
Play with a mad scientist!

Japan in the second half of the twenty-first century. There was this urban legend. A place called the Yukioka Research Institute, located in Gikkoucho, Anraku City, Tokyo. It is said that if you undergo a remodeling operation by a mad scientist there, you will gain power in the supernatural realm. However, in return for gaining power, it is necessary to become a mad scientist\'s test subject, so there is the risk of failing and losing one\'s life, or being turned into a monster. Those who need power clinging to straws, those who simply admire supernatural powers and want to peek into a new world out of curiosity. It just so happens that a suicidal person is in a desperate state--with various thoughts hidden in their hearts, test bench applicants visit Yukioka Research Institute today as well.

DaoistQFVZeF · Urban
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57 Chs

play in the back streets final!

Mike Leonard, one of the top executives of the formalin-soaked president of a large organization, is murdered by Junko Yukioka, a mad scientist known as one of the living legends of the back alleys.

This alone is enough to attract attention in the back alleys, but in addition, Junko Yukioka schemes to sell a boy named Akira Kumozuka as a promising rookie, enters Leonard's corpse, and Akira and Leonard fight. and make it look like they are losing, and broadcast the situation live on the internet.

However, the incident in which Junko emerged from Leonard's corpse while the cameras were still rolling became a hot topic and quickly became known throughout the back streets as a rarity.

At first, it started off with ridicule, but as the number of views of the video increased, gradually different reactions began to emerge.

``But, isn't that Yukioka going out of his way to support and promote his reputation as a pretty strong man? 』

"is able to say. It might be a rookie who has a lot of expectations.』

"The number of stylistic writings has increased."

"No matter how much ability you have, it doesn't lead to fame. I need some kind of publicity to sell it. Especially in this world』

"Many of the guys known in the back alleys have undergone human experimentation by Junko Yukioka, and that alone has become a name value. Power is guaranteed. It's the Yukioka brand in a different sense.』

"This video of the end result of an advertising failure that can only be thought of as a gag can also be considered a method to attract attention. It looks like something Yukioka would do."

"I see. Did you deliberately set it on fire? After calculating all

"No, no matter how you look at it, it's just a failure, yes. You guys are reading too much into it.』

『Either way, you succeeded in attracting attention. He suddenly became a celebrity in the underworld. Set aside whether you want to make a request or not』

"Since Junko Yukioka seems to be holding her back, I can trust her with just that. I'm going to try and hire him next time.』

"I'll try to hire you at home..."

Junko herself was writing on the bulletin board as she read through the many posts on the topic that were posted on the bulletin board that only the residents of the back street could see.

"Fuu... No matter how many times I try to pretend to post multiple entries while changing the ID one by one, I think it's a really futile task."

"After all, your positive opinion is your job."

Even in the middle of her lunch, Makoto, who was sitting across from her table, continued to write with her left hand holding the ramen in her mouth and her right hand picking the keys projected into the air. Say it in your usual calm tone.

Makoto, like Junko, was also eating ramen. Next to him is Kasane Shizukuno, a handsome boy with blond hair and blue eyes who wears Jinbei.

"It's not all about me. I'm writing about one-third at most. Heck, if you're feeling responsible too, please help me out a little."

"That's enough at one-third of the time. No, it's too much. Also, I'm not a creature with a mean genome like you, so I'm not as good at that kind of thing as you are, and I don't want to do it."

"What is that despicable genome..."

"It's okay to follow up on them. I even gave them extra souvenirs."

Makoto drank up the ramen soup in the middle of speaking.

"The rest is up to them. It's not good to overindulge. Even you said you shouldn't be overprotective, so why are you encouraging me so excessively?"

"Well, this time I was a bit underwhelmed….I mean, Shin-kun. It's fine."

Makoto didn't reply to Junko's words. Although he was embarrassed to have seen through her true feelings, Makoto himself also remembered that he was who he is now thanks to the help of the girl in front of her.


A month later――A corner of the industrial area in Anraku City.

In a place lined with disused warehouses, the sound of dry gunfire echoes incessantly.

"I wonder if it's a bit tight this time. Hahaha."

Akira hides behind a building and shows a bright smile that doesn't fit the occasion.

It was a job that interfered with the illegal drug trade, but both sides of the trading organization colluded and turned against each other, and the situation was outnumbered and dangerous.

"Isn't the information leaked out?  In the first place, the requester was a member of the organization, and by ruining the deal, he was aiming for the downfall of his superiors."

Toya next to me said with a stern expression. She carries a long bag on her back.

"Who is leaking information and for what purpose?"

"There are many things to think about, such as the client's aides actually being familiar with the superiors. If so, we are clowns."

"That's why I told you not to take part in such dirty work."

"Even though I wanted to make a little money and fame, it was Akira who gave up in the end.

"No, because the nuances of dirty work are different."

While arguing, Touya sensed the presence of a large number of enemies approaching, and became aware of the bag she was carrying.

"Rin-san, please come again."

"Well, in the end it depends on me. When I look at you guys, I feel nervous all the time, so I can use it from the beginning.』

A woman's voice that sounded like an echo echoed from inside the bag.

Before long, the men who are chasing Toya and the others appear. Some are adults, and some are minors who are the same age as Toya and others or slightly older. All have guns in their hands. That number, fifteen.

A space gate is opened that is large enough for one person to pass through.

Beyond the flat gate, you can see the building where Toya and Akira are hiding from the direction the enemy came from, and the back of the enemy running towards you.

Akira grinned and fired his gun at the backs of the men on the other side of the space gate.

A surprise attack from behind quickly knocked several people down. By the time they turned around, the gates of space had already closed.

"I'm behind you!"

"When did you get caught! Some people go over there!"

Under the illusion that the enemy is behind them, the men disperse.

"Can I have another service?"

A mechanical voice resounded again, but this time it was that of a man. The space gate that opened in front of the two of them was above the men this time. Then Akira fires more guns at them.

"You're being targeted from the roof!"

"Shit! Did you get caught in a trap! They're all over the place!"

Seeing the confused men shooting at the warehouse roof, Akira smiled.

"It seems that the number has decreased considerably, so go to Toya."

"Yes yes"

Following Akira's instructions, Toya jumps out from behind the building and attacks the men.

Akira supported Toya with gunfire from behind. There were several shots at Touya, but he managed to avoid them even though it was dangerous, and continued to approach the men.

The men collapsed under Toya's unarmed swords and kicks. Akira's gun took out the rest.

"The rest should be done with the dispersed guys."

Akira came out from behind the warehouse while reloading the bullets.

"If you thought that it would be fine just to get in the way of the transaction, it would turn out to be a mopping-up battle.

Toya pointed at the bag she was carrying with her thumb.

"Even though I'm helping you, there's no such thing as saying that. On top of that, how do you handle this…』

Along with the voice, a life-size hologram appears in front of Toya and Akira.

This is Rin Kishibe, dressed in black and recreating a cross pendant with snakes entwined in it. Although it is still only her brain, eyes, and spinal cord, it has a function to produce the voices of two people, Rin and Hiroji Machida, and a device that can be visualized only for Rin.

"I want my body as soon as possible. When you return to normal, I will force you to become my apprentices and train you to perfection.』

In the video, Rin puts her hands on her hips and glares at Toya and Akira.

"Hmph, when I saw the dangerous you when you just fell into the back alley, I thought many times that I wanted a body too."

"History repeats itself. Now I understand Machida-san's feelings at that time."

Rin sighs at Machida, who only speaks, and thinks that her role is the opposite of usual.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll have Aizawa-senpai teach me, so it's fine."

Akira muttered secretly.

"More importantly, Junko doesn't really regenerate my body. When will she be back

Talk about it.』

"Recently, I was able to get a lot of test benches from some organization, so they seem to be crazy about playing there."

Toya answered Rin's mutter. Although it's convenient in an emergency, it's troublesome to carry Rin on your back every time you go to work.

"It's convenient, so I wonder if it's useful for us with the brain as it is."

"If you say that, I'll stop helping you."

Rin smiles at Akira's joking remarks and erases the image of her.

"Now then, we've reduced the number of enemies considerably, so let's clean up the rest."

Glancing at the countless corpses lying on the ground, Akira readied his gun with a gleeful expression.

Toya suddenly thought. From my point of view just a month ago, the scene I'm seeing now would be seen as an anomaly itself. But for me now, this has become a matter of course.

She doesn't regret falling into a strange world. No inexperienced. She once hesitated and decided to break up with Akira and return to a normal life.

Toya will continue to live in this world, even if she suffers the same fate as the corpse lying in front of her. In order to continue having a good time with Akira.

1 Let's play in the back street End