
Chapter 2: Begining

Where am I?

Staring before at the sky it was all grey and raining, but now everything is white. Ceiling, floor, walls...there wasn't exactly walls but looked like it. The place I was before is not the same as now.

Looking around, trying to discover where exactly "this" was only one thing was certain, my clothes were wet, this was all real.

Sound of footsteps, something was walking and gradually getting faster and closer from my location.

As normal human nature I ran, to the opposite direction of course, because that thing would get me, it would reach me, it will do something if it catches me.

I ran, as far as I could, but the thing did too, but from that, I only heard my heavy breathing and loud heartbeat. Another footstep and the white place turned black, and together with that, loud screams and shrikes and the footsteps. That thing was still running at my direction, trying to reach me, I was certain, because if that wasn't the motive, why would it run at my direction?

The scenario was just disturbing. Not only the screams and footsteps continued loudly, my thoughts were loud as well.

Suddenly, the wall I thought I saw finally reached me and I slammed my face against it. There's no escape, it would reach me. The footsteps were now just some meters way and as the creature got closer, the screams got louder and louder, what were they suffering from that screamed so much? Was this hell?

Breathless, drenched in sweat, I give myself to the floor, only thought was that this was not real. Between the scream and shrieks, a human voice got clearer and louder gradually.

It was saying something, what was it saying?

"wake up"

sorry for delay

ADeadFlowercreators' thoughts