
Pirate World: Reborn

Despite a sad childhood, Jiro was always kind to others and always the first one to fight for bullied people. Without understanding how he died, he was given a choice as to what world he wanted to live and he answered "a world like One Piece where there are Pirates and Pirate Kings". Except the gods don't have any idea what One Piece is and he was thrown into a chaotic world where pirates rule and millions of people suffer. Will he become a righteous pirate or will he deviate to stand against them?

Nobunaga_Hiroe · แฟนตาซี
57 Chs

Chapter 4: Mystical Abilities

Six years have passed since Bennet's birth. He had come to understand that mystical arts held power in this world, and these arts were far different from the devil fruits he had hoped for.He had learned about Augmenter, Nature Arts, Divine or Spiritual, and Dark Arts - all intricate paths that provided people with various abilities, including combat skills.

On this day, Bennet was brimming with anticipation as he prepared to receive his divine blessing, unlocking his mystical art.

To his surprise, he learned that his father, Albert, was known for his warrior skills, having been a fierce fighter in his earlier years.

Even though Albert didn't divulge too much about his past, Bennet understood that his father had participated in battles and conflicts before.

His mother, Martha, on the other hand, had been a practitioner of divine arts, dedicated to Astraea, the "Star-Maiden."

As Bennet prepared for this momentous occasion, he couldn't help but think about his unique circumstances.

"Perhaps this mystical art will give me the power I need to navigate this world," he pondered.

As the preparations were made, Albert's excitement was palpable. He hoped Bennet would be an Augmenter like himself, so he could train his son in the ways of a warrior.

"Father, you've been training me in sword fighting since I was 2 years old," Bennet sighed, realizing he was more skilled than children twice his age.

"Nonsense, I only taught you the basics of swordsmanship. It's time to move on to the next level, the way of the warrior!" his father declared.

"I want to become a pirate like Uncle Orion," Bennet replied.

Orion, a rising pirate captain, led the "Silver Blade" pirates, who protected the Naigard region, including "Minkwood town" where Bennet was born. Bennet had the opportunity to meet Orion about four times a year, as Albert was the main contact for selling the pirates' loot. It was clear that there was a rich history between Albert and Orion.

To Bennet, Orion was like the Shanks of this world—still in his twenties but already leading three ships with a crew totaling three hundred sixteen pirates.

"Stop with the nonsense, child. I hate those bastards," Albert's expression turned serious and his gaze hardened as he looked towards the sea.

"Albert, your son is only six years old. Don't take his words too seriously," Martha interjected, adjusting Bennet's clothing.

Bennet waited, hoping for an explanation from his father, but Albert simply walked away without saying anything.

"Why is father angry at the pirates? I thought he and Uncle Orion were friends," Bennet inquired.

"There are things that are too complicated for kids. Let's just say that your father is only friendly towards them to keep us safe," his mother replied with a reassuring smile.

"Look, the divine priest has arrived!" his mother exclaimed, pointing towards the approaching carriage.

The attendants swiftly opened the gates and lined up by the entrance to welcome the arriving guest. An elf emerged from the carriage, an elderly figure whose appearance indicated that he was likely at least four hundred years old.

"Your Holiness, we're deeply grateful that you've honored our request," Albert greeted with a respectful bow, extending a warm welcome to the elderly elf.

"Ho~ho! Albert, I've been eagerly anticipating this day. Where is your son?" the elf asked with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Here is my son, his name is Bennet," Albert introduced.

"My, my, you possess quite an intense gaze, young man. It's as if you are older than your years," the elf commented as he affectionately patted Bennet's head.

"Right? I've noticed that Bennet has displayed maturity beyond his age since he was a baby," Albert chimed in proudly.

"Well then, let's not waste any more time. Let's proceed with the blessing!" the priest interjected.

"I'll lead the way; please follow me, Your Holiness," Albert said, gesturing for the elf to follow him into the house.

As they walked into the house, the elderly elf lightly tapped Bennet on the shoulder and whispered, "What's your name?"

"Oh no, I think this old man might be senile," he mused to himself.

"Albert, your Holiness," Bennet replied, his words slightly stumbling.

"No, I meant your name before you died," the elder winked at him, his eyes twinkling with an uncanny knowingness.

Bennet's heart skipped, he felt as if he had been caught off guard, and he was left wondering, "How does he know?"

"What, you think you're the only reincarnation in this world?" the elder asked.

"There are others?" Bennet asked in amazement, his voice revealing his surprise.

"Of course, there are many gods and minor deities, so it follows that there are numerous souls like yours. However, your parents shouldn't know about this," the elf explained.

"Interesting. In my previous life, I was named Jiro," Bennet revealed.

"Ah, a Japanese soul," the old man smiled, his expression knowing, before continuing forward, leaving Bennet in a state of shock and contemplation.

"Here we are, Your Holiness. We can start the ritual here," Albert said, gesturing to the designated area.

"Perfect. Well, young Bennet, please take a seat. I will begin the blessing," the elder elf said with a cheerful chuckle, indicating for Bennet to sit down.