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The Divine Cock coveted by the goddesses but hated by the gods, falls in the body of a normal transmigrated man who also happened to possess a dull system that will make him stronger with every semen he is able to give. (2 chapters wed and Friday)

BLNK · Eastern
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Chapter 3- A pill that causes issues

Meanwhile not far away inside the luminous palace, home to the disciples of the Jingxi sect on the inner court a woman dressed

elegantly with black hair, long eyelashes and red lips sat in meditative position after ingesting the pill that she bought her cultivation made a breakthrough. Hours passed by her body was covered with sweat as the effect of the pill was taking over. Finally after another hour passed she opened her eyes and stretched her legs she stood up and turned to face her master.

" Master it's a sucess!" She exclaimed hapilly sitting on her front was her master who was another beautiful woman who was dressed elegantly with long flowing white hair, her eyebrows arched and long lashes and her pale skin. She was also pretty but more reserved. She too was known as the cold fairy in Jingxi sect, she is famous throughout the realm for her fighting prowess at such a young age. " Very good, this pill that you have shown me is marvelous can you tell me were you found the pill." she said softly and calmness was apparent in her voice.

" I am not sure about his identity since he's face was hidden, but he stays in the marketplace to sell the pill and I happen to find him the pill he sold attracted my base." She said suddenly her body felt warm for some reason and she could not stop thinking of a figure who she does not know, but whenever she sees the figure she would blush.

" Why are you blushing ?" her master questioned

" Sorry master it's just..." she was about to say when the door open revealing a middle aged man who came inside, his expression was serious and his hair was tied in a ponytail.

" Alchemist Min has something important to announce all sect elders are required to meet him." He said.

" That old man is he announcing his death." The beautiful master said.

" You !" the man was furious, but he stayed calm after all she was a lot stronger than him.

" master Cheng Yun I will hurry back to bed I will tell you of my progress tomorrow." her disciple said. Cheng yun nodded and she left with the other sect elder to meet with the alchemist.

Inside the main halls the sect master and the elder were discussing with a smile " Are you sure about it a grade 3 pill that is some serious matter." The sect master said.

" Yes I'm certain of it " Alchemist Min said

the other elders were watching from afar " A 3rd tier pill, even the royal family would grow in envy for such a pill after all 3rd tier pills could help a foundation realm peak expert reach the Virtous realm. In the entire lower realm a virtous realm is a powerhouse elders in their sect were all virtous realm experts while their sect master is a being at the nascent soul realm.

" It seems we should investigate this person who sold this pill." The sect master of the Jingxi Sect spoke.

" Yes you're right." the alchemist said

" Now that we've confirmed the pill's quality we need to choose who to hand it to." The sect master said.

" Sect master why don't we hand it to my disciple he is on the verge of reaching the peak of the foundation realm with this pill's help it would allow him to easily reach it maybe even reaching the virtous realm is possible." Alchemist min said

"Yang Bao huh", Indeed Yang Bao is one of the most talented disciples we have we will think about it."

Cheng yun was silently watching when she saw the pill that was being held by alchemist min and smirked. " I think that pill is a fake." She shouted everyone heard her .

Everyone was shocked by the statement " Why do you say so?" Asked the sect master.

" You ! how dare you say this pill is fake I bet you haven't even seen a single tier 3 pill in your entire life." Alchemist min said.

Cheng yun chuckled " Why don't you open the lid it's not like its going to affect the quality?"

Alchemist min hesitated then carefully opened the lid of the bottle, the moment the lid was open he's face turned dark the quality was different from what he initially saw " That swindler he tricked me." Alchemist min said angrily the others started murmuring and talking among themselves. "What is the meaning of this alchemist min" the sect master said

" I will get to the bottom of this I will find that bastard."

Alchemist min spat angrily

" You're not allowed to cause trouble alchemist min!" Cheng yun said with a menacing glare

" What? You're not supposed to order me around Cheng yun." Alchemist min replied

" Enough both of you !" Sect master said " This matter might taint our reputation and if you cause more problems then no amount of money will compensate this damage "

Alchemist Min bowed his head humbly and said with a low voice " I didn't mean to cause such a commotion it was my mistake next time I shall not disturb your seclusion." He turned around and left.

Cheng Yun and Alchemist min had been enemies ever since because both of their disciples were aming for the top spot.

Cheng Yun arrived at her disciple's room when she suddenly hear low moaning sounds " Yi Min!" she entered she saw Yi Min's face was very hot and her body was naked and she seems to be touching herself

Yi Min what are you doing?" Cheng Yun yelled, Yi Min looked at Cheng Yun with her large pupils she seemed embarrassed.

" I can't control myself I can't hold myself."

She quickly approached her and examined her condition . Cheng Yun took a look at her and frowned she felt an intense urge to do something but she resisted she used a spell to put help her sleep. she took the bottle and went to the market place. " Where could you be hiding." She thought she used her cultivation to sense the creator of the pill, but for some reason even her power was not enough to sense the creator. She sighed and went back to her room she will try again tomorrow.