
Play with a mad scientist!

Japan in the second half of the twenty-first century. There was this urban legend. A place called the Yukioka Research Institute, located in Gikkoucho, Anraku City, Tokyo. It is said that if you undergo a remodeling operation by a mad scientist there, you will gain power in the supernatural realm. However, in return for gaining power, it is necessary to become a mad scientist\'s test subject, so there is the risk of failing and losing one\'s life, or being turned into a monster. Those who need power clinging to straws, those who simply admire supernatural powers and want to peek into a new world out of curiosity. It just so happens that a suicidal person is in a desperate state--with various thoughts hidden in their hearts, test bench applicants visit Yukioka Research Institute today as well.

DaoistQFVZeF · สมัยใหม่
57 Chs

play with allies of justice -prologue

After the war between the United States and China that broke out twenty years ago, the power of the underworld increased in Japan in the latter half of the 21st century. Every crime has become a business and has become the cornerstone of the nation's industry.

The general society came to be distinguished by the name "front street" and the underworld "back street", and a structure was created in which the existence of the underworld was semi-accepted as a pillar supporting Japanese industry.

At the age of 15, Amano Yumio set foot in the back alley.

When Yumio entered the third year of junior high school, he was spotted by three delinquents in his class and became the target of bullying.

His parents don't care about his son's troubles and just yell at him to go to school. Both teachers and classmates pretend not to see.

Unable to rely on anyone, the bow man almost despaired of life itself, but because he still had the stubbornness to take his own life, he took a certain action.

In Anraku City, where Yumio lives, there is a famous urban legend called the Yukioka Institute.

I see that name especially often on the internet. There, there is a mad scientist named Junko Yukioka, who is famous even in the back alleys.

Suicidal desires, debt repayment, revenge, aiming for a one-shot turnaround in life, yearning for unrealistic fantasies, and other reasons for various reasons such as those who are at a standstill and those who desire power visit. However, because it is a by-product that can only be worn as a result of a successful experiment, it is said that if the experiment fails, a tragic end, including death, awaits.

When she first heard the rumor, she thought it was just a rumor. However, this year, there was a sensational announcement that the existence of spirits, the afterlife, and reincarnation were scientifically proven. Yumio began to feel the truth even in this unrealistic rumor.

Yumio visits the Yukioka Research Institute, relying on rumors, gaining power by chance and thinking of revenge against the delinquents who bullied him. To gain the power to kill those who bully him with the perfect crime.

He considered killing the people he was bullying and committing suicide, but if he had the power to kill the person who was bullying him with a perfect crime, there would be no need to commit suicide.

Yumio had both a desperate feeling and a calculating thought that even if he failed anyway, it would only be a substitute for suicide at that time.

When I searched on the internet, I immediately found the Yukioka Research Institute website. It was written that applicants for experimentation should contact me by email, so when I sent it as instructed, I immediately received a reply specifying the date, time and place.

Feeling inexplicably excited, Yumio headed to the first basement floor of a department store called Kando Building, located in the downtown area of Kikkicho, Anraku City, at the designated date and time.

Suspecting that it might be an elaborate prank, I visited the target place while swaying between expectations and doubts. As a result, the truthfulness of the rumors has increased dramatically, and I feel excited.

"You're Amano Yumio. You can come in. I'll be waiting for you in the thirteenth laboratory.』

Just as I approached the automatic door, I heard a lively female voice over the intercom. The bow man stepped inside while being conscious of his heartbeat.

In the underground laboratory, the passage with white walls extends endlessly, turning two degrees on the way. There were several doors at regular intervals along the way, and I quickly found the designated door.

"Come in"


Knocking brings back both a booming voice that is pleasing to his ears and a terrifying shriek. Yumio's tension increased, but he made up his mind and opened the door.

"Hi, nice to meet you"

When I opened the door, a girl around the same age as Yumio greeted me with a smile.

She is a beautiful girl with short brown hair, long eyes, and a petty face reminiscent of a cat. She wore a t-shirt and shorts with a bloody print on the skull, and a white coat with a long hem. was.

At first glance, she was an impressive beautiful girl, but Yumio's gaze shifted from the girl to the grotesque who was restrained on her bed and continued to bark.

The dark blue-skinned giant with bubble-like swellings all over his body roared in agony and shook his head, the only one that could move freely. She had no hair on her head, her bloodshot eyes and blue liquid continued to flow from the corners of her mouth, and she looked at the bow man with a terrifying expression that made me feel like she was dying.

"I'm the rumored mad scientist Junko Yukioka. Nice to meet you."

On the other hand, the girl greeted her with her carefree smile. Yumio was puzzled and surprised to learn that the rumored mad scientist was actually a pretty girl who looked about the same age as him.

"Ah, this is the suicidal girl who came earlier. She said she would do anything as long as she let me die, so she cooperated with the experiment."

Pointing at the man who kept screaming on the bed, Junko explained with a smile.

Yumio recalled the news that earlier this year, the number of suicides around the world was increasing due to the fact that reincarnation was scientifically proven and publicized around the world, with the idea of betting on the afterlife.

"Suicide isn't good. It's a waste to waste your precious life like that. People who wish to commit suicide are precious, but you can't commit suicide! Absolutely! I wish all the people in the world who wanted to commit suicide would come to me. Hey, it's a life that you don't need anyway, so I'll use it as a test subject and make effective use of it.I wonder if someone can make a device for summoning suicide applicants."

Junko smiled and explained her selfish reasoning. Yumio was convinced that she looked like a cute girl on the outside, but inside she was a mad scientist, just as rumored on the internet.

She also found out that the rumors were true when she saw someone who was really being modified.

"Well... I don't want to die if possible.

please. I will do my best to meet your needs."

Junko smiled as if to reassure Yumio.

"Then… I want the power to take revenge. I'd like to have a supernatural power or something so that it doesn't have to happen.Yes.It feels like a contradiction.I don't know if I want to live or die.Moreover, it's selfish.It's convenient. Or rather, ahahaha...」

He expresses his request with an embarrassed look. I didn't believe in the existence of supernatural powers until just a few days ago, and I can't help but be embarrassed to say that I want them.

"No, I understand. There are many people with such desires, so it's not strange at all."

Junko doesn't deny Yumio's words and follows her with a gentle smile on her face.

"Then I'll have you become a test subject right away. If you're unlucky, you'll die, or even if you don't die, you'll end up with a disability, or you'll end up looking like a monster, but if that happens, I'm sorry."

Junko's grinning and terrifying remarks were more surreal and unreal than before, but Yumio knew she wasn't threatening or lying.

After that, Yumio is made to drink a dubious drug by Junko, has a cord attached to her head, and is made to sleep on her bed. Feeling anxious and excited, Yumi fell into a deep sleep.

how long did he sleep I think he slept for a long time.

As soon as he woke up, Junko called out to him with a joyful voice.

"Well, I was lucky. I guess I had the aptitude to begin with, but it seems that I was able to acquire quite an amazing power."

"There is nothing wrong with my body." No, I don't think so. For the time being, it seems that the experiment failed and he didn't die.

"But from my point of view, the results of the research were not good enough. It seems that a lot depends on it."

For some reason, Junko was dissatisfied, but for Yumi, she was a satisfying result, and she was filled with relief and exhilaration as she was able to obtain the power she wanted. .

That was ten years ago.


The archer with a self-deprecating smile.

"I've been prepared for the possibility of dying as a test subject for you. Yes.


"We've finally arrived. Hmm, it's a nice place with lots of greenery. I want to live in a hospital like this when I'm old. I'm immortal though."

A blouse with an inverted cross embroidered on her right chest, a necktie with small skulls facing the front lined up vertically, black shorts, and a white coat with a long hem, an eccentric looking girl. said as he got off the bus.

The streets are lined with trees, flowerbeds are placed between the sidewalks and the roadway, and the hospital grounds directly opposite the bus station are also lush with trees and bushes.

"Was it necessary for me to come just to meet with the client?  I don't think Yukioka would be inconvenient alone."

The boy, who got off the bus after the girl, asked in an uninformed tone.

He is about thirteen or four years old. At first glance, he looks like a junior high school student on his way home from club activities because he is wearing a school uniform. He is small and slender, and when placed side by side he is clearly shorter than the girl. Does she feel like she's a little younger than the girl? It's not an exaggeration to say that she was a beautiful girl, but she was a white-haired handsome boy who was not inferior to her at all.

"Hmm, I don't think there's a job like this. But, I think it's better for you to take a look at Shin-kun as a spice for the game we're about to start. It's better to be with you like this."

Girl in White - Junko Yukioka turned her crimson face to the boy and told him happily.

"I wonder how it will spice things up.

The boy called Shin murmured with an expressionless face and started walking after Junko.

The two enter the hospital.

"If you're dressed like that, you'll look like someone from the hospital from behind, and it's confusing."

"Hmm, I thought so too, but this is what's under the white coat."

"That's why it's complicated. It's extra because you look like a child."

Even while walking around the hospital and conversing with each other, Makoto remained expressionless the whole time and spoke in a matter-of-fact manner. Junko, on the other hand, is always smiling and she always speaks in a clear voice.

She opens the door to the desired hospital room. She was genuinely expressionless when she saw the patients there, but she wasn't completely emotionless either.

A fully bandaged woman lying on her back in bed. You can see red eczema on her skin that can be seen between her bandages. Drooling from her mouth, her whole body is convulsing little by little.

The cause of the patient's painful appearance was not due to an unfortunate illness. It is an artificial result of malice and betrayal. Both Junko and Makoto know that. Because she knows, Makoto can't help but feel her anger and sympathy.

"Kiichi…I became serious for the first time in my life…But…why…"

She looked up into her space with hollow, bloodshot eyes, and the woman groaned hoarsely.

"It's rare for me to go out and confirm the contract, but it can't be helped because the circumstances are like this."

Junko peered into the patient's woman with a smile on her face. The patient woman realizes who the girl who looked into her is.

"Please... my body... heal... When this heals, I'm sure... Kiichi is also about me... I... want him to turn around... again... to him... I want you to fall in love with me...I want to do it all over again..."

In her stuttering tone, with all her emotions, the woman appeals to her desires.

(Even though she was put through that kind of thing by the guy she was dating, she said she cured it...)

Hearing the patient's pleas, Makoto felt unbearable.

(Yukioka, what are you planning to do?  Because it's about this guy, you can't just take his word for it and just cure it, right?)

She and Junko knew about her situation, and after considering it properly, I honestly expected her to do something good, but I couldn't predict what she would do.

"I will use your life as I please and use it as a test subject for my research. Is that okay?"

"That's fine... If I get cured and see Kiichi again... if we can be together again... together forever... and then... gefoah!"

After her pleading, the woman coughed up blood, and the spasms throughout her body went from minor to violent, until she stopped moving, as if her thread had snapped.

"That's right. I wish you'd contacted me sooner. Sorry, sorry."

Sprinkling her vomited blood on her own face, looking down at the dead woman with her anguished expression, Junko speaks with her carefree smile on her face. There is no trace of mourning over her death.

However, Makoto noticed that her crimson eyes were not smiling.

"Looks like fun"

Makoto called out.

Contrary to her sarcastic words, Makoto sees through Junko's feelings. On the surface, it's the same as usual, but inside her heart, it's different.

She accepted her wish when her life was on the verge of burning out, and now, at this moment, she must have come up with something. How she doesn't waste her dying thoughts.

"Yeah, when I was thinking about various plans for the future, I got excited. I'm sure this will be fun. No, it's gotta be fun."

Turning to Makoto, Junko spoke with a genuinely happy smile, taking out several metal instruments from inside her white coat and starting to attach them to the head of her female corpse.

"Including the justification of avenging her regrets, it might get exciting. As a rule, I can use people I consider as enemies as test subjects for my research, so I combine it with that. Well, let's do this and that... Well, if it goes well, it might turn out to be a moving one. It's just a matter of dancing the way I want."

Listening to Junko's words, Makoto understood what her reason for Junko to go with her was - the spice.

I guess she wanted to show herself the miserable state of women today. She knows that women don't live long. If she had died before she came, she wouldn't have known what she was thinking, but whether she was lucky or not, Shin and Junko were able to see her end. done.

"It took a lot of time and effort, but as a way of punishing the organization, I was moving forward with a plan to bring in the mouse that I had been interested in for a long time. I think I did."

As she speaks things only she knows, Junko uses a device attached to her head to cut off her skull.

"The arm trafficking organization that remodeled the virus you made without permission and sold it, and the mouse related to it—that revolutionary?"

She never actually met him, but one person's name really came to mind. He's a world-famous celebrity and a great figure who will definitely go down in history.

"Yeah. With his personality and behavior pattern so far, he might come to Japan to destroy that organization."

Opening her skull and looking down at her exposed brain, Junko affirmed her true words.

That was a month ago.