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The Divine Cock coveted by the goddesses but hated by the gods, falls in the body of a normal transmigrated man who also happened to possess a dull system that will make him stronger with every semen he is able to give. (2 chapters wed and Friday)

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Chapter 2- First Pill

He muttered to himself with determination and continued to walk aimlessly looking for work.


It was two weeks after Cao Xue received that message from Li Lian when Cao Xue returned home. He had spent most of the time searching for a new job since his last job quickly kicked him out after he's sudden departure. Now he is back at his usual street corner in front of his house just in time for the sunset as if fate is determined to show him that he is indeed destined for something more than just being a street urchin. The sun was setting behind a tall wall of buildings which created a beautiful shade on the street. He stared up into the golden rays which were slowly disappearing in the horizon when suddenly an idea popped up his mind.

" Why don't I try selling my semen placing them in bottles cultivators might think of them as rich pills?" he asked himself as he pondered the idea. . He laughed at the thought of how easy it might be for him to earn money , but the problem will come with his safety since he is not strong enough to protect himself they might capture him and use him for all kinds of experiments, but he had to risk it.

He went to the marketplace bought a mask,new clothes and bottles to start his plan After he changed, he grabbed a small paper bag and headed back home " System is it possible to make my semen into pills ?" he asked the system.

System displayed a few options which Cao Xue looked through carefully. Most of the options had various ingredients and techniques including some he didn't even know existed " Shit my body is this precious" he thought some pills are locked since he does not posses enought power and resources he looked at the most basic one.

"System how much would it cost to make it?" he asked while trying to remember the price of the first sample he took.

system displayed a list of materials with a number showing how much each one costs.

" I can do it right? " Cao Xue asked himself.

System gave its approval " Of course you can, the system will provide the materials all you have to do is cum inside the bottle the system would do the rest, of course the system will take the material fee and 20% of the price."

" Fuck you stingy." Cao Xue said


" I'm going to go now to begin preparing my concoctions." Cao Xue said while walking away to the nearest bathroom.

As soon as he entered the bathroom Cao Xue looked at the formula he bought with the last remaining gold he have. And holding his penis he started masturbating thinking of the time he had with Li Lian.

He finished a few minutes later Cao Xue put all 9 bottles in the toilet bowl and handed it to the system. When he was done he cleaned his hands and waited for the complete pill. The pills name is Osmiums. It was a pill that was bought with all the gold he had on him the pill is said to help cultivators even at the Foundation realm make breakthrough and for those at the Virtous realm it would help them progress. What Cao Xue did not know was that this pill adds a special love drug which means the cultivators who use this pill will be affectionate to Cao Xue. And it is a very high ranking pill grade 3 only grade 3 alchemist could concoct this if they have the formula but even though their sucess won't be very high.

A grade 3 alchemist is highly sought out in the entire lower realm people like them could be considered to a king.

" Ding ! 9 Osmium pills have been created. " Cao Xue smilled and recieved them he stared at them after all this was all created with his semen. " System is their any storage I can place them in so that they won't be stolen ?."

"You can put it in your system storage free of charge for all items created by the system."

the system said calmly.

" Alright,I'll keep it safe then" he replied.

After putting the pills into his storage he walked towards the marketplace to sell his pills.


When Cao Xue reached the market he saw a lot of cultivators walking around he sat down and placed 1 bottle in front of him and placed the price of 1000 gold he feels this is justified. He also noticed a couple of cultivator who seemed interested in his products. As he watched them he noticed there was an interesting phenomenon happening among them. Everytime one of them looked at the pills in the bottle, they seemed mesmerized and would stare for a while before moving away.

Cao Xue smirked and waited for a buyer. When suddenly an old man wearing robe and a token of a grade 2 alchemist appeared before him since Cao Xue was hiding his apperance the alchemist

The alchemist did not bother to get his full apperance once the alchemist arrived, he inspected the product with a smile Cao Xue could not wait until he made his decision.

Finally the alchemist smiled again at Cao Xue "This is truly impressive young man, such quality I want to buy it for 1000 gold." He said but looking at his face Cao Xue can see that the alchemist want to buy it for a low price hoping to deal the transaction quickly to avoid raising the price. Cao Xue smirked and said with a mocking tone " I changed my mind how about you give me 10,000 gold."

The alchemist seemed taken aback then though for a while " Very well here take it." He smirked after all such a pure quality pill would sell for a higher price in the auction house. Cao Xue smilled and took the pouch of gold but before he gives the pill " System can you make a clone of the pill, I want to give this old geezer a worthless pill."

" Pay 100 gold I will give you a pill identical but worthless." Said the system

" You!., go ahead and take 100 gold." Cao Xue said, suddenly a bottle manifested inside his storage he quickly changed the two and handed the alchemist the identical looking pill. When the alchemist took the bottle he smilled and left.

" Hmm bot bad 9900 gold for one worthless pill." Cao Xue laughed

" Mister do you have any of those pills left ?" Cao Xue heard a voice it came from a woman her face was covered with a veil

", her outfit consisted of blue robes embroidered with golden thread and her sleeves were tied neatly around her waist with a purple sash which held a sword on her side.

" Of course ." He said.

" Then please let me buy these pills from you." She said

She was able to smell the quality of the pill from far away and she felt her body react for some reason the bottleneck she has been having difficulty with suddenly reacted.

Her eyes brightened with excitement, she was finally inching closer to what she wanted.

" Sure you can. " Cao Xue said "1000 gold"

She shook her head 1000 gold was nothing it might even be a big discount for a such a good pill. She took out a pouch from her robes and handed it to Cao Xue. " I'll come back mister if this pill helps me " She said and left.

Once she was far enough from Cao Xue and he couldn't hear anything anymore. He sighed in disappointment and went back to his business. He was sure that the woman was definitely a very powerfull woman after all the sect gave him a notifaction if he could have mated with her his cultivation would have increased for the past 2 weeks he's cultivation hasn't changed he sighed after that transaction he decided to leave.