
Chapter Twelve

 Several days had passed since Luna had spoken to the Alpha and beta. She sat there wondering if they where just gonna leave her as a prisoner. Luna looked outside a brown and black with yellow eyes male wolf named Thorn. He's was nice and even talked a little to her. She stood up and stretched, she felt restless since yesterday. She needed to get out and go for a run or even walk but they wouldn't allow it her do to the Alpha orders. Luna heard another wolf walk up and start talking to Thorn. She recognized the voice it was the voice of Rowan. "Luna come out of the den. Axel would like to see you in his den." Rowan said. Luna came out and stood before Rowan. "Follow me" he said and Luna followed and Thorn walked behind Luna. The three of them make their way to Axels den, Rowan walks straight in, Luna follows suit and Thorn sits outside. 

 Luna noticed Axel had a really big den and as she looked around she noticed Axel sitting in the back of his den."He looks tired" Luna though to herself. Rowan sits next to Axel and Luna sits in front of both of them. Her heart starts beating fast as she was nervous about what he was gonna say. "I have spoken to the elders. Some of them think you should be put as an omgea. Some disagree and think you should be a warrior. Since they couldn't decide or advise.. I decided to do trials, you will have to go threw four trails and must pass at least three to become a warrior. You fail them then you have no worth and will be an omgea. We are putting your own fate into your paws." Axel tells Luna. 

 "What kind of trials are they?" Luna asked. " The first trial is speed, the second is hunting, the third trial will be fighting skills and the fourth trial is of courage." Axels explains to Luna "I understand the first three but what is a trial of courage?" Luna asked Axel. "You will find out that out when it comes time for it. We will start your trials in two days time." Axel says. "Bring them on I'm sure I'll do good. Also I was wondering if i could be allowed to go for a run even if it's a small one?" Luna asked. Axel looked at Rowan then back at Luna " I don't see why not you as long as you listen to the guard that's with you" Axel says. Rowan stood up and lead Luna out of the den and back to her. "I'll set someone to take you the water hole later this evening" Rowan says. Luna nods her head and walks in to the den and she sees Thorn take his place outside the den once more. 

 A few hours pass and Rose walks up to the den where Luna is at. "Hey Thorn! Rowan wanted me to take Luna for a run." Rose says. She walks in just enough to poke her head in to the den and looks at the white she-wolf who was sitting up on her small make shift bed. "Ready to get out of the den for a little while?" Rose chuckles. "Yes!" Luna says and follows Rose out of the den and camp. They get to the watering hole in no time. "Let's run around the watering hole a few times, but don't try anything like running away you won't like what happens if you do." Rose tells Luna "I have no plans to" Luna responded truthfully. They set out at an even pace around the pond