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The Divine Cock coveted by the goddesses but hated by the gods, falls in the body of a normal transmigrated man who also happened to possess a dull system that will make him stronger with every semen he is able to give. (2 chapters wed and Friday)

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4 Chs

Chapter 4- Wild girl

The next morning Cao Xue decided to sell his pill again when suddenly before he can set his mat he saw a beautiful woman her looks could even rival those of Li Lian she was wearing tight fitting clothing which exposed her snow white breasts. Her long legs was wrapped by a long dress that was hugging her waist tight, her body looked soft and delicate as if it could break if touched lightly.

Cao Xue stared into her eyes he couldn't explain it it wasn't lust it was more Cheng Yun went here today to find the mysterious pill seller when suddenly she noticed Cao Xue who was staring at her with a weird look "Disgusting" She thought, but then he noticed his apperance Cao xue's apperance was very handsome even in her entire lifetime Cao Xue might be the most handsome man she has ever seen. She shook her head to rid of the thoughts and continued searching for the pill. " I really don't understand the fascination women have with these things."

The day passed by she has been looking for the pill seller for hours now , but she hasn't found a single clue. Cao Xue decided not to sell his pill today after seeing her during the morning he approached her and asked her if she wanted to buy his pill.

"Pill, may I see" She asked

"Of course" He gave her the pill to inspect.

After examining his pill she was shocked " This is the one I have been trying to find " She stared at Cao Xue " You don't look like an alchemist is this pill concocted by your master can you bring me to him I promise to give you a huge reward." She said

Cao Xue shook his head " I am the creator."

" YOU!" she said in surprised

" How do you make pill like this?" she asked

" Well I just happen to create them out of boredom" He lied

" You You don't know how important your pill is and what it has done to my disciple." She said

"Disciple ?" Then he suddenly remebered the strange woman who bought his pill yesterday.

" Ding, it must be because of the love potion if a woman ingested the pill they will fall into extreme heat of pleasure until you the owner fuck them. if a guy they loose their manliness."

"FUCK!" Cao xue said

cursing under his breath

" Can you save my disciple !" She asked

" I think so, but the method is weird." Cao Xue said

" Her interest grew

" I will have to fuck her to heal her."

" What did you say !" This time Cheng Yun patience limit was broken

" What are you gonna do?!" Chen yun got angry.

" If you want your friend healed I will have to fuck her."Cao xue said

Cheng Yun sighed "If you are just making things up I will not hessitate to kill you."

Cheng Yun and Cao Xue travelled to the palace.

" Master you have returned." Yi Min said her voice was exhausted from the heat

" I have come to take care of something but then I met someone." Cao Xue arrived " You !" Yi min said suddenly her face turned hot she quickly threw herself to Cao Xue's body pushing him down since Cao Xue was a mere Novice cultivator he wasn't able to fight back.

Cheng Yun left them. Cao Xue cried as Yi Min undressed both of them

yi min undressed her panthies and inserted Cao Xue's cock insider of her pussy and began to move.

She moved fast and hard as she rode him. She also moaned softly Cao Xue moans also grew louder than hers, she grinded her hips faster and harder , Cao Xue held her waist hard staring at her beautiful face he could not resist her beauty and desire he pushed her thighs apart and entered deep inside of her. she let him in completely.

The two lovers were so lost in their passionate act

they didn't notice Cheng Yun was standing there watching them. Cao Xue's massive cock made a big impression on her as it continues to pound Yi Min's pussy harder and harder her moans were getting more frequent as well as her cries becoming louder, eventually she screamed loudly with her vaginal walls clamped around Cao Xue's cock as he came inside Yi Min's belly .

After she was finished climaxing she laid limp against Cao Xue his cum soaked her body. " Fuck." cao xue exclaimed looking at the unconsious Yi Min.

Cheng Yun entered their room and looked at him " Yi Min is my sole disciple and you took her yin you should take responsibility for her." She said.

"Ding ! stats have been updated."

Cao Xue.

Age:18 (Legal)

Cultivation: Connection (Low)

Weapon: The Divine dick.

Cao Xue only nodded and fell unscious.

What he did not know. ! Harem has been added

Li Lian, age 19, (?), Affection 70/100

Yi Min, age 21, (Foundation,peak), Affection 98/100

The next day Cao Xue woke up and he felt two soft breast pressed against his back "You're still asleep, I didn't wake you." Yi Min said

"How are you feeling?" Cao xue said "Better now."She said

"Didn't expect you to recover so soon." Yi Min sat on the bed

"Did you place me back home ?" he asked

Yi min smilled her smile was very beautiful

"I can't believe that I've spent the whole night with you!" she said teasingly

"You were not too bad yourself." He said laughing

" So you finally realized how attractive I am?" she said while winking.

Cao Xue smirked " That too." He said

Yi Min giggled " My master has made you her student you will now be staying with us in this hall and you have been promoted as her disciple so you skipped the outer court and instantly became an inner court disciple." She said . Cao xues mouth twitched 'She thinks too much' He thought, but he didn't complain." I'm sorry about yesterday my body just moved by its own." Yi min blushed

"Don't worry I understood your excitement last night" Cao xue replied.

" It was not like that." Yi min denied

'It surely happened like that, you're just shy" He said teasing her.

" I am not." Yi Min defended

'Then tell me why we're still naked?' he thought

" You !" She pouted

" So you don't want to be naked with me anymore?" he teased

Yi min stood up from the bed and left the room leaving Cao Xue puzzled he got up and walked towards the bathroom when he looked in the mirror and caught his reflection, it wasn't that he didn't mind being seen by others, instead the sight of him without clothes makes him uncomfortable.he looked like an absolute hunk and everyone would definitely notice how goodlooking he was, he always had people who desired him and loved him.

He yawned and noticed that his stats have been updated he is now a cultivator at the connection realm most inner court disciples are foundation realm cultivators he would eventually get there.