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The Divine Cock coveted by the goddesses but hated by the gods, falls in the body of a normal transmigrated man who also happened to possess a dull system that will make him stronger with every semen he is able to give. (2 chapters wed and Friday)

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4 Chs

Chapter 1- The first woman

The edge earth home to the mortals of the Enigma dominion governed by the strongest gods and goddesses, in this realm humans were the sole race leaving with intellect besides of course the enemy race the demons who have been at war with the gods for millenniums.

In the realm of the edge earth on the largest marketplace of the city Irey sitting on the corner was a young man with a handsome appearance

He had fair skin with black hair falling to his shoulders, he wore black clothes. His ears were pointed and small enough that the only thing that you notice about him is how dark his hair is, however, another thing that other people might miss is how large his dick is even if it wasn't erected it was almost 8 inches long. The man's name is Cao Xue he was just an orphan who happens to transmigrate in this realm he has been living 17 years of his life selling some wares he happens to get from the trash he was very weak also not having any ounce of cultivation in him in a world were cultivation reigns supreme.

" I'm officially 18 years old today." He said while looking through the cart as he saw the goods being sold there. He then went through the cart looking for something to sell to get enough money for food as well as some clothes. " Ding! Divine dick system has been placed." The voice was deep and raspy with a hint of a southern accent when talking " Did you say system did I just get lucky!" Cao Xue exclaimed

He looked at the panel of the system and only a few words were imprinted on it.

Cao Xue.

Age:18 (Legal)

Cultivation: Mortal (0/100)

Weapon: The Divine dick.

" Thats all?" Cao Xue said

disappointedly " There should be more." " Yes, but it doesn't say anything else" the system replied. " This system is your golden luck, your divine dick is very special as it does not only benefit you but your partner as well once you have spread your seed the system will grant you half of your partners current cultivation, and also at the same time the system will grant your partner a bonus that will make them sure to never forget about you, however the user must find a perfect candidate for the system's power can only be used once a day so it would be wise to use it on a cultivator with a very high cultivation."

Cao Xue felt excited now that was a good plan

what could go wrong?

Cao Xue left his wares he would be punished for sure, but the promise of getting stronger was a lot higher so he walked around the marketplace trying to find his first mate.

However, after searching for almost an entire day, he hasn't seen anyone worthwhile.

" It seems that my luck hasn't changed." Cao Xue sighed

Just when he was about to leave there was a noise behind him which caused him to turn his head, he saw a very beautiful woman lying on the ground her body was heavily injured she had a large bleeding cut on one side of her chest but that was not what caught his attention most what made him gasp was the fact that she looked like the fairy from the legends.

Her white long robes were soaked in red with blood, her black hair was matted with dried blood and her green eyes were covered with a layer of blood.

" Who are you?" Cao Xue asked cautiously not wanting to scare away someone that needed medical help

the woman spoke but her voice was hoarse "I'm... I'm..." her eyes started to water " She coughed and the blood came out of her mouth making Cao Xue take a step back " Don't worry I'll heal it up" Cao Xue said " Ding, target has been found cultivator at the peak of the foundation realm."

" Foundation realm !" Cao Xue was shocked because foundation realm cultivator in this realm are mostly outer court disciples of the sects " System is their any way to heal her ?" He asked nervously

System responded quickly " The system is not capable of healing only intercourse, well maybe if you have sex with her the benefits of your seeds will heal her."

" Darnit I thought t, alright lets do it." Cao Xue muttered to himself before he took two steps forward towards the woman. He extended his hand toward the woman and carried her to his abandoned shack where he was able to put her onto the bed the woman was breathing heavy and her cheeks were flushed with fever.

" What kind of man rapes a woman on the first meeting, I bet she will be very mad at me." Cao Xue thought as he slowly undresses the woman . As soon as Cao Xue began to remove her clothes the woman started screaming " No please stop!" She begged tears streaming down her face " Please don't rape me !" She begged she was too weak to protect herself


Cao Xue frowned he knew he shouldn't have touched her but he couldn't stand watching her suffer anymore and the pain on her face told him enough to know that his instincts wouldn't allow him to hurt her but he didn' t want her to die either so he pulled his dick out of his shorts and slowly approached the woman who screamed again " Oh god no please don't do this." She cried

Cao Xue stopped " I can try." he whispered hoping to God this would work or he would die from this woman's power

She stared at him with wide fearful eyes as she heard him whisper

His eyes were closed tightly his teeth were gritted together and his hands were shaking in nervousness

" You are going to kill me." She breathed in terror as she stare at the large erected cock

Cao Xue kept staring at her waiting for her to say anything else he waited and waited but finally he gave up

" I hope it works.." He said with a nervous chuckle as he began to push his penis into her body. Her eyes went huge in shock and she whimpered as he pushed into her.

Activiating system powers. The system's ability: The Divine dick system is activated. The system starts to process a variety of data to analyze a male's sexual characteristics and determine the optimal position to insert the penis so it won't damage the host. The host needs to relax and allow the system to begin its processing process.

" Ahhh." She screamed loudly as Cao Xue began to enter deeper and deeper into her

she was panting hard as her whole body shook and she squeezed her eyes shut trying to focus on the pain rather than the pleasure the sensation was giving her.

He entered deep until he was fully inside her he could feel her wet walls surrounding his penis as it filled her completely. After that last part of him was inserted, she let out a scream of agony as she started crying loudly. Tears fell fast like raindrops on his naked body. He started moving his hips slightly and felt her tighten around him. Soon after she was screaming her whole body trembling and convulsing. His own orgasm hit him as he felt his balls tighten and the flow of semen start to pour down inside her vagina. The moment his seed entered she released her grip on matress, her back arching from the pressure of the cum shooting out her womb.

After a few minutes he pulled out his cock and looked at her

"Are you alright?" He asked concerned

the woman only nodded as her whole body was shaking with exhaustion. Cao Xue got off the bed carefully and walked closer to the woman to check on her wounds and to see if they had reopened, however her wounds have all began healing and she felt something different with her. He did not notice that instead of pain the woman was smilling in shock.

"Ding a 1st sucessful intercourse stats have been updated."

Cao Xue.

Age:18 (Legal)

Cultivation : Novice low stage

Weapon : The Divine dick.

Cultivation in this realm is seperated from Novie < Connection < Foundation < Virtous < Nascent and Incarnation.

" System why is she smiling?" Cao Xue asked confused

The system said " Because you succeeded in mating your partner." Cao Xue was stunned and looked at the woman who was still smiling she seemed happy.

" I guess I am a pretty good man aren't I?" he pondered

The system stayed quiet however it was thinking" Your divine seed gave her benefit that far exceeds your imagination she would not kill you most likely keep you for herself. "

Suddenly the woman sat down " Shit!" Cao Xue shouted in fright " Fuck fuck fuck!!" he started pacing frantically in the room trying to think of a solution for this situation " Fuck shit fuck!!!!!!!!"

" Do you have anything to eat? I am hungry." The woman asked with a beautiful voice

and Cao Xue was instantly enchanted by her. He smiled and turned to look at her. He was suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of guilt, she looked beautiful.

Cao Xue nodded and went to the small kitchen to cook some food he has leftover.

The woman smilled when he saw Cao Xue's leaving figure " Unexpectedly I found myself a treasure."

she said happily

she then stretched her arms over her head and let out a satisfied sigh before looking around

after some time Cao Xue returned with two bowls of noodles and some tea " Is everything ok?" He asked as he sat next to the woman.

"Yes" she said smiling brightly at him

" You know" she started " I can feel that you are special ." She said " even more special than those cultivators who can destroy mountains ." Cao Xue froze and looked at her " How do you mean?"

" I can feel you Qi energy, your energy makes people tremble even though you do nothing to show it off, you are strong and powerful." She said " I can tell that you have something hiding, but I won't trouble you since you saved my life and after all you took my first time."

The woman said with a blush.

Cao Xue was silent for a while .

She chuckled " Don't worry I won't abduct you or pressure you." she handed her hand " I am Li Lian"

Li Lian smiled brightly " My name is Cao Xue." He said taking her hand

"Cao Xue a good name." She said, she ate the noodles that was made for her and afterwards she laid down on the matress and looked at cao xue who was blushing. " Come sleep with me there is no need to be shy you have already taken my first time." She said as she pats the matress " There is no need to be scared."

Cao Xue looked at her and sighed and laid down besides her . She wrapped both her arms around his neck and snuggled against him.

" How did you get injured in the first place ?" Cao Xue asked quietly.

" I.... I don't want to talk about it." She said as her face was buried in his shoulder

" I'm sorry I just don't want to remember what happens now." She said

"Ok I won't make you talk about it then." Cao Xue said still curious.

She did not want to bring Cao Xue any troubles after all those enemies of her were enemies far beyond her cultivation and for Cao Xue it would only bring him death she does not blame Cao Xue for raping her thought weird it actually saved her life so she is instead grateful for his help.

The following day Cao Xue woke up and found a note and a bag with gold Li Lian have left " If faith permits us to see each other again then I will tell you who I really am, thank you for your help Cao Xue."

Cao Xue felt touched as he smiled at the words written on the card and stuffed it safely inside one of the inner pockets of his shirt. He placed the note in his jean's pocket and headed towards the city. " One day we will meet again."