13 damage]

[Current Health Points: 18/31]

[2 Oran Berry used +13 Hp]

[Current Health Points: 31/31]

[Ding, Received 9 damage]

[Current Health Points: 22/31]

[1 Oran Berry used +9 Hp]

[Current Health Points: 31/31]


Blood spewed out of his body as he screamed in pain. Endless torture met him each time a Zubat sunk its teeth into his body.

As he endured these waves of attacks, another prompt appeared that looked different from the rest, but even if he could see it, it wouldn't make a difference, as the prompt only spelled doom for him.

[Ding, Received 13 damage]

[Ding, Received poisoned status: -2 Hp/2 sec]

[2 Oran Berries used +13 Hp]

[Current Health Points: 31/31]

The pain of the Zubats poison was far worse than any bite he had ever received in his entire life. It was an excruciating pain that affected Eren's whole body.

Lying on the ground with a deadly face as he got attacked by the swarm of Zubats, Eren fell into a long row of good memories as sadness filled his heart.

While Eren was lost in his memories, another system prompt appeared, but due to the system prompts being disabled, he could not see it.

[Ding, Congratulations host for receiving Rayquaza's divine blessing and obtaining.....
