
The Hospital

'The Rising...'

Daffodil City...

The Elite Prison...

A large black building stood several miles away from the city. It was nearly blank and barren expect for a large Silver Raven on the front of it. This prison also worked as a Guild Hall for the Silver Ravens conveniently... Although it wasn't their main Guild Hall nor their best Guild Hall. This Guild Hall held some of the worst Silver Raven members.

Perhaps that was the reason they were all so weird and strange?

Within a small dark cell a figure could be seen standing. His arms were chained to the back of the wall and his head was bowed down.

The man was not a human. He was Drake-Walker, dragons in the shape of man, said to hail from the first Dragon, the Black Beast King Arthur slayed. He had silver scales and resembled a man like dragon. His teeth were twisted, and he had a pair of powerful horns poking out of his head. The only thing he had on him was a pair of dusty and torn brown pants, and a single cloth tied around his neck.

A cloth with an orange bird on it...

Khinn felt his mouth twist into a smile as he looked up. "Ahh." He said in an amused voice. "Looks like things will be getting interesting soon. It's about time... It was starting to get really cramped in here you know. I'm glad I'll be leaving soon."

"What the hell are you talking about!" A guard yelled out from in front of the cell. "You ain't getting out of there. Some of the citizens of this town were frightened of you monster, so we're leaving you in there until, that Guild Master of yours comes to get you them self. So what makes you think you can get out when you please? What's with that nasty smile beast."

"Oh it's nothing." Khinn laughed. "Nothing you normal guards will need to worry about. Trust me..." He smirked.


The blue aura ate away at Davi's shoulder who was unable to swing his sword due to how close Alion was to him.

"Ahh! N... Now!" Davi yelled.

"What are you babbling on about now-"

"Time Magic! Time Eclipse!" A grey bubble fired out of Oliver's staff hitting the man's sword. Everyone stared as the blade rapidly aged and broke away into dust. As soon as the sword broke away Athena fired forward lighting covering her body.

"Lightning Magic Beast King Kick!" She yelled jumping as she shot forward and turned her body slamming her feet into the guys jaw as a massive explosion of lightning fired off.

Alion spun through the air as Davi switched his blade to its second form and slashed it out sending out a wave of explosions which slammed into the man exploding him up even higher.

"All three of you are cheaters!"

"Ahh!" Oliver yelled dropping his staff and grabbing his head. "I just attacked a fellow Arcane Knight! What have I done?"

"Ahh relax." Athena laughed. "Alion isn't gonna tell anyone he lost to us. He's an idiot anyways. Honestly, you'd probably get a pat on the back for helping shut him up. God, I hate that guy. Right, Davi. Davi?"

Oliver looked up seeing Davi who had a strange look on his face. "Davi?"

"Hey you know I don't feel so good-" Davi spat out a small glob of blood as he rubbed his shoulder wound. "Oh... I'm dying." He said calmly as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed face first into the ground.



Sometime after Davi saved Leena...

"Hey Athena!" Davi yelled kicking a door down.

"What, what, what?" Athena asked looking around with wide eyes. She had been passed out asleep in an old shake when Davi had suddenly kicked the door down and came in. "Davi? What are you doing here?" It had been months since Davi left. The two of them had gone on their own both trying to join Guilds. Neither of them have had very much luck... "Also how did you find me?"

"Not important."

"I disagree but okay..."

"Listen." Davi said give a smirk. "A lot of stuff has happened... I got invited to join a Guild."

"What! Which one?"

Davi smirked placing his hands on his hips as he smiled. He stared down at his friend as she cocked her head at him showing a curiosity on her face. "It's called..."


Present Day, in the Silver Ravens Guild Base at Daffodil City...

"And then those freaking asshole threw me into the air and blew me up!" A still smoking Alion yelled to several people in the room. All of them wore the same exact outfit all complete with the same symbol of a Silver Raven. In front of Alion was a small blue screen showing off the fight he had been in with Davi, Athena, and Oliver. It showed off how badly he had gotten beat being blown up by the kids and attacked on all sides by all three of them.

There was a total of three of them, four if you counted Alion. Each of them also wore various helmets that all had a horn on it. One had a single horn. Another had two horns. And the last who was by far the biggest had a total of three horns, on his helmet.

"Alion calm yourself." The man with three horns said letting out a quiet yawn. "Now... You mentioned that one of the boys had a changing sword-"

"Davi!" Alion nodded practically yelling the name. "His name is Davi Hawker. His weapon can change and stuff. He's a cheater!"

"Yes, Davi..." He said clearly not recognizing the name. "Hmm. That's certainly an interesting fact I need to look into..." He slowly stood up. "Eins."

"Yes sir!" The Arcane Knight with one Horn announced. He bowed slightly as he awaited his order.

"I want you to retrieve that magic sword. Power like that must not be in the hands of scum like them, if it is what I think it is... Zwei!"

"Yes Sir!" The knight with two horns announced standing up now.

"You're with me. I hear the 'other one, the girl' is running around. We'll need to deal with her to. That magic of hers. To think there are wizards like that just running away. Now that I think about it that boy Davi Hawker. He went to one of our other Guild bases and tried to join but was turned down. Now he wants to join Phoenix Flight... If that happens it could be very bad..."

"What about me sir!" Alion asked hopefully.

"I have no need of a fool who lost to them twice in a row. If you really want to be useful go watch the Vice-Captain of Phoenix Flight we locked away? That filthy non human, the Drake-Walker."

"Vice... Captain?" Alion frowned. "Wait... We took a Vice-Captain of a Guild?"

"Who cares. It was a Drake-Walker." The knight with three horns laughed. "He's lucky we didn't kill him on the spot, like the monster he is."

"I... I guess..." Alion muttered not feeling very noble anymore.

"Now then." The Lead Arcane Knight turned to his two other knights. "It's time. Three Horn Formation!"


The Hospital in Daffodil City...

Within a small white hospital somewhere in Daffodil City, a bed could be seen with the bandaged up body of Davi Hawker. The teen was unconscious not moving as he breathed in heavily. He suffered from several wounds, as well as from exhaustion, and magical exhaustion. He had been hit with a fire ball, fought Alion in combat, used several high level spells, powered the red lion they rode on for nearly a week with just his raw mana, received several high level burn curses, and then fought Alion once more where he was hit with several spells. All of this within the span of less than a week.

It was a miracle that Hawker was still breathing.

Oliver squeezed his hand on the bed as he winced slightly staring at Davi's body.

They had managed to arrive at the city of Daffodil after Davi passed out. Daffodil was surprisingly small which shocked Oliver, and Athena. It was also where some of the lesser members of Silver Ravens stayed apparently. Or at least their Guild symbol was everywhere here...

Athena had wandered off somewhere taking Davi's stuff with her in a hurry. Apparently she was going to head to the Silver Ravens Guild and hire them for a mission to try and heal Davi.

Davi himself was still unconscious and laid in the hospital bed not moving.

"You can't die you, idiot..." Oliver hissed slightly. "You're joining the Guild with me right... So hurry up and wake up you asshole..."

"So Mr. Walker." A voice said making Oliver jump. "What exactly did this to him?" Oliver turned around and let out a sigh of relief when he saw it was just the doctor.

"Umm... Magic?" Oliver shrugged not really knowing what else to say. "Uhh, do you guys have any healers here?" He asked. "I figured you'd be able to heal all his damage with just a bit of healing magic right? Get him back on his feet in no time."

"Well... I'm afraid his problems are a lot worse than we all thought." The doctor said letting out a sigh. "I mean. Physically his wounds are fine. But it's like he's been blasted with a hundred curses?"

Oliver flashed back to Davi drawing the sword. All that golden flame that washed over him. Honestly, it was a miracle he survived that.

"So is that the only kind of problem? Just the curses?" Oliver asked as he seemed to consider something staring down at the small black wolf he had.

"Those seem to be the only problem." The doctor said. "Most of the physical injuries are healing. He still took a beating though. I'm honestly surprised he was still breathing at all."

"I see..." Oliver nodded his head for a moment. "So these curses are still on him?"

"For the most part yeah. I don't know what that kids done but his arm is loaded with curses of weakness slowing him down, and stopping his body from being able to recover at a correct speed, as well as draining most of his mana and power. This curse is rare, I haven't seen it in a while. The person who gave it to him clearly wanted him to suffer. These kinds of Magic are often forbidden and used in getting information out of someone. The pain he must have been in before he blacked out must have been insane. Usually it goes away quickly but he has so many on him. It's as if hundreds were cast on him at once."

"Right..." Oliver nodded as thought back to the light show that happened when Davi drew the sword. He must have been hit with all of them at once. "Well. I think Davi was right when he called that woman a... I'm not gonna say that word." He shook his head as he set Jakey the Devil-Beast on the bed and nudged it slightly. "Still though. If it's just the curses that are the issue I might be able to help. Or at least Jakey will."

"What?" The Doctor frowned as he watched the Devil-Beast walk up to Davi. It opened its jaws and bit down on his shoulder. Not enough to break the skin but enough to make the unconscious boy groan. "Ahh I see. A Devil-Beast can eat certain types of Dark Magic, much like how a Dragon, can eat Elemental Magic."

"Yeah." Oliver nodded. "Hopefully Jakey can eat the curses."

"That's quite the strange beast you got there..." A low growl said from somewhere in the room. Oliver's eyes went wide as he looked around.

"Who's there-"

There was a flicker of Light as a Knight with one horn suddenly appeared.

"Eins at your service." The Knight said bringing a short sword up which he pointed at Oliver. "Bending Light..."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RainyLiquid2020creators' thoughts