
Chapter Eleven

Luna waited in the small den, you could tell it could hold one maybe two wolfs if the wolfs where on the smaller side there was only one way in and out . That was where Storm was sitting. She looked outside to try and see some of the other wolfs but it was of no use, because Storm blocked most of the view. She sat there and wonder who Fraya was and what she had to due with this? Maybe it was her mother.. or someone who knew her mother. Then the thought hit her what if she was the second wolf there that night the one who took her away?" Luna sighed and thought " But why would any wolf want to take newborn away from there mothers? Guess only time will tell" 

 Luna heard Storm shift, she quickly looked his way to see him move to the side. Rowan and another wolf who she guessed was the Alpha was there. Rowan sticks his head in to the den and looks Luna in the eyes and says "come out the Alpha wishes to speak to you." Luna quickly stands up and follows Rowan out when she steps out she sees Storm on her left side and a big brown wolf in front of her. Rowan goes and sits next to the Alpha. "You see sir both her back legs are as straight as an arrow" Rowan says to Axel. "Mhmm yes I think I will have to go to the elders with this one. For according to pack law you where casted out due to a deformity but now it doesn't appear you have one. The gods surly did bless you... What is your name?" Axel asked

 "My name is Luna" she said standing tall and proud for she knew her mother wouldn't want her to be afraid of her own kind. "Till the elders and I have decided what to due with you Luna.. you will stay here in this cave as our prisoner" Axel stats. He turns to look at Rowan "Make sure someone is on guard at all time don't need her running off" Axel says. "Yes sir! Storm stay here for now till I send your replacement she shouldn't cause you to much trouble." Rowan replays. "Yes beta, back in the den now" Storm depends. Luna goes back in and sits down watching as Storm takes his place ones again. As she was sitting there her stomach growled, she remembers she hasn't eaten since her mother death a few days ago. "I wonder if they will feed me, but I don't want to ask" she thought to her self. She settles down in some old moss that was in the cave. 

 A few hours later a she-wolf who was bright red and silver eyes approaches the den she drops a small chunk of meat on the ground. "Hey Storm! I've come to replace you" she says "Hey Rose, there's been no trouble out of her. You shouldn't have issues from her either" replies Storm. "Good means I'll have an easy night" she chuckles. Rose picked up the meat from the ground and walked in to the den and drops it in front of Luna. "Here eat this it's deer meat from tonight hunt" Rose says to Luna. Rose then backed out of the den and sat outside just as Storm did. Luna noticed Rose was just a little bit bigger then her. "She must be close to my age or a little older" Luna thought. Luna sniffed the meat in front of her she's had plenty of rabbits squirrels mice and birds but she's never had deer. She wonder what it would taste like and took a bite. It was so much better then the other meats she usually ate. She quickly devoured it.