
Playing On Hard Mode For Fun

People may say I'm crazy and they would be right. because I like my games to be difficult. that's why I choose to play as the most disadvantaged race in the game because I'm not playing for fame or fortune but for fun. but if I can earn some money as I play I will. any why the game in question is a DDVR game called Isekai Invasions and out of all the DDVR games I've played this one is the most difficult even if you don't play as the race I chose. I decided to write this for fun so don't expect high quality. I might change the name later if I think of something better to put there.

Story_Demon · เกม
15 Chs

Tasks form the old farmer

After spending some time on his PC it is now 7:00 pm. He waited for it to be this time so he doesn't have to walk in the dark night of the game.

Logging back on the sun has just risen off in the distance and he now has a full 12 In-game hours to walk and hopefully find a road to lead him to civilization.

He spent the next few days doing the same thing logging in and walking and sometimes getting attacked by birds. Luckily he didn't encounter anything he couldn't handle. All the birds did was annoy him.

But the worst part is he ran out of food even though this is a game he still needs to eat so he had to deal with almost starving to death.

Then on the eighth-day IRL, he discovered the road he was looking for; however, he looked more like a waking corpse as he hadn't eaten anything in-game for 24 days. Luckily he's not playing a human or he would have died by now from dehydration.

All it did was give him some severe debuffs that reduced his stats and made it harder for him to walk.

The good news is he got about +10 to willpower for his suffering which is impressive because willpower is one of the hardest stats to increase through training.

He didn't really care about the direction the road was facing but for those that do care it was facing east, he found it after traveling northeast to continue walking around the forest.

And after following the road for a few days he found himself at a crossroads. It took him 11 days IRL to find this place. Any average person would have given up by now but Dracard was not only a hardcore gamer he was insane as well, and when he decides that he's gonna do something he will do it even if it takes him a while to complete.

But due to the immense stress put on his body and mind over the last few days, he was at his limit and couldn't decide which way he should go and collapsed in the middle of the road.

'Well guess this is where I die luckily when that happens my hunger and thirst will be reset.' he thought as he baked in the hot sun.

'Hopefully, when I respawn I will be near the road.' That was his last thought before he passed out.


Hearing the message ding he found himself he the death void

"Oh so it wasn't an instant death." he said to himself

Looking around he sees a timer floating next to the message


"From the looks of it, I have to wait here for twelve hours just to die. You gotta be kidding me, just kill me already!" he complained as you can't die when logged out.

"Guess i'll just sleep" he got over it quickly and decided it was best to pass the time by taking a long nap.



After napping for a few in-game hours he looks at the time


"UUUUUUUUGH welp I'm gonna go do something else for a little bit." he said in annoyance.

Logging off he decided to check the game forms to see if there are any events coming up soon.

After searching online for a bit he found that they will be adding a tower to the game in a few months. This tower is a continuous event called the Tower of Eternity. It has many different floors the higher you go the more difficult it becomes. And that's all the info they gave the players that were of any use in preparation for it.

"Hmm *yawn* sounds like fun but I don't think I can make it in time for the start of it."

After reading what he wanted he stretched and got up to go for a walk and get something to eat.

"As he was walking to a nearby convenience store he looked up into the sky and started as it was getting dark out.

'Hmm, I really need to manage my time better.' He thought as he entered the store to buy some food.



After getting home he ate the food and then logged back in to wait out the rest of the hours.


"Ugh really wish that went down while I was logged out."



After waiting for what seems like forever


Wake up? {Yes} {No}]

"Hm?" He was woken up from his sleep by the message ding

"Oh, I was saved?"

"And here I thought I was gonna turn into a mummy"

Shortly after reading the message he focused on yes and left the death Void.

Waking up he still felt frail but better than before.

Looking around the room he briefly sees a small person running out of the room and then hears some commotion from outside the room then a moment later a beautiful young-looking woman enters the room.

The beautiful woman stands roughly 5'' 4' tall or about 1.65 meters tall with a slum but strong-looking build. She has long brown hair and bright green eyes with a mole just under her right eye and a cute round-shaped face, she has tan skin and is wearing a simple brown dress,

And has a large but modest-looking chest size for those who want to know.

"It's good to see that you're awake but I didn't expect you to wake up so soon." she said with a smile on her face

Just after she said that an old man walked in with an angry look on his face

"I see he's awake now so get him out of here." said the angry old man.

"We can't do that Grandpa, he just woke up.

"It's fine all we need to do is kill him and he can be on his way."

"GRANDPA! You can't say such mean things."

"What's the problem? He's clearly a player, death means nothing to them."

"So what, you can't just go around killing players just because they can't die, it will leave a bad impression on Sera."

"Hmf Fine but the moment he does something inappropriate he's getting thrown out just like those last ones." the old man left in a huff

During that whole conversation, Dracard was only half paying attention as he was looking at a system notification


you will respawn in the town square after you die.]

"Sorry about him, he's been like that since before you players showed up." she said with a light laugh.

"It..ok," Dracard said, finding it hard to talk.

"Well, I say that but after an incident with some other players, he's gotten more hostile toward your kind."

As she was taking she heard Dracard's stomach growl

"Ah You must be hungry I'll be right back" and with that, she left the room but on her way out there was a cute little girl hidden behind the door Peking in.

*stare~* she just stood there menacingly.

'Why does this child seem so hostile.' he thought as he was getting a death glare from the kid.

Suddenly after the kid gathered up all her courage she walked into the door frame and Yelled at Dracard. "You better stay away from Big Sis or I'm gonna beat you up. " she declared with her tiny fists raised then she left the room in a hurry.

'Wes that supposed to be so cute? No wait she was probably trying to be intimidating' He thought as he sat there in the bed

A few minutes later the beautiful woman from before entered the room with a blow of soup.

"Here eat this, it'll help you get your strength back." she said with a lovely smile.

As he was weakly sitting up to eat the soup she panicked a little

"Ah! you shouldn't move around so much in your current condition, here let me help you." she said as she helped Dracard sit up and eat the soup.

As she helped him Dracard unintentionally felt her assets touch his arm.

Because of that he couldn't help but think. 'dame only if she were real.'

Remember kids dating NPCs is cringe.

After he finished the soup she left with the bowl and said. "Just take it easy until you get better and if you need anything just ask me ok. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Edith. Have a good night.

'Well looks like I owe these people. I wonder how I could repay them.'

The next day in the game Dracards condition was now at about 48% and he could move and talk somewhat normally now. If you've forgotten Dracard is half demon so his recovery time is much better than any human even with only eating a little and resting for a night.

Stretching a bit and then walking out of the simple room into the hallway to the left was a window and to the right were stairs and a door on the opposite side were two more doors. Then he was noticed by the old man who was about to go downstairs.

The old man looks at Dracard for a second and seems to have decided on something and says. "Well since you're up early either get out or get to work I won't tolerate freeloaders that can walk. Here do these chores and if you mess up you get kicked out." with that said a System task window appeared.


{Task: The old Farmer that doesn't like freeloaders

The old farmer wants you to work for as long as you stay here and complete the given jobs daily to earn your keep.


Let the Chircisks out: 0/1

Check the coupe for Eggs: 0/?

Feed and water the Chircisks: 0/1

Clean the Chircisk coupe: 0/1

Check to see if Edith needs any help: 0/1


Reword: getting to stay another day.

Food included.} ]

"Um, wouldn't the others here already be doing this?" Dracard asked

"No, I already talked to them about it yesterday and we start early and then get breakfast so hurry up and check on the Chircisks already before I kick you out." he said with a little annoyance in his voice.

"Ok, ok, I'll do it. I kinda owe you guys anyway" he said as he started walking toward the stairs.

Going downstairs he was in a nice-looking entryway to his right was a dining room and to the left was a living room. At the entryway were Edith and Sera.

"Oh, you're up already." she said as Sera quickly hid behind her.

"Yea he is and he's gonna take care of the Chircisks for us today" the old man said as he descended the stairs

"Really? Thanks for the help, those Girls are kind of a handful so be careful ok." she said with a smile.

Sera was just hiding behind her sister staring at Dracard *stare~*

"Also, are you sure you are healthy enough to work outside? You can rest more if you want." she said with a concerned tone

"I'll be fine and if I don't, he will kick me out." Dracard said, pointing to the old man.

"*Gasp* Grandpa, you can threaten sick people, what if he gets worse!" she said, scolding her grandpa with an angry but cute look on her face.

"Hmf, You may not know this but Half-demons like him can recover quickly he'll be at 100% by tomorrow." the old man said as he left through the front door.

"Hmm, sorry about him. But if you're not feeling up for it today be sure to let me know and you can continue resting. Ok?"

Nodding his head she and her sister left.

'Well, it's not like I have anything else to do yet anyway.' Dracard thought to himself as he followed behind them.

The next few chapters are gonna be skipping a lot of time because not much will happen in them.

Have a good day.

Story_Demoncreators' thoughts