
Chapter 1: Two hours slept


It was five thirty in the morning, the convinience store attendant wakes up, tired of the late night shift and works was starting again, he might have slept two hours that day. But he couldn't not go, he had the rent piled up, a empty fridge and a stock of bills in the drawer in the main room. He dresses the red, yellow and white uniform, take a look at his brother sleeping, soundly, and off to work he goes. He hadn't good "morning" habits.

The subway was cramped as always, everybody in there smelled awfully, he probably did too, he hadn't had a nice bath in awhile.

--Next stop, A Station. The woman in the sound box warned, this was his stop. Going up the stairs, the greyness of the big city blinds his eyes. It was a cloudy day, it might rain, he didn't have an umbrella.

He enters the convinience store and goes straight to the paying desk, the janitor hadn't arrived yet, and his first client was just entering.

The job was tiresome, he ate nothing for lunch again. The shift ended at 7 p.m. that day, he was exhausted, dizzy, hungry and sleepy, would he black out? Who would take care of his brother?

A thunder and it starts raining.

"Just my luck."

He stares up in the sky, the water droplets falls on his face, he was getting soaked.

A blink, and everything disappeared. A white room was the scenario instead.

a warning, the story will be told in different points of view, between narrator, main character and side characters

ADeadFlowercreators' thoughts